A question about TL development.

So when exactly can I expect to be getting ready to be “on the bench”? Do I have to complete certain tasks? Is there a certain amount of time that needs to pass? As far as I know, I’m merely in the pipeline and I’d just like to know when I’ll be taking the next step.
You should have a plan set with your mentor with goals and such and a monthly review to go over your progress. As for a timeline who knows it could be a month it could be a year. The bench doesnt seem to be used as much as people like to talk about it. Just keep working on improving yourself and your skills and hope you get lucky. Do as much as you can to interact with your leadership team, networking (ass kissing) is just as important as being a good hardworking tm if not more. Actually its probably much more important.
So when exactly can I expect to be getting ready to be “on the bench”? Do I have to complete certain tasks? Is there a certain amount of time that needs to pass? As far as I know, I’m merely in the pipeline and I’d just like to know when I’ll be taking the next step.
There is no set amount of time or set way to do it. It’s just kissing ass until the dsd does tl interviews and the sd thinks you’re ready.. ie will not make the sd look like a fool to the dsd.

you sound as if you’re expecting a calendar and timeline to get you to tl in a certain amount of time. There is no such thing.

To get on the bench you have to be sent to interviews and pass them.
Also, they don’t just promote people because they want to move up. If you’re in a store with no openings and aren’t in a metro with other stores, you’re sol waiting for someone to quit. Which is currently happening so there is a chance. Depends on your store.
Also, they don’t just promote people because they want to move up. If you’re in a store with no openings and aren’t in a metro with other stores, you’re sol waiting for someone to quit. Which is currently happening so there is a chance. Depends on your store.
What about stores being approved to add another TL position? I know it's a store by store basis, but one of our most recent TL promotions came when our store was approved for another GM TL to prep for 4th quarter. Do you have any idea how the new TL additions work?
What do you mean..how it works? Dsd tells sd their org chart allows for 1 more tl so they promote someone. Sd may have someone in mind and just promote them (which is wrong but happens) or the sd will post the job opening and do interviews. And the person the sd selects has to pass an interview with the dsd. (Sometimes some dsd aren’t involved) but they should be.

You’re putting the cart before the horse.
What do you mean..how it works?

Did I fucking stutter? Why the confusion? I’m asking how it works because I’m a regular Team Member who doesn’t know all the behind the scenes, higher up goings on. I think I can be forgiven for not knowing all of the details.
I'm in a similar position to you Penguin. I want to be a TL and I want it now. Like right now. No, more like yesterday. Being developed takes time. The time is so stupid long that you will get out of your "I want it now" phase and you will move into a "it'll happen when it happens" phase. If a position opens up, go on workday and apply for it. Make sure your resume, cover letter, and all that are dripping with target koolaide. When that position opens, you will have an interview with the ETL. You may or may not be passed off to the SD for more interview. During the interviews, you can either be promoted, put on the bench, or told no. Most people get put on the bench. They know your strengths and weaknesses already. It is totally possible that someone else will get the job and you will have to help them do the job you wanted. They will see how you handle that as well. Sometimes, it is easier to apply to other stores (target stores) than your own.
What about stores being approved to add another TL position? I know it's a store by store basis, but one of our most recent TL promotions came when our store was approved for another GM TL to prep for 4th quarter. Do you have any idea how the new TL additions work?
They added one last year to deal with fulfillment operations amd decided it was neccessary going forward. How many TLs you get depend on store volume. If your sales increase enough then you may get another. There is a better chance of someone leaving then them adding another position
I'm in a similar position to you Penguin. I want to be a TL and I want it now. Like right now. No, more like yesterday. Being developed takes time. The time is so stupid long that you will get out of your "I want it now" phase and you will move into a "it'll happen when it happens" phase. If a position opens up, go on workday and apply for it. Make sure your resume, cover letter, and all that are dripping with target koolaide. When that position opens, you will have an interview with the ETL. You may or may not be passed off to the SD for more interview. During the interviews, you can either be promoted, put on the bench, or told no. Most people get put on the bench. They know your strengths and weaknesses already. It is totally possible that someone else will get the job and you will have to help them do the job you wanted. They will see how you handle that as well. Sometimes, it is easier to apply to other stores (target stores) than your own.

To add to the above, please know that every store will handle everything differently. For example, from what I've heard of many retail stores (not just Target), most don't want to internally promote their TM's of a department to be the TL of that department. If you're already working in Seasonal and want to TL in Seasonal definitely look at other stores for that promotion. This doesn't mean it can't happen in your store, but you truly need to keep your options very open if you're looking to move up quickly and be exactly where you want to be.

New TL positions are added when sales volume majorly increases. There was a thread on here talking about that at one point (I have no idea which one, I just remember reading it). A new Fulfillment TL was added to a lot of stores (and apparently in some cases a Fulfillment ETL) because of the major jump in OPU and SFS. It's necessary for the sales volume to have 2, if not 3 people running the show. If your store appears to be at the volume to need another TL it still doesn't mean your DSD will approve it. They're going to want to make sure that the sales maintain where they're at. Likely for at least another calendar year.

