Archived Accidentally took a Hardlines shift

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Until you hear "team, we need a back-up to the lanes" every five minutes. Then you'll wish you were working in the backroom.
Until you hear "hey backroom, can you check on an item for a guest" every 5 minutes. And it's always something that has no BR locations anyway.
Then you'll wish you were on flow.
I actually wish I was on flow, but they told me I need to learn the floor first :c

Until you hear "hey backroom, can you check on an item for a guest" every 5 minutes. And it's always something that has no BR locations anyway.
Then you'll wish you were on flow.
Based on the number of people who ask me to check on something that has no backroom locations, I'm fairly sure people don't even know how to check. Or can't read.

I mean, granted, sometimes stuff doesnt get STOd, but still...
It's been a few days and I'm constantly being approached by my SrTL asking if I wanna help him with stuff and when I say yes all excited he's like "Haha I knew you'd like that" He hands me a walkie and sends me off to the floor to do some zoning or unboxing things and stuffing them on shelves or pulling some excess from the floor to stick on the front lanes.

THEY'RE give me actual hardlines damn it
I've kinda noticed that 90% of the time, when a cashier gets a taste of working in another workcenter they immediately want to transfer. Even if it's within the same workcenter, as long as it's something different (service desk, food ave, etc) they love it.
Pretty sure cashiering sucks. So glad I didn't have to do it much as a GSA.
Pretty sure cashiering sucks. So glad I didn't have to do it much as a GSA.

Seriously. As much as I bitch about the stuff I have to deal with as a GSA, I could never go back to being a cashier. Even going back to just Guest Service would be a bit of a stretch.
I still don't know where to go after I clock in though lmao
You just grab a walkie, call out "hey LOD" and WAIT FOR THEM TO RESPOND* and then say "this is Kaitii, here for my shift." And they will tell you where to go.

*I cannot stand it when people call for someone and immediately continue with what they need to say. Wait for a response so you know the person is actually listening.
I was going to ask what the difference between Hardlines and Electronics is. I'm in Electronics every day and thought that was considered a HL job, but during today's shift, I'm scheduled for Hardlines instead. So, it's pretty much just going for pulls and helping out on the lanes (which is a constant need at my store)?
I was going to ask what the difference between Hardlines and Electronics is. I'm in Electronics every day and thought that was considered a HL job, but during today's shift, I'm scheduled for Hardlines instead. So, it's pretty much just going for pulls and helping out on the lanes (which is a constant need at my store)?

Electronics is an area of hardlines that is more specialized and is even in a higher paygrade. In a typical hardlines shift, your main responsibilities are assisting guests on the floor, zoning, and working re-shop. Depending on your leadership and other variables, you may also be expected to help push the CAF pulls. And make sure you respond to back-up calls if you're available to do so.
In my vast (read: not vast) experience hardlines consists of a shitload of CAF pulls, occasionally helping out a lost guest find something, f*cking around on a mydevice, zoning, running to the front to push redcards on people every 5-30 minutes, getting stuck up there for 1-3 hours because guests don't understand that the fact that my light is off means I'm not taking any more people

Welcome to the sales floor.

You'll die here.
You mean I'll die and go to heaven bECAUSE I GOT MY NEXT HARDLINES SHIFT TOMORROW

Sorry not sorry to the GSTL who was hyped to hear I was closing tomorrow, only to be v sad I'm going to be in hardlines
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