Archived Accidentally took a Hardlines shift

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In my vast (read: not vast) experience hardlines consists of a shitload of CAF pulls, occasionally helping out a lost guest find something, f*cking around on a mydevice, zoning, running to the front to push redcards on people every 5-30 minutes, getting stuck up there for 1-3 hours because guests don't understand that the fact that my light is off means I'm not taking any more people
Welcome to the sales floor.
You'll die here.

Trying being an cashier for a few hours. You will run back to the floor.
Hardlines is good because you are not trapped a box for 4 to 8 hours, asking every guest for red cards, & dealing coupon scammers, etc.
Seriously, going to the floor is like a vacation. Even zoning super messy places feels so relaxing and I actually feel less tired after my shifts because I'm not mentally exhausted after cashiering. Also my feet hurt less. Just standing is absolutely killer on them.
Orgasmic, probably

Some other TMs tried telling me I should get a job at a restaurant or trying backroom because I told them cashiering is the worst. Like guys I didn't say it was hard, I just do badly with people damn
Orgasmic, probably

Some other TMs tried telling me I should get a job at a restaurant or trying backroom because I told them cashiering is the worst. Like guys I didn't say it was hard, I just do badly with people damn
I commend cashiers tbh. It's stressful af for me.
Orgasmic, probably

Some other TMs tried telling me I should get a job at a restaurant or trying backroom because I told them cashiering is the worst. Like guys I didn't say it was hard, I just do badly with people damn
Backroom can be fun at times, but also very stressful. It's a different kind of stressful though, that's for sure
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