cool, workers in the rest of the world are also extremely exploited and should be paid significantly more. just like workers in americaWorkers in this country are paid quite handsomely compared to much of the world.
cool, workers in the rest of the world are also extremely exploited and should be paid significantly more. just like workers in americaWorkers in this country are paid quite handsomely compared to much of the world.
Exactly. Being able to clock out and forget about work, have a life, privacy, the ability to screw up on the job without making front-page news? That's priceless to me.I understand why people get worked up over it, but eh, it's the way of the world. I sure wouldn't want his job. Hell, I wouldn't even be a leader again. Too much stress, not interested.
Its America, not, workers in the rest of the world are also extremely exploited and should be paid significantly more. just like workers in america
I got the same and after thinking about it for a few days I decided to say something. I went to etl and tl and told them why I thought I should be a 3. I work the truck and was going to stay late and finish up some stuff but thought why if no one appreciates the extra effort. Afterwards I told them no hard feelings but I needed to get it off my chest. Each person should be evaluated honestly for their work attendance and performance. There should not be a cap on number of 2's and 3's given (if there is in fact a cap per store). Target does a lot of things correctly such as diversity and inclusivity but giving a job performance review based on random things is not something done correctly. I am motivated by people appreciating my work and not money so to me it was a slap in the face. I take pride in my area and my work.I got the same exact raise too and I was very unhappy about it too. Also as usual I got insulted by this raise and insulted with their reasoning for it too.
The federal minimum wage is outdated and needs to be adjusted. As for the $15, $15 in Alabama is a whole lot of money compared to NY, NJ, or CA.If you aren’t happy with your pay find another job! Target pay twice the federal minimum wage $15 is plenty, not be rude but if you aren’t a TL target is job not a long term career
Get rrr’ done!The federal minimum wage is outdated and needs to be adjusted. As for the $15, $15 in Alabama is a whole lot of money compared to NY, NJ, or CA.
The TLs in my store have no choice but to work, otherwise shit wouldn't get done. They have to pick up the slack when there's no coverage.My take is to get rid of team leaders and give their extra dollars to every single TMs as they are already in charge of their own isles and departments. All TL do in my store are middlemen who passes on messages from ETLs. Ever since they made us in charge, it felt like TL became obsolete.
Same here, but only because people are quitting. They're fed up with management and overall atmosphere. Morale is lowThe TLs in my store have no choice but to work, otherwise shit wouldn't get done. They have to pick up the slack when there's no coverage.
considering how incompetent at time management the average tm is this sounds like a great plan imoMy take is to get rid of team leaders and give their extra dollars to every single TMs as they are already in charge of their own isles and departments. All TL do in my store are middlemen who passes on messages from ETLs. Ever since they made us in charge, it felt like TL became obsolete.
Corporate greed, A company who lies and claims to care and give a fuck about employees but make too much for a position that involves sitting in a office most of the time. Wish a lot of people will wake up and find jobs that aren’t big corporate run and find the best options possible for themselves. Big corporations is screwing the modern work world.Target CEO Brian Cornell's total compensation rises to $77.5M — Fox Business
According to a proxy filing by the retailer, Cornell's base salary remained at $1.4 million. However, he earned a $1.12 million incentive bonus tied to the company's sales and income performance. The majority of Cornell's compensation came from long-term equity awards that were either vested
On tonight's episode of people that are detached from reality and focus on other people more than they focus on improving their own lives.On tonight's episode of when poor people simp for the ultra-wealthy.
I wish I would be a able to speak this well. I tend well yeah me no speak pretty🙁It's hard to stand by & see that Brian is pulling in such an obscene amount when the top percentage for raises was dropped 1%.
Sure, it's only 1% but for one of our long-timers who has consistently delivered it's a difference of 15 cents this year.
That may seem like chump change but this TM hustles & always averages 40+ hrs a week so, based on 2080 hrs a year, that 1% cost them $312 without taking into consideration OT, vay-cay use, wellness, etc.
Now multiply that by 370,000 & it would be well over $115M but you also have to adjust for the fact that not everyone would be earning a DEO.
