MEGATHREAD 2018-2019 Store Modernization Megathread

[OPINION] How do you feel about these changes?

  • I like them.

  • I dislike them.

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I would guess in my district roughly 65-70% of the really good/decent Veteran TMs that we’re all cross trained and knew the processes (ETLs, TLs, TMs) with 5+ years experience have left in the last 6 months.

Leaders were specifically instructed to push out any TMs that resisted modernization. Crappy schedules, constantly changing expectations, coaching for everything no matter how small and severe reduction in hours 35+ to 8-12.

These people have been replaced with 18-20 year old kids (no offense) who for many is their first job. They are getting roughly 12-16 hours a week and almost 0 training.

I’m not totally sure but I remember hearing from someone (can’t remember who) and it could be a rumor but Corporate was planning on a 70% turnover rate with modernization.

It’s a recipe for disaster
And with low unemployment, the hiring rate is even worse. We minors and college kids can only work so much with school. It's super hard getting those adults who will work flexible schedules.
And with low unemployment, the hiring rate is even worse. We minors and college kids can only work so much with school. It's super hard getting those adults who will work flexible schedules.

No kidding. Parents are having lots of trouble with Target. Some of the first to quit from "the old team" at my store were working mothers of young kids that absolutely could not work mids
then it starts messing with my service and engagement's workload and surprise, now GM is backup cashiering because the three cashiers we needed right now were cut to make up for payroll being overspent on the salesfloor.
Congrats, you are starting to realize that there needs to be a fine balance of payroll throughout the store. GM/Logistics is the backbone and biggest work center that can affect payroll, sales and guest loyalty in a store. To little and everything falls off the rails, processes fail leading to more ineffecinies, leading to more people needed to clean up the mess. To many people, they become complacent, inefficient and money wasters. You are seeing the affects of not having enough and it affects everyone in the store. Target IMO is losing so much money because they can't fork out a little bit more to make more money.
Congrats, you are starting to realize that there needs to be a fine balance of payroll throughout the store. GM/Logistics is the backbone and biggest work center that can affect payroll, sales and guest loyalty in a store. To little and everything falls off the rails, processes fail leading to more ineffecinies, leading to more people needed to clean up the mess. To many people, they become complacent, inefficient and money wasters. You are seeing the affects of not having enough and it affects everyone in the store. Target IMO is losing so much money because they can't fork out a little bit more to make more money.

my workcenter works fine when we get the payroll that is actually allocated to us in the scheduling dashboard each week. my team shouldn’t be penalized and expected to cut because GM can’t make it work. whether or not the GM process works is irrelevant; i wholeheartedly disagree with them trying to make it work at the expense of my team. which makes me a terrible leader, according to some here.
You posted that you will make the Starbucks TM be backup because you do them the favor of covering their breaks. Backup was never meant to be the primary solution to staffing problems. Be a leader and find ways of working within your resources, and keep backup as it's meant, a stop gap for the occasional heavy rush. Other stores don't hold sales floor on the register for ridiculous amounts of time; chances are you could too but you just don't want to.
my workcenter works fine when we get the payroll that is actually allocated to us in the scheduling dashboard each week. my team shouldn’t be penalized and expected to cut because GM can’t make it work. whether or not the GM process works is irrelevant; i wholeheartedly disagree with them trying to make it work at the expense of my team. which makes me a terrible leader, according to some here.

Again logistics no matter what fancy names target wants to slap on it is the very most important thing. It is the basis of every other process. There is nothing that can happen with out that truck unload nothing. Log eats hours from other places because they are not scheduled properly. E2E/Store Modernization has failed, is failing and will continue to fail. The front end suffers because the logistics process is so far beyond Corp comprehension that they just let it rot.

when target understands that they need a dedicated Logistics team scheduled properly the the front of the house can run smoothly. But none of this will happen because we are managed by a group of incompetent Kool-Aid drinkers.

the people at the store level are not at fault. Corp has failed us and the cashiers blame the back of the house. Blame the true evil. Target HQ and the spineless people who say nothing while we suffer.
let's go back and see what JJ actually said. i'm bringing out the fucking receipts:

i posted that the Starbucks team will backup cashier like anyone else when they have the coverage to do so and the Starbucks business can support losing a barista for 15 minutes. i do that with the support of the Food Service TL and the ETL-Food Sales.

