Archived A GSA’s dilemma: don’t know which route to take

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Home TL
Nov 19, 2017
A couple days ago I was approached by our new AP Leader about joining the AP team as a Security Expert. He said the Store Director threw my name in as someone who would be a great fit. It also sounds like something I would really enjoy and would come with a minimal pay raise. I told my S&E Leader about this opportunity and she said she supported whichever track I wanted to take, but let me know that I am officially next in line for a TL position.

Yesterday, my S&E Leader let me know that a S&E Lead position would “almost certainly” be opening up mid-October and it is mine for the taking. I trust her but when I asked if I could continue with interviews and be officially benched, she said not to worry about it and that that will all come later and with adequate prep. This worries me a little.

A change of pace would be nice—while I’m very familiar with the front end, I’m kind of sick of it. Some of that might be alleviated in a TL position as I will actually be able to effectively manage talent in the front end, but I’m just not sure what route I want to take.

What are the pros/cons of moving up to TL? What are the pros/cons of going the AP route?
Did she say if the Lead position was going to be in your store?

And why not prep you for the bench before things get crazy before the holidays?

Follow your heart!
AP looks so boring to me but if you can promote, go for whatever gets you there quickest!
A couple days ago I was approached by our new AP Leader about joining the AP team as a Security Expert

I've never heard this term and I've been in Target AP for quite a while. There's no actual position titled "Security Expert." Correct me if I'm wrong.

Is this a regional thing?

Or did they perhaps say it was Target Protection Specialist, the basic uniformed position in AP?

For what it's worth, I absolutely love AP. You couldn't pay me enough to head over to the salesfloor side of things. Well, maybe you could.

But I sure love what I do in AP.
I've never heard this term and I've been in Target AP for quite a while. There's no actual position titled "Security Expert." Correct me if I'm wrong.

Is this a regional thing?

Or did they perhaps say it was Target Protection Specialist, the basic uniformed position in AP?

For what it's worth, I absolutely love AP. You couldn't pay me enough to head over to the salesfloor side of things. Well, maybe you could.

But I sure love what I do in AP.
Security Expert is the New Op Model term for TPS. Same basic functions, slightly different core roles.
Take the TL route. You busted your ass off in your current extremely underpaid position didn’t you? Think about it.. if you become a “security expert”, which is just the new “modernized” name for TPS which only entry level AP, you will still be a team member and it will probably take a very long time to become an APS (kind of a TL for AP, but not “officially”) but if you stay GSA and wait it out to to longer than October or six months probably.. you’ll be a leader in the building. I went from GSA to GSTL as well so I know from experience.
Take the TL route. You busted your ass off in your current extremely underpaid position didn’t you? Think about it.. if you become a “security expert”, which is just the new “modernized” name for TPS which only entry level AP, you will still be a team member and it will probably take a very long time to become an APS (kind of a TL for AP, but not “officially”) but if you stay GSA and wait it out to to longer than October or six months probably.. you’ll be a leader in the building. I went from GSA to GSTL as well so I know from experience.

This is kind of my thought process. I just don’t know how much longer I can take the front end. I used to love it but it’s just really wearing down on me. I’m honestly really good at it and I think having actual power to coach and document performance would help, but my current GSTLs barely have time to and there’s just so much stress on the whole front end leadership team right now.
I don’t know how it is in your store but at my store I wouldn’t believe a word they said. They lie constantly and say you’re next in line or that you will be a manager soon. The fact that they aren’t working with you to get it official (benching) is concerning. I say mention that to them. Say that you wouldn’t want to miss out on either opportunity so you want a sure thing.
A couple days ago I was approached by our new AP Leader about joining the AP team as a Security Expert. He said the Store Director threw my name in as someone who would be a great fit. It also sounds like something I would really enjoy and would come with a minimal pay raise. I told my S&E Leader about this opportunity and she said she supported whichever track I wanted to take, but let me know that I am officially next in line for a TL position.

Yesterday, my S&E Leader let me know that a S&E Lead position would “almost certainly” be opening up mid-October and it is mine for the taking. I trust her but when I asked if I could continue with interviews and be officially benched, she said not to worry about it and that that will all come later and with adequate prep. This worries me a little.

A change of pace would be nice—while I’m very familiar with the front end, I’m kind of sick of it. Some of that might be alleviated in a TL position as I will actually be able to effectively manage talent in the front end, but I’m just not sure what route I want to take.

What are the pros/cons of moving up to TL? What are the pros/cons of going the AP route?
Ap route, there's going to be alot of responsibilty, and blame. Not to mention risk and personal safety come into play. You would also have to be 100% on top of your game. Think, ap=un-armed rent-a-cop. TL-mildy boss like. But in all honesty, just go with what suits your needs and wants best.
I would definitely do AP but I also hate the front end so 🤷🏻‍♀️
Update: just talked to the ETL-HR about this. She was really encouraging on taking the GSTL role and I decided that’s what I wanted to do (the pay bump was too substantial to turn down honestly), but...

She called me into the office about an hour later and told me she’d Herren in contact with the Store Director about it. SD said we’re currently over ear headcount by 2. So TPS it is.

Really bummed about not getting the money and I feel bad for leaving the front end...but the change of pace is going to be nice.
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