You could always ask your SD if there is the potential for another GM TL for toys/seasonal and if so where does the store need to be to get the payroll for that. Being curious and asking questions is always okay. Just know, it's never up to your SD when/if they can add another TL position. Their input can be given to their DSD and that is about it. The DSD likely has to get the approval (and give big time reasons and proof of why it's needed) from people above them. The $ talks and the store needs to have the volume to support additions like that.
Did I fucking stutter? Why the confusion? I’m asking how it works because I’m a regular Team Member who doesn’t know all the behind the scenes, higher up goings on. I think I can be forgiven for not knowing all of the details.
I think the confusion is that there isn’t really an answer to the question. It’s no different than if someone quit or got fired and a position opened up.

If you’re asking how a new TL position gets added to a store, then there really isn’t an answer. There are too many unknowns to answer that. A store could increase in sales to earn another position, or they could add a new workcenter (ship from store, Starbucks, etc), or corporate could just decide to add positions because they feel like it. Or they could take them away and suddenly two TLs are fighting for the same job.
Did I fucking stutter? Why the confusion? I’m asking how it works because I’m a regular Team Member who doesn’t know all the behind the scenes, higher up goings on. I think I can be forgiven for not knowing all of the details.
I would suggest "practice communicating conflict less abrasively" as one of the leadership skills you focus on.

I'm being serious. This type of emotional reaction will greatly reduce your effectiveness as a leader.
I asked for a raise a few days ago and was mocked by my STL. Told em I have multiple job offers on the table for less stress, less work, and at minimum 30% more pay all the way up to 75% more pay. Laughed in my face. I’ll be heading out of this joint real soon, hopefully in 3 weeks. I have produced the top results in F&B in my entire group, trained 10 team members since January, and lead the team every single day while my team lead fucks off doing god knows what
I asked for a raise a few days ago and was mocked by my STL. Told em I have multiple job offers on the table for less stress, less work, and at minimum 30% more pay all the way up to 75% more pay. Laughed in my face. I’ll be heading out of this joint real soon, hopefully in 3 weeks. I have produced the top results in F&B in my entire group, trained 10 team members since January, and lead the team every single day while my team lead fucks off doing god knows what
Unless you have a lot of vacation once I got a firm start date for a new job I would resign on Workday IMMEDIATELY and give a resignation letter to my STL and walk out the door.

I know someone of you think "hey what about a two week notice?".

You are an at-will employee that can be let go for any reason.

If you have been at Spot for awhile your new employer (or even a future employer) won't even care and in the long run it won't matter.

Of course you might not be "re-hirable" which is another term that Target bandies about that means nothing.

Good luck.
Unless you have a lot of vacation once I got a firm start date for a new job I would resign on Workday IMMEDIATELY and give a resignation letter to my STL and walk out the door.

I know someone of you think "hey what about a two week notice?".

You are an at-will employee that can be let go for any reason.

If you have been at Spot for awhile your new employer (or even a future employer) won't even care and in the long run it won't matter.

Of course you might not be "re-hirable" which is another term that Target bandies about that means nothing.

Good luck.

Yeah - except for when future jobs call to ask if you were employed there they can tell them that you are marked as not hireable.

So unless your time at Target wouldn't create a huge resume gap, it's advisable to work those 2 weeks. Not for Target but for you.

Edit: Also want to add that if you ever have a security clearance background investigation the investigator may ask about the status but not do any additional digging, creating a potential disparity and gumming things up while it gets sorted out.
I’ve got stories that have to wait until I’m out of the door completely, but what I can say now is just that all of management in my store has repeatedly made STUPID mistakes. Stuff that makes you step back and say “holy ****, how do you mess that up THAT bad” sorta thing.

One just dumb and not necessarily BAD example, we had a big starbucks visit a month ago(I help run/train new baristas, used to work at a corporate sbux store). My stl saw a barista doing a milk run on the floor in the morning and said “you’re NEVER supposed to get milk from the floor😌. You should obviously be getting your milk from the backroom”. Well had my stl ever stepped foot in the walk-in, they would’ve known that we do not keep milk in there at all. Never have, there’s just no room. Our walk in is a unit that installed into the building. Only enough room for 6 metros and a small walking space in the middle…

Whenever visits are in sight, my store’s management likes to make HUGE issues out of nothing. Etls will pace around and scream about “getting truck done ASAP and that we’re behind” when inbound only started pushing 5 minutes ago… Running around complaining about nothing being zoned when it’s just a certain time of day when nobody has worked in that department yet. Like really stupid stuff man.
Whenever visits are in sight, my store’s management likes to make HUGE issues out of nothing. Etls will pace around and scream about “getting truck done ASAP and that we’re behind” when inbound only started pushing 5 minutes ago… Running around complaining about nothing being zoned when it’s just a certain time of day when nobody has worked in that department yet. Like really stupid stuff man.
I'd ask if you work at my store, but we don't have a Tarbucks. Leadership was thinking there was going to be a visit last week and what you describe was every single day. My favorite day was Friday. My zone was a little rough when I walked in, so I spent some extra time on it while running returns. 1 for 1s were at 90 so they took awhile. Anyway, I'd been there for about 2 hours and had just started on freight. An ETL came by all concerned. "What's going on? Are you going to finish? Do we need to get you help? This has to get done!" The best was calling her two hours before my shift was over, "Hey truck is done. I'm going to work on X project unless you have anything else you need me to do." Like stop freaking out. I only don't finish when you guys pull me to do something else.
Yeah - except for when future jobs call to ask if you were employed there they can tell them that you are marked as not hireable.

