Archived A Hardlines Team Member Diary

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Dec 11, 2015
Hi everyone! This is my first thread I created. I would like to share you my story having my
first job and working as a hardlines team member. Each Work Day, I will write down my worklife experience with guests, team members, and team leaders.


Pre-Work: The Interview (12/11/2015):
After the interview, HR-ETL Jen accepted as a seasonal team member in hardlines, she understands why I have sales experience in my past experience as a Financial Advisor. She setup an orientation date for me which is on the 12/15/2015. She was glad to have me to be part of the target family. I can't wait to have my first job.

Orientation (12/15/2015):
Before Orientation:
I contact HR-ETL if I'm required to wear a red shirt and khaki pants. She said it's not required. I went to the guest services at 12:00pm and told them that I have a Orientation meeting with the HR-ETL. I then head to the TSC room and Jenny told me that I came in too early. She remind me to come at 2pm for the Orientation. During my time between 12pm - 2pm, I was talking to a person who worked at target as a Flow TM, he then told me that he also works as a Electrician and he made more money in that job.

During Orientation:
I met 2 other people in the Orientation (I'm going to change the names to protect them), Ana and Mike. The HR-ETL told us to get our government IDs, then she told us to watch a video. It was an animated video of what team members do. There is also video that represents the mission statement and philosophy of target. Understanding why we should call them guest and not customers. The HR-ETL then gave us our temporary ID cards and told us to fill out the forms. She told us a funny story how the last Orientation had 19 members and she wasn't able to process them. Filling out the forms was tedious and long but in the end we finished. She explained the REDcard, Target Cartwheel, and using the Walkie. She then gave us a tour around the store building, the sales floor, the backroom, guest services. She then told us to have fun for tomorrow. I can't wait to start working.

Day 1 (12/16/2015):
*Clocked in*
I head to TSC and talked to my HR-ETL. She then handed me a form and told me that my trainer come by and show me what to do. I met my training Susie, and she introduced me to push and pull. Opening packages and using the scanner was interesting. She then told me how to put the items in the correct place using the DCP code and the number code. For example 1-2-3. 1 represents section, 2 represents shelf floor, and 3 represents price tag from left to right. After hours of doing it, She then led me to the backroom where she showed me where to put the package boxes.

*First break*
I met the LOD Josh and he told me and Susie have to zone the cosmetic aisle from A1 to A5. Susie took the task as a dust cleaner and I took the task in zoning. I was having a hard time trying to find where the items would go in. But then I read the item name and it wasn't so bad. After zoning for some time, I got a cut in my arm from one of those sharp shelf edges. Susie got the first aid kit for me. After I put a bandage and head back to my work. I check in my pocket and realized I left my phone. I asked Susie that I lost my phone and she told me to check TSC, breakroom, and ask the guest services. I went to the guest services and told them I lost my phone. My friend Lea was surprised that I lost my phone on the first day of work. After 2 hours of working and 2 hours of worrying. I check the bathroom and lucky I found my phone. 2 hours in the bathroom and I can't believe no one stole it. I continued to do my work until my 30min break starts.

Forgot the rest. I was pretty much zoning the whole aisle the whole time.
*Clocked Out*

Day 2 (12/17/2015):

*Clocked in*
I head to TSC to meet My HR-ETL. Then My trainer Susie came in, and show me what will happen next in my training session. I heard the walkie and notice that the hardlines/frontend team is doing a huddle. I asked My trainer what a huddle is. My trainer and I head down to the huddle which is at the frontend next to the cashiers. The LOD then said "guys we did well in our sales. Remember what B.O.B, and L.I.S.A means." Then everyone clap their hands "1,2,3,4 Can I help you find something!". I was so confused what was happening. Susie and I then talked to LOD (Joe) and asked him what we should do. He told us to do reshop. There was one cart left that is mixed with all items. Susie and I then start reshipping and zoning the items from cosmetics, lotion, dog items, and health items. We did this for 4 hours. I was walking everywhere. I had 1 item going to E35 and another item at B13. Walking wasn't tiring. This last until our last break.

*last break*
After our last break, Susie and I decided to do some pushing since I been learning reshop the whole time. I got happy because push is easy. All you need to do is open the box and restock the items.

My best moment: The electronics called my trainer Susie for help. My trainer and I went to the Electronics center and found that there is only 1 person doing Electronics. The team member there was stressed out that the phone wasn't working and she needed. I told her I knew about electronics. Susie and I then head to the backroom to use the phone. I then asked her "How can I help you?", a guest was concerned about an item "Barbie Bridal" if it's in stock in our store. The guest told me she checked online, and all the other stores but they weren't available. I took action and asked my trainer if she could look it up in her scanner. I then told the guest that we have it available. My trainer came to get the item while I was talking to the guest "Sorry for the wait mis.". The guest wanted it on hold, and I told her "We will have the item on hold and it will be there by the guest services". She was extremely happy and asked me for my name. "Thank you so much Arielle!!!". The call ended and Susie and I headed to the Guest Sevices to leave a note and item on hold.

My mind was so focus, I could last for hours until store close. It's like caffeine was produced inside my body.

Out of the 3 tasks I done. Zoning, reshop, and push. Push is my favorite task to do.

*Clocked out*

Day 3 (12/19,2015):
*Clocked in*
Today I will be learning how to use the cash register. My trainer Mari was going to help me, but she just left me there expecting me to know this all on my own. I'm like WTF how am I suppose to use the cash register. After a hour of no clue what I'm doing, the ETL came up and told me that I wasn't suppose to be at the cash register. So she assign me to zone the Christmas section with my Trainer Maribel. Mari said to me "You know what to do Arielle. Start now.". So I zone the area one by one and I notice Mari is just chit chatting with guests. I'm like wtf are you doing, help me out here.

Zoned the whole Christmas Section until end of my shift.

I feel like this job is worthless. What's the purpose of getting retail experience if I'm just making items look nicer and restocking it. I'm having thoughts of leaving Target after finishing my schedule.
*clocked out*

Day 4 (12/21/2015):
*Clocked in* (4pm)
The LOD to me to zoned The whole C Section. 10 minutes later there was a huddle. Everyone from hardlines and softlines was there. The LOD told everyone that we will be restocking candies. So we all restock chocolate candies. We completed it in under 10 minutes. From there I went back to zoning.
*lunch break*
I completed zoning the whole C Section. I was so bored of zoning. The best way to distract myself from getting bored was playing with the scanner. Just scanning barcodes just for fun while zoning items.

Few hours later, the LOD came up to me and told me what to do, which is go back to C1 and zone everything. She taught me how to fold the towels correctly and how it should be facing.

*last break*
Just walking around zoning. Hours later my coworker Zack told me that there is a wave at the toy section. Him, I and his 2 other coworkers started fixing the toys and we were done in 10 minutes.

30 minutes before we all clocked out, we just chit chat about college and stuff.

I consider zoning = Aisle Manager
*clocked out* (12:30AM)
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I like the idea here - I may start working hardlines more often soon (got permission to pick up my first full solo hardlines shift this Saturday night) so I'd love to see how a standard day-to-day basis on the floor can go.
You've only been working 3 days. You can't expect them to have you doing anything too complicated.
Sounds like a nice deal only having to zone one block on a closing shift. I'm usually responsible for zoning CDE (stationary, kitchen, domestics etc) in a super target doing just under 60 mil per year! would be nice if logistics wouldn't over spend so we can do our jobs better on the sales floor. But why do that!
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