there wouldn't be staffing problems if GM would stick to their allocated payroll. it's not my job to make GM processes work. it's not my job to sacrifice my payroll to make GM processes work. it's my job to support the guest experience by maintaining a team of guest advocates who focus on the guest. it's weird how when i get 100% of the payroll i'm allocated in the weekly scheduling dashboard, i don't need to call for backup cashiers! it's not my fault that GM can't make their payroll allocation work for them.

i don't really get why you're so obsessed with trying to prove me wrong, but you're doing a pretty shit job at it, tessa.
I recently went to my SD to ask that he stop under posting the front end and not just because it causes them to call more backup, which obviously has a negative effect on sales floor productivity. What modernization takes to work is everyone needs to carry their own weight. Everyone from TMs to ETLs needs to be able to handle their own “area.” At my store we tend to help each other out, which is great, but when I get help with our never ending uboats of dry.... I remind myself that there is more work to be done in getting my work center right. We are on best practice but we definitely need to improve. And the front end has work to do as well. They need to weed out the weaklings, develop the cashiers into whatever it is there are supposed to be now, and become the self sufficient service and engagement team that they are expected to be. But if we don’t, at the very least, give them the payroll they are allocated, how are we going to expect them to dig themselves out of the hole they are always in?? We cut cashiers then the SETLs/ETLs loses opportunities to doc convos, train, develop, and other whatever else they do, because they spend most of their days just keeping the lines down and making sure the front end doesn’t look shitty. The problem at my store is no one trusts that front end team is running their shit right (here’s looking at you, ETL who doesn’t make cashiers stick to the damn break/lunch schedule). Our SE-ETL is worth shit (if even that) and the store doesn’t trust her with our TMs to back up. One of our TLs is lazy as shit and her work centers are struggling. It’s not because of payroll necessarily, but it’s because the TL sucks and can’t even begin to identify what she needs to work on the improve her areas. She won’t performance manage for shit. Yet we cut cashiers to spend their payroll so her Checklanes/BPG gets filled and zoned...

I guess what I’m saying here is, don’t rob Peter to pay Paul if Paul doesn’t have an action plan to be the best he can be on his own, because it’s not Peter’s fault that Paul sucks.
And the front end has work to do as well. They need to weed out the weaklings, develop the cashiers into whatever it is there are supposed to be now, and become the self sufficient service and engagement team that they are expected to be. But if we don’t, at the very least, give them the payroll they are allocated, how are we going to expect them to dig themselves out of the hole they are always in?? We cut cashiers then the SETLs/ETLs loses opportunities to doc convos, train, develop, and other whatever else they do, because they spend most of their days just keeping the lines down and making sure the front end doesn’t look shitty

it's only been about three weeks since the DSD forced the SD to stop underposting the front end but i'm already seeing major improvements. me, my peer, and my ETL have all been able to focus on developing the team and coaching for results. between the three of us leaders at the front end, we haven't called a single backup cashier. if it gets a little busy, we'll just hop on for a bit and work the line down.
it's only been about three weeks since the DSD forced the SD to stop underposting the front end but i'm already seeing major improvements. me, my peer, and my ETL have all been able to focus on developing the team and coaching for results. between the three of us leaders at the front end, we haven't called a single backup cashier. if it gets a little busy, we'll just hop on for a bit and work the line down.
I’m glad it’s working for you! We have leaders that bitch about payroll, but I have to push back on that. If everyone on my team worked like me or my A players, we would be doing a lot better. I need to make that happen WHILE I get help with my team’s workload, otherwise it’s just bandaid. Once the team is where it needs to be, then we can really talk about payroll.

