Archived "Additional cashier to the front lane..."

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They may not hop out of line but they may not come back to our store. Especially since online there is no line.

Our company has made it a priority that guest shouldn't have to wait to give us money. It's a huge draw we have over Wal-Mart and others. I hate cashiering as much as the next problem but it's made clear in the interview you will need to do it (exception to those hired for logistics positions)
Funny when I had several people in line at GS last week and my STL walked by without helping. Guess reading their phone for five minutes was more important.
This is a double edged sword. If you have all cashier's and no salesfloor you end up like walmart with awful zones.

Targets logic makes sense. Sales floor is more versatile than casjiers. If you schedule a bunch of salesfloor when the lanes are slow the salesfloor people can achieve task. When you schedule a bunch of cashier's if it's slow they all stand at the lanes and the rest of the store suffers.

This is why Logistics TMs are going to take over.... Having Started at the Sales Floor myself, the top 40% of Flow TMs in my store know the basics of all logistic processes (Which is huge, when u realize just how huge the "Logistics Team" was a short 3-4 months ago.
It's absolute bullshit to have 3 flow tm's pushing one spot and call for backup. The person who comes up is all the way in sporting goods. If guest service is EVERYONE'S responsibility, then one of them jump on. From a guest's point of view, they want the quickest service possible. They don't care if you are stocking or backstocking or setting or doing price change. But I get damn sick and tired of management acting like no on flow can ever get on, even though there was a big push after Christmas to cashier train everyone on flow. And they are only 10 feet away.
Funny when I had several people in line at GS last week and my STL walked by without helping. Guess reading their phone for five minutes was more important.
My STL would be useless at a register lol. We'd need backup just for him...
I do understand that, and in general it's a good practice. However, I think that when the implementation of it takes virtually the entire SFTMs off the floor, they really need to look at adding a few more cashiers.

My store after q4 had all cashier's and sales floor folks were getting 15 hours a week. I hear ya but it's better than not working
It is however, the best thing to hear as you are leaving. Just smile to yourself, click off the walkie, put it back, and leave.
It's not like the guest is going hop out of line with their cartfull of shit
Has happened on occasion at my store when there weren't enough cashiers because - y'know - tight payroll.
Does the robo-voice over the walkies have a name? I thought I read somewhere on here someone refer to it as "indy"something-or-other?
Backups are the norm now in my store. Hours were cut drastically on front end, and people now are forced into sco. Even those are backed up. It's the number one complaint, and I hear daily now, "nope, not coming back." It's depressing. Reputations for good service are hardwon, easily lost.

Once and a while, I will hit the Electronics one just to see if anyone's paying attention and asking if it's real 😛

"Additional cashiers needed in Electronics" is always interesting to hear, heh.
We use that all the time in my store. Marketsource DM tells the Mobile people to never help Electronics guests every time she's in, so they just hit that button because we don't have any electronics call buttons left.
Additional Cashiers to Electronics always goes off for us too, mainly due to our mobile people never carrying walkies
Stupid question, from someone whose store still has phones--how do you pronounce that? I would go phonetic (IN-dee-mee) but I could also see it being pronounced in-DIME.
I thought it was IN-dime, but I could be wrong.
For me she will always and forever be "toilet woman".
Backups are a necessary evil to squeeze every penny out of staffing. The odd thing is ETLS yell that we are making people wait to give us their money. That is a true statement. What is left out is the guest on the sales floor who ALSO wants to give us her money but ultimately goes to another retailer because there was no one to help her on the SALESFLOOR. I refuse to send my team up or myself up if the GSTL is hanging out chatting with starbucks or the service desk team. If she can't manage her team I will not bail her out. Lastly if the sales floor has spent all day on the lanes and there are carts of reshop and pulls, the cashier team needs to help push that back to the floor and the GSTL needs to facilitate that. Unfortunately our GSTLS are lazy and do not know how to speed weave, empower cashiers or even stay at the check lanes. They are weak leaders and need to be replaced. However the sales floor, flow team and support teams bail them out every single shift of every single day.
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