So unless your time at Target wouldn't create a huge resume gap, it's advisable to work those 2 weeks. Not for Target but for you.

Edit: Also want to add that if you ever have a security clearance background investigation the investigator may ask about the status but not do any additional digging, creating a potential disparity and gumming things up while it gets sorted out.
Yeah - except for when future jobs call to ask if you were employed there they can tell them that you are marked as not hireable.

I doubt anyone future employer would even ask this. Target is going to just tell them you worked there for whatever period of time.

I wouldn't worry about the resume gap though I think I would have a job lined up before walking out the door.

Companies are more concerned about how long you worked at a company and what you did then the circumstances in why you left.

The security clearance might be an issue but not for a lot of people IMHO.
Yeah - except for when future jobs call to ask if you were employed there they can tell them that you are marked as not hireable.

I doubt anyone future employer would even ask this. Target is going to just tell them you worked there for whatever period of time.

I wouldn't worry about the resume gap though I think I would have a job lined up before walking out the door.

Companies are more concerned about how long you worked at a company and what you did then the circumstances in why you left.

The security clearance might be an issue but not for a lot of people IMHO.
I am a future employer and I ask every time. "Is this person eligible for rehire at your organization"

Many other people do this as well, because it's much easier to ask this and get a simple yes or no, instead of going down the "terminated vs quit" rabbithole.
Unless you have a lot of vacation once I got a firm start date for a new job I would resign on Workday IMMEDIATELY and give a resignation letter to my STL and walk out the door.

I know someone of you think "hey what about a two week notice?".

You are an at-will employee that can be let go for any reason.

If you have been at Spot for awhile your new employer (or even a future employer) won't even care and in the long run it won't matter.

Of course you might not be "re-hirable" which is another term that Target bandies about that means nothing.

Good luck.
After 20+ years I left in May without 2 weeks notice. F*ck them. I have no intention of going back.
Unless you have a lot of vacation once I got a firm start date for a new job I would resign on Workday IMMEDIATELY and give a resignation letter to my STL and walk out the door.

I know someone of you think "hey what about a two week notice?".

You are an at-will employee that can be let go for any reason.

If you have been at Spot for awhile your new employer (or even a future employer) won't even care and in the long run it won't matter.

Of course you might not be "re-hirable" which is another term that Target bandies about that means nothing.

Good luck.
Sorry for bumping an old thread but I totally wish that I did this when I resigned. Instead, I was terminated by my ETL-HR and ETL-SE in a closed-door meeting, which has left me feeling bitter towards them since I felt cornered during said meeting. In the end, I was probably deemed unrehireable so I put in my two weeks for nothing.
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Sorry for bumping an old thread but I totally wish that I did this when I resigned. Instead, I was terminated by my ETL-HR and ETL-SE in a closed-door meeting, which has left me feeling bitter towards them since I felt cornered during said meeting. In the end, I was probably deemed unrehireable so I put in my two weeks for nothing.
Sorry to hear about your situation.

Did you official resign with documentation and then they terminated you?

I would go ahead and file for unemployment which Target might fight to just be petty about the whole thing.

As to being un-rehirable that it means nothing IMHO because why you would want to go back to Target anyway.

The labor market is still tight I would just go get another job. Your new employee probably won't even do a background check.
Sorry to hear about your situation.

Did you official resign with documentation and then they terminated you?

I would go ahead and file for unemployment which Target might fight to just be petty about the whole thing.

As to being un-rehirable that it means nothing IMHO because why you would want to go back to Target anyway.

The labor market is still tight I would just go get another job. Your new employee probably won't even do a background check.
Thanks for responding, I felt a little frustrated so I felt that I needed to rant. Luckily, Target wasn't petty at all and they didn't fight my unemployment claim at all. Instead, my ETL-HR encouraged me to file for unemployment, probably because she asked me if I had another job lined up, and I let her know that I didn't.

You're right, I have no interest in going back to Target at all. I just didn't want to leave without notice since I didn't want to leave my fellow team members shorthanded, although I was probably too nice in that regard. At the end of the day, Target (and any job really) is a business and they'll move on without any of us and you're not really "friends" with anyone that works there.

I'm actually in the process of moving to Japan and hoping to find a better job over there. I'm excited about that and hoping that things work out better over there, even though I will miss the US.

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