This makes me wonder if I’m going about this backup cashier thing all wrong. Kinda feel bad now lol
my workcenter works fine when we get the payroll that is actually allocated to us in the scheduling dashboard each week. my team shouldn’t be penalized and expected to cut because GM can’t make it work. whether or not the GM process works is irrelevant; i wholeheartedly disagree with them trying to make it work at the expense of my team. which makes me a terrible leader, according to some here.
I can see why that makes you a terrible leader, not trying to be rude at all. The culture I was in was to make sure the whole store succeeded, it never worked just looking after one area. When I ran GM I would look at the workload, how many hours were given and what the projected time it would take to complete it. Everyone would beat there goals for their workload and we would still roll trucks. Im one to look at the process to see why things aren't working not automatically say their isn't enough people. Let me tell you, some atores/most stores are not receiving enough payroll to make it work, so a SD needs to find hours in their store, so yes robbing Peter to pay Paul. When there isn't enough teams take shortcuts to complete the work, processes fail and teams continue to fall behind. It's a vicious cycle. Saying it's a GM problem and that they are to slow and need to figure it out makes you look really silly. Why should you be punished? You arent, help your peers out, let the store succeeded, no sense in just looking after yourself.
And with all the GM TMs you held for a long time because you feel you didn't get the proper amount of hours, how many of them did you go to bat for when they got coached or worse for not finishing their workload because a significant amount of their shift was spent as backup? Or were they just sacrificial lambs and you really don't care about what trouble they got in?
I can see why that makes you a terrible leader, not trying to be rude at all. The culture I was in was to make sure the whole store succeeded, it never worked just looking after one area. When I ran GM I would look at the workload, how many hours were given and what the projected time it would take to complete it. Everyone would beat there goals for their workload and we would still roll trucks. Im one to look at the process to see why things aren't working not automatically say their isn't enough people. Let me tell you, some atores/most stores are not receiving enough payroll to make it work, so a SD needs to find hours in their store, so yes robbing Peter to pay Paul. When there isn't enough teams take shortcuts to complete the work, processes fail and teams continue to fall behind. It's a vicious cycle. Saying it's a GM problem and that they are to slow and need to figure it out makes you look really silly. Why should you be punished? You arent, help your peers out, let the store succeeded, no sense in just looking after yourself.

service and engagement is just as much of a priority as general merchandise and specialty sales. underposting at the front end doesn’t fix the problem of lack of payroll, it just shifts it over to me. why the hell do i need to help everyone else out when my own workcenter is failing? is the front end not part of the store? who the hell is gonna help me out? backup cashiering isn’t gonna upskill my cashiers into guest advocates.

over the past several months, i’ve learned that nobody is going to give a fuck about service and engagement unless i do. and that’s fine, i don’t need support from the other leaders to run my business. like i said, we haven’t called a backup in literally three weeks. so i’d say i’m doing fine.
my workcenter works fine when we get the payroll that is actually allocated to us in the scheduling dashboard each week. my team shouldn’t be penalized and expected to cut because GM can’t make it work. whether or not the GM process works is irrelevant; i wholeheartedly disagree with them trying to make it work at the expense of my team. which makes me a terrible leader, according to some here.
I am all for giving front end payroll - anything to avoid backup calls. I will find extra hours for myself one way or another, but there is no such thing as too many GAs in my book. Or SAs, or whatever they are called now. Load up that schedule!
yeah, self-checkout is totally a viable option for a $400 basket. especially when we only have four of them!
service and engagement is just as much of a priority as general merchandise and specialty sales. underposting at the front end doesn’t fix the problem of lack of payroll, it just shifts it over to me. why the hell do i need to help everyone else out when my own workcenter is failing? is the front end not part of the store? who the hell is gonna help me out? backup cashiering isn’t gonna upskill my cashiers into guest advocates.

over the past several months, i’ve learned that nobody is going to give a fuck about service and engagement unless i do. and that’s fine, i don’t need support from the other leaders to run my business. like i said, we haven’t called a backup in literally three weeks. so i’d say i’m doing fine.
TBH glad I don't work with you. No offense but that attitude won't help you at Target or anywhere else. Most people care about the front end in my experience, no one wants to back up constantly because it continues to set them behind in their work. I can tell you from personal experience it drives me nuts that they can't do more when it's slow, imo they should fill candy, $, fill end caps etc glad you seem to have it figured out but wish you would see things a little more bigger picture
TBH glad I don't work with you. No offense but that attitude won't help you at Target or anywhere else. Most people care about the front end in my experience, no one wants to back up constantly because it continues to set them behind in their work. I can tell you from personal experience it drives me nuts that they can't do more when it's slow, imo they should fill candy, $, fill end caps etc glad you seem to have it figured out but wish you would see things a little more bigger picture

i can’t take care of the rest of the store until my team is where it needs to be. if my team isn’t where it needs to be, i’m not gonna put us further behind. that’s the bottom line, and i don’t feel bad about it. i’m glad i don’t work at your store where payroll is a free for all, so that feeling is mutual.
i can’t take care of the rest of the store until my team is where it needs to be. if my team isn’t where it needs to be, i’m not gonna put us further behind. that’s the bottom line, and i don’t feel bad about it. i’m glad i don’t work at your store where payroll is a free for all, so that feeling is mutual.
Lolol payroll was never a free for all. 7/8 trucks a week and we couldn't schedule to the "Bible" known as the modernization tool kit thanks to payroll. Glad to see youve bought into the new way of doing things at Target, id suggest keeping options open because it won't last for long

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