3 hour shift????

Apr 23, 2022
So I go check my schedule to see what curve balls were thrown at me this time!!! Just as I thought it couldn’t get any worse than what it’s been IT DID!!!! I am scheduled to work a 3 hour shift only for the sweep. Mind you I still have my title lol as Reverse Logistics blah blah but haven’t worked in receiving for quite some time. My partner in receiving gets scheduled everyday still but not I. Oh wait I got a whole 3 hour shift!!! Is that even legal??? Lol
So I go check my schedule to see what curve balls were thrown at me this time!!! Just as I thought it couldn’t get any worse than what it’s been IT DID!!!! I am scheduled to work a 3 hour shift only for the sweep. Mind you I still have my title lol as Reverse Logistics blah blah but haven’t worked in receiving for quite some time. My partner in receiving gets scheduled everyday still but not I. Oh wait I got a whole 3 hour shift!!! Is that even legal??? Lol
Your name is fitting in this scenario. Lmao. So sorry dude. Start looking elsewhere and no regrets!
Yes, three hours is the minimum shift time required to schedule. I know there’s a pilot going on where GM is given three hours for Reverse Tasks like ESIM, Sweeps, and IRs with F&B owning vendors. It’s possible they starting this up but haven’t rolled it to everyone yet.
Are you dual labeled? Working 3hours in receiving and another shift somewhere else (GM, Inbound, Fulfillment...)?

I know our schedulers typically include a 30 minute break in schedules between work centers when dual labeled.

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