Archived Accused of Racism?

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Nov 14, 2013
First of all, I'd like to say that I'm not racist, nor have I ever been accused of racism, until now. On my Flow Team we have a few TMs who are people of color, and one of these is widely known throughout the team for being lazy, copping an attitude, and causing headaches for everyone. He's been under investigation by our HR department due to the sheer volume of complaints leveed against him. The other day, this TM was pulling bulk pallets to the floor, and (like every day) stood around on the floor in my department spent 15 minutes chatting with another TM in Market. I went to the backroom, where the trailer was being unloaded, informed my TL of what was occurring, and before I could get the sentence out, he had stormed out to the floor and reprimanded the TM for his actions, or lack thereof. The TM was written up, and my TL told me that in his defense of his actions, the TM claimed that I was a racist and was simply out to get him. Apparently this is not the first time he's "pulled the race card" on someone, and from what I've gathered, every time he's written up, he calls out the next day.

My question is basically this: Do I have to worry about some kind of action being taken against me for this accusation? My TL knows I'm not racist in any way. I have a strong friendship with most of my TMs and have taken a few under my wing, helping develop them and as my TL describes it, "bringing them up to my level". I'm looking at a possible promotion to TL soon, and I'm kind of worried that this situation will somehow hinder my moving up. The idea of being racist is disgusting to me, so I take a personal offense at being accused of racism.

Thanks in advance!
Ignore it.
If you called him the same way you would have called anyone else (and I'm assuming that is the case) than you don't have anything to worry about.

The TM is one of those people who will use any trick or advantage to get their way.
People like to say 'the race card' is used only by "people of color" but whites use it all the time.
It's just they get to use it when the people who are their bosses are just like them.
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Ignore it.
If you called him the same way you would have called anyone else (and I'm assuming that is the case) than you don't have anything to worry about.

The TM is one of those people who will use any trick or advantage to get their way.
People like to say 'the race card' is used only by people of color but whites use it all the time.
It's just they get to use it when the people who are their bosses are just like them.

Yeah, that's the case, and I made it clear to my TM. I bust my behind on a daily basis, and it's aggravating to see other TMs acting like they don't have to do the work. As long as I'm not gonna get some kind of disciplinary action for it, I'm good. My TL isn't an idiot, and he's told me to watch for anything similar from the TM in question.
Not to be 'that guy' but at this point I think it's the TLs job to take care of the TM in question.
You've reported him, to keep doing so is just going to be redundant.

Don't worry about disciplinary action but you might want to keep in mind that the TM has friends and they are going to be watching you.
Using phrases like "people of color" (which sounds awfully close to "colored people") Ss me as racist. At least, borderline racist. But otherwise, he just sounds like a guy who will use any excuse to excuse his behavior.
"People/person of color" is actually the most acceptable term to refer to someone who is "not-white," particularly if you don't know their ethnic/racial background (which you probably don't 99% of the time, unless the person has said something about it). There is a world of difference between POC and "colored people."
nothing to worry about. A couple of TL's in my store were reported to the hotline for being racist and nothing happened to them other than told to make sure all coachings were up to par because once that tm got fired it might be a battle. Luckily he was termed shortly after that and we haven't seen him since!
It's best to try to resolve these issues as directly as possible. Work relationships are important, and "tattling" on coworkers ruins team unity, don't forget, no one is perfect. If you feel someone on your team isn't pulling their weight, either tell them directly (or indirectly thru note, text, etc) or let their immediate supervisor (i.e. their Team Lead) know. It's best if everyone can try to get along, you never know when one of you will need a favor from the other.
I am a Hardlines TL and have had the hotline called me 3 times for claims of racism. The latest one was a Softlines team member was instructed to get a walkie from TSC and she kept on ignoring the request from myself and LOD. I then got the walkie myself and had an on the spot coaching conversation for failure to follow direction and follow core roles. 3 days later i was pulled in the office by my STL and ETL HR/team relations for a seek to understand. they saw that i was doing my part in ensuring the vibe was being delivered and threw the claim out.
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