But factor in how many TMs were impacted by the percentage reductions at all levels & it could still be enough to match or even possibly exceed Brian's compensation so don't fault people for feeling salty about Brian's bucks (I mean, really....does someone REALLY have to paid so obscenely when many workers are working second jobs or are on foodstamps?) when everyone else is getting skimmed off the top.
They could definitely funnel some of those dollars down to the stores for updating. Our bathrooms suck, and why the hell do we still have a jewelry boat with locked displays? Nothing in there is worth keeping locked up. It's an eyesore and a huge waste of space. Stores shouldn't have to wait for a complete remodel to get some things taken care of.That some of that money needs to be reinvested into the company. Walkies suck, mydevices suck, registers suck, brick and mortar stores falling apart. They need to show they CARE by making it easier for us to do our jobs so we can GROW the company and WIN together. Nothing worse then coming in, managers not giving a fuck about you, can’t get your work done because you have to restart your device every two minutes and the only thing growing is your bosses pockets.
When I started we got an extra 30% off of red and khaki that was worn for work.There's other things corp could do for TMs that don't necessarily mean forking over bucks but could still make life easier.
I'd like them to give TMs an extra 10% off purchases of store brands.
Wouldn't cost the company much & would be an incentive for TMs.
Long ago, they also offered discounts on bus passes too.
Ok, I usually have some semblance of an idea on what track your train of thought is chugging, but even I'm confused by this one! 🤪It's a real trip to reread the OP having been on the inside, then spending some time on the outside and finally getting a full picture of just how much of my own time I wasted on this fucking asshole and his remote-controlled minions that willingly and voluntarily signed over their brains to him. I had plans within plans to make blood some serious dough but he said straight up, nah I'd like to make money but that would cost money, or some bullshit like that. My big bad plan just sort of came to me one evening when I was scheduled to help the guests from home, vicariously, and while doing drugs a light bulb lit up over my head and I thought to myself, WHAT IF Mr. Cornell were to pay me a paltry little pittance, say, 30 bucks an hour, and let's say I turn around and make Mr. Cornell hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales and tens of thousands of dollars a month in 'PROFIT'??? Let's be extra fancy and call it CAPITALISM. Just think about it folks, I make money, he makes money, everybody makes theyself some money. Now, I was all excited and shit to share my idea with the Boardroom Boyz thinking that TGT, being a corporation with their billions of dollars and their arsenal of computerized cash boxes apparently placed there in hopes of guests stuffing them with their cash, would be an excellent candidate for this pilot program. Cannot begin to describe how bummed I was when I found out that they don't really want money and only pretend like they do, presumably for legal reasons. For a minute there I had the crazy notion that corporations might in fact exist for the sole purpose of making money (I know I do) but it turns out it was just the drugs...I should have known considering I was toking on some unnaturally dank tree that smoked like The Colour Out Of Space
It's a real trip to reread the OP having been on the inside, then spending some time on the outside and finally getting a full picture of just how much of my own time I wasted on this fucking asshole and his remote-controlled minions that willingly and voluntarily signed over their brains to him. I had plans within plans to make blood some serious dough but he said straight up, nah I'd like to make money but that would cost money, or some bullshit like that. My big bad plan just sort of came to me one evening when I was scheduled to help the guests from home, vicariously, and while doing drugs a light bulb lit up over my head and I thought to myself, WHAT IF Mr. Cornell were to pay me a paltry little pittance, say, 30 bucks an hour, and let's say I turn around and make Mr. Cornell hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales and tens of thousands of dollars a month in 'PROFIT'??? Let's be extra fancy and call it CAPITALISM. Just think about it folks, I make money, he makes money, everybody makes theyself some money. Now, I was all excited and shit to share my idea with the Boardroom Boyz thinking that TGT, being a corporation with their billions of dollars and their arsenal of computerized cash boxes apparently placed there in hopes of guests stuffing them with their cash, would be an excellent candidate for this pilot program. Cannot begin to describe how bummed I was when I found out that they don't really want money and only pretend like they do, presumably for legal reasons. For a minute there I had the crazy notion that corporations might in fact exist for the sole purpose of making money (I know I do) but it turns out it was just the drugs...I should have known considering I was toking on some unnaturally dank tree that smoked like The Colour Out Of Space