MEGATHREAD 2018-2019 Store Modernization Megathread

[OPINION] How do you feel about these changes?

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It may be old news. Repacks in some stores are going to come in "sorted" by aisle. No more combos. So you will have more vehicles or adjusted custom blocks to accommodate. Can you imagine no more combos! You may have a couple of valleys together but the range will be on the repacks themselves. I am excited to see it. It's happening for us in a couple of weeks. Only thing i don't know is where to assign zone 15. Assign to a softlines area or baby hardlines?
It may be old news. Repacks in some stores are going to come in "sorted" by aisle. No more combos. So you will have more vehicles or adjusted custom blocks to accommodate. Can you imagine no more combos! You may have a couple of valleys together but the range will be on the repacks themselves. I am excited to see it. It's happening for us in a couple of weeks. Only thing i don't know is where to assign zone 15. Assign to a softlines area or baby hardlines?
I don't know about this!
It is a struggle already just to get vehicles cleared and ready to go for the next truck. That's great if it'll be sorted by aisle but if it's anything like Softlines repacks that sometimes has 2-3 items in the very large green repack then we're going to need more payroll. Vehicles are far and few at my store to be able to support this change.
Most excited about stationary/office. Can you imagine how much faster that will be to push. Although i myself don't mind repacks. Except for the 4s! So much detrashing!
You can’t really be blamed for that then. You can’t performance someone not in your work center 🤷🏾‍♀️ Not sure about you but myself and the other SETL have to write weekly emails to all the leads, I’d put that info in there and print it out sling with any replies. Paper trail.
Our SD instructed us to forward the original survey & our response. From what I can tell; the other TL's still aren't being held accountable. I just got back from vacation & was put on final CA for performance issues. I figure I will be gone by the end of May. My store has a "younger is better" philosophy so I was not surprised to get called into the office. Slowly, but surely, long time TL'S are being weeded out & being replaced by younger, external hires. Our other SETL is a favorite of the SD & SE ETL. Someone has to take the hit for the issues at the front of our store.
So how’s ya’ll stores doing amidst this Coronavirus hysteria? Our store damn near did 212k yesterday on a forecast of 110k. Up about 300k this month compared to last year. Damn near all cold medicine is gone. Toilet paper, disinfectant wipes, and hand sanitizer sell out within the first half hour of the store opening. Overtime will most likely be approved next week and a lot of flex hours will be added. Some isles completely empty. Market is getting empty also. Trucks just can’t replenish the floor fast enough regardless how much HBA, OTC, Market, and Chems they send. Just hope corporate doesn’t expect these forecasts for next year because these sales are based off hysteria rather than actual shopping routines.
So how’s ya’ll stores doing amidst this Coronavirus hysteria? Our store damn near did 212k yesterday on a forecast of 110k. Up about 300k this month compared to last year. Damn near all cold medicine is gone. Toilet paper, disinfectant wipes, and hand sanitizer sell out within the first half hour of the store opening. Overtime will most likely be approved next week and a lot of flex hours will be added. Some isles completely empty. Market is getting empty also. Trucks just can’t replenish the floor fast enough regardless how much HBA, OTC, Market, and Chems they send. Just hope corporate doesn’t expect these forecasts for next year because these sales are based off hysteria rather than actual shopping routines.
pretty sure there is way DTL or SDs are able to flag specific days or specific periods of time as outliers because of certain events. That way you dont get destroyed by it the following year.
It may be old news. Repacks in some stores are going to come in "sorted" by aisle. No more combos. So you will have more vehicles or adjusted custom blocks to accommodate. Can you imagine no more combos! You may have a couple of valleys together but the range will be on the repacks themselves. I am excited to see it. It's happening for us in a couple of weeks. Only thing i don't know is where to assign zone 15. Assign to a softlines area or baby hardlines?
So, basically video games will be in a video game repack and mobile accessories will be in a mobile accessories repack out of the gate rather than having to reorganize it ourselves?
We got permission to do something truly radical. Well, we were actually ordered from above to do it starting today. Truck started unloading at 4am. The entire team went to stock paper, then moved on to HBA. Next up was infants. Then, it was a quick blitz of personal care. PP2 DBOs started coming in and they blitzed market out. All PP1 141s were dropped and stocked before the store opened too.

Truly amazing how well that worked. Actually getting the shelves stocked with high demand items before the store opened and the hordes swarmed in. It's crazy.
We got permission to do something truly radical. Well, we were actually ordered from above to do it starting today. Truck started unloading at 4am. The entire team went to stock paper, then moved on to HBA. Next up was infants. Then, it was a quick blitz of personal care. PP2 DBOs started coming in and they blitzed market out. All PP1 141s were dropped and stocked before the store opened too.

Truly amazing how well that worked. Actually getting the shelves stocked with high demand items before the store opened and the hordes swarmed in. It's crazy.
Sounds like what the old "flow team" used to do on a daily basis.....
Yep, apparently my store's inbound team is going back to some semblance of the old-school "wave." And we get to do 4AMs for the near future. Am I awake?
hell yeah thats what my store is doing also. essentials starts in waves, toys/sporting goods/home/dom finish theirs on their own and everyone meets in grocery. 4am unload gets most things done by 8am. Solid.
We got permission to do something truly radical. Well, we were actually ordered from above to do it starting today. Truck started unloading at 4am. The entire team went to stock paper, then moved on to HBA. Next up was infants. Then, it was a quick blitz of personal care. PP2 DBOs started coming in and they blitzed market out. All PP1 141s were dropped and stocked before the store opened too.

Truly amazing how well that worked. Actually getting the shelves stocked with high demand items before the store opened and the hordes swarmed in. It's crazy.
We started doing the same thing. It worked amazingly.
Oh, I hope we don't do this wave thing again at my store. Hated it back when this was how truck was done because too many TMs don't care and overstock horrendously or put things in the wrong places, like name brand where store brand goes. It was a disaster.
Don't think we'll need to though because we're starting earlier, stocking high traffic areas first so they're ready when the store opens. Some DBOs are getting help from other TMs, but they're still in their areas. Low traffic areas - basically everything other than essentials and market now - wait until later.

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