Archived About that pay raise to $12...?

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Nov 27, 2015
So I thought I read/heard here that pay was supposed to go up to $12 as of April 1st. Based on what I see on my paycheck that drops this Friday, that definitely didn't happen.

Which means any review raise for sure will be annihilated by the $12 increase. I'm glad for the $12 but irritated that the review is otherwise meaningless.

Of course it's the same process in my other job too...but usually without any raise at all. So I guess be grateful for the small things? And with Target, they are small things.
I've never seen anything that said April 1. Every news article I've seen, including Target's own press release, stated that "this spring" Target would be raising its starting salary. Spring could be anywhere from now to June. Based on the raise to $11 last year, we're assuming that anyone currently making less than $12 will be bumped up when that takes effect. I think the April tie-in is the regular annual review.

It would be nice if they bumped us to $12 and then gave us our performance/cost of living increase. But unlikely.
I've never seen anything that said April 1. Every news article I've seen, including Target's own press release, stated that "this spring" Target would be raising its starting salary. Spring could be anywhere from now to June. Based on the raise to $11 last year, we're assuming that anyone currently making less than $12 will be bumped up when that takes effect. I think the April tie-in is the regular annual review.

It would be nice if they bumped us to $12 and then gave us our performance/cost of living increase. But unlikely.

They did that when they first started the wage increases in 2015. Anyone under $9/hr was bumped up to $9, and then you got your raise on top of that.
Yes I just got out of meeting with my etlhr and she confirmed it. Gsas are now considered " head cashiers" and are at the same pay rate as the newbies that just rolled in the door. I feel like I've been slapped in the face. Yet i am still expected to run the front like a gstl.

Yeah, I'd nope right out of that.
So at my store with the 12.00 an hour thing all the gsas are making the same pay as the cashiers. WTF.??
And if I step down the strong implication was my hours would get cut

Yes. I had the exact same conversation. So remember every time you call for fast service that nearly all of the respondents are getting paid more than you and they know it.
Literally the only incentive to be GSA is (at least at my store) rotating weekends off. Still not enough to be worth it IMO
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