Advice for External Hire, TL

May 1, 2020
Hey everyone!
I'm excited to start a new opportunity with Target, and I'm coming here for any advice you all would like to give out.

I'm an External Hire for a TL position, and in my past experience, that hasn't always brought the best dynamic with it. I've been everything from a part timer to what would be an equivalent to an ETL here in other big box stores, and I've been a store manager with a smaller company.

I've had my fair share of nightmare bosses, and I want to hear from anyone who has any advice for the best way to approach my first couple weeks in the position. I've seen people come in way too strong and immediately burn bridges and destroy their own reputation, so I definitely want to avoid that.

So, I'm looking for advice from any TMs who either really like something their TL does, or something they really DON'T like that their TL does.
Also, any TLs, especially any who were hired from outside the company, have any personal experiences they'd like to share that helped them start off with a great relationship with their team?

I'm very confident in my leadership skills, and I'm not necessarily asking for further advice on the position, I really just want anyone's input on how I can make the most out of the inevitably awkward first couple weeks of leading a team I haven't worked with before, coming from another company.

Also, any little tips on Target abbreviations or other lingo so I'm not immediately lost in the talk on the walkie?
Thanks in advance everyone!
I'm very confident in my leadership skills, and I'm not necessarily asking for further advice on the position, I really just want anyone's input on how I can make the most out of the inevitably awkward first couple weeks of leading a team I haven't worked with before, coming from another company.

The obvious thing is to get to know your team and learn why they do things the way they do before asking them to make changes. As with any othe company, there is the official way to do it and there is the way things are actually done at each individual store to adapt for that store's circumstances. You can learn the official way from training and reaading. But, you need to talk to your TMs to learn the unofficial way and why it's done.

A lot depends on what are you were hired to be TL of.

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