2023 New pilots?

My current store is a super, I think base or high, definitely not ultra high by any means. We currently have (6) ETL HR, AP, S&E, F&B, SS, and GM. Considering we're likely to be moving up a volume threshold this year anyways, my best guess for my store is that we simply gain an extra ETL for Merch Ops rather than a second GM which would've been likely before the pilot. GM ETL has been tight lipped about any changes.

My last super had (9) HR, AP, S&E, F&B, 2 SS, and 3 GM. But they're not part of the pilot so I don't know how their counts would change. They're $100+ mil this year.
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What's the cutoff for each volume level?
They’re not really public knowledge anymore since Covid they got kinda thrown out the window but they used to be

Low: Under 30M
Base: 30-65M
Base but you earn another GM:65-72M
High: 72-85M
Ultra High: 85+

Edit: To clarify this is just from a head count stand point there are a lot more sales volumes from D to AA
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I’m wondering if Closing TL will lose their mytime-editing and ordering power under this new model.. if they are reporting to ETL S&E its possible
The ability was not due to who they report to but their position and that they’re typically in the building alone most days and cover many areas. Id assume they wouldn’t loose any privileges
90 million dollar store here. We have:

11 ETLS, 22 TLs.

1 SD
2 GM ETLs (1 runs fulfillment the other runs Food & bev in addition to their GM duties)
2 ETL inbound
3 ETL S&E (1 is currently on military leave)

Haven’t heard yet if we’ll get a fulfillment ETL or if the GM ETL who runs fulfillment will just run fulfillment exclusively and gain another ETL for merch ops and another for GM (to take over what the current GM ETL who is running fulfillment does for GM duties)

TL alignment is:

3 inbound TLs
4 GM TLs
2 closing TLs
2 F&B TLs
1 food service TL
3 S&E TLs
90 million dollar store here. We have:

11 ETLS, 22 TLs.

1 SD
2 GM ETLs (1 runs fulfillment the other runs Food & bev in addition to their GM duties)
2 ETL inbound
3 ETL S&E (1 is currently on military leave)

Haven’t heard yet if we’ll get a fulfillment ETL or if the GM ETL who runs fulfillment will just run fulfillment exclusively and gain another ETL for merch ops and another for GM (to take over what the current GM ETL who is running fulfillment does for GM duties)

TL alignment is:

3 inbound TLs
4 GM TLs
2 closing TLs
2 F&B TLs
1 food service TL
3 S&E TLs
Is this current or are you saying you’re a pilot store and that’s your TL head count?
I asked why we don’t have one apparently it’s SD discretion. I’m surprised we don’t have an ETL fulfillment either (one that just oversees fulfillment and doesn’t oversee both GM & fulfillment)
Closing is surprising, fulfillment is dependent on your fulfillment volume not store volume so I understand that one. A store near me is only 68M but does close to 10,000 units a day between opu and sfs so they earn a fulfillment etl
I should mention we our the largest store in the state/district. We have 2 selling floors 3 main stockrooms and 9 satellite stockrooms.
may Broter Brian new with you when inventory rolls around. I would luv to see al that in action but man oh man coming in cold and being tossed into all that would be rather spicy
Are there any high volume pilot stores? Going from 11 ETLs to 6 would hurt a lot.

D163 in Minnesota is one of the Pilot districts for this. That District has six High-Ultra High Volume SuperTarget stores, including T2313 Edina, the #1 Target for everything in the country. I'm not in that District, but in Minnesota. I'm curious for how things will go in those, and how the TL/ETL structure will work. Many of those stores have ETL-Closings, ETL-Fulfillments, etc...

My store is also a UHV Super but my district isn't piloting it. We have a ETL-Fulfillment and a ETL-Food and Bev Inbound, but no ETL-Closing, which surprises me, as we made over $110 million last fiscal year, and are on pace for over $120 million this fiscal year.
All this talk of ETLs and how many there will or will not be and store volume doesn't really tell me anything about how this will be working at the TM level. Since I'm a lowly TM, that's really what I'm interested in.
While I definitely prefer the DBO model overall, I'm definitely not liking that I can never come close to completing my tasks now that we're back to non-4th quarter hours. It's beyond frustrating.
So I'm wondering if it's worth holding out until these changes roll out to see if they might actually improve things. Not all that hopeful on improvement being a result, but "hope springs eternal."
All this talk of ETLs and how many there will or will not be and store volume doesn't really tell me anything about how this will be working at the TM level. Since I'm a lowly TM, that's really what I'm interested in.
While I definitely prefer the DBO model overall, I'm definitely not liking that I can never come close to completing my tasks now that we're back to non-4th quarter hours. It's beyond frustrating.
So I'm wondering if it's worth holding out until these changes roll out to see if they might actually improve things. Not all that hopeful on improvement being a result, but "hope springs eternal."
The last time this happened (at least it feels the same to me), leaders were cut to make more room for team members. At least that was the idea. So part of the impact on you will be perhaps trading an ETL for 3 team members, and maybe a couple of TLs for a few more team members.

It looks like in addition to this, there are some fundamental changes to how things will work. There will now be an operations team responsible for Receiving, pricing, pogs, in-stocks, backroom, etc. Everything else will be reworked in reaction to this.
I'm really hoping that the amount of growth target has had since modernization, that it is adding leaders and tms. The workload has increased, the workload has not been fairly distributed (imo this is important if they want to keep the model that all tms and leaders in the store are all paid the same amount as a base), and the overall process of the store has continously not been met that has caused serious financial repercussions (pricing scandal, huge shortage and theft, and I know atleast in my area massive sales loss this past year from freight delays and freight getting stuck in the back)
My Target is in Minnesota; we did about $100 million in sales 2021, but we're projected to do about $95 million this past year, so we're decreasing, but we're still high volume. We're probably going to do even less than that because our store has horrible leadership and we've been negative comp all year. We currently have 13 ETLS and 31 PG45 TMs. We're short-staffed af for a store our size too: we should be at 400 TMs, but we're not even close. My ETL-HR said to me that if we were going to hit $100million this yea (our goal was like 105 or something), we would've earned an ETL-Closing, a fourth fulfillment TL, a fifth GMTL, a third ETL-Inbound Ops, and a Sr. ETL.

Our current headcount:

3 ETL Food and Bev (7 TLS)
2 ETL SPS (4 TLs)
2 ETL GM (4 TLS)
2 ETL Inbound Ops (5 Inbound Ops TL)
1 ETL AP (1 APS)
1 ETL HR (1 HR Process Lead)
1 ETL Fulfillment (3 TLs)
1 VM

I'm interested in whether or not we're going to lose anybody and if we're going to gain any new leaders. They're probably going to restructure a bit. What would be really helpful is adding a designated team for the backroom/pricing/pres. We're already over headcount for a store our size, so we're probably going to lose people 🙁

# edit I forgot the closing leads lol - we have 3 (one for SPS, one for GM, and one for Food) our closing TLs don't report to our SD; they report to the ETL in that department, but we don't have the ETL-Closing
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My Target is in Minnesota; we did about $100 million in sales 2021, but we're projected to do about $95 million this past year, so we're decreasing, but we're still high volume. We're probably going to do even less than that because our store has horrible leadership and we've been negative comp all year. We currently have 13 ETLS and 31 PG45 TMs. We're short-staffed af for a store our size too: we should be at 400 TMs, but we're not even close. My ETL-HR said to me that if we were going to hit $100million this yea (our goal was like 105 or something), we would've earned an ETL-Closing, a fourth fulfillment TL, a fifth GMTL, a third ETL-Inbound Ops, and a Sr. ETL.

Our current headcount:

3 ETL Food and Bev (7 TLS)
2 ETL SPS (4 TLs)
2 ETL GM (4 TLS)
2 ETL Inbound Ops (5 Inbound Ops TL)
1 ETL AP (1 APS)
1 ETL HR (1 HR Process Lead)
1 ETL Fulfillment (3 TLs)
1 VM

I'm interested in whether or not we're going to lose anybody and if we're going to gain any new leaders. They're probably going to restructure a bit. What would be really helpful is adding a designated team for the backroom/pricing/pres. We're already over headcount for a store our size, so we're probably going to lose people 🙁

# edit I forgot the closing leads lol - we have 3 (one for SPS, one for GM, and one for Food) our closing TLs don't report to our SD; they report to the ETL in that department, but we don't have the ETL-Closing
This is what drives me crazy is that stores like this do sales that's less then double what my store does, yet you have more etls then we have tls and 3 times the amount of tls. My grid tomorrow has 74 people in total. Any given day I bet the amount of gm etls and tls is more then I have in total for gm.

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