Advice for promoting from Style TM to TL

Mar 1, 2021
Hi all. I'm new to the site, been working in retail for 8~ years and Target since November 2020. I mainly work in Men's and am basically doing all the DBO tasks to the best of my ability (I honestly don't know if I've officially gained the title, we don't really call anyone by their DBO title in Style since only one other TM qualifies...our store had a lot of issues in Style before I got here.)

I had talked to my SD last week about promoting, (she basically ran Style up until two weeks ago when they finally moved a different ETL into the Specialty Sales ETL position). She seemed receptive to the idea, said I just need to finish buttoning up Men's (it was pretty neglected, I chose to take over Men's because I routinely would hear my SD saying how much she hates the department) and then discuss what other department I'd like to work on next, and also that I need to start taking control of the Style team when I'm at the store (the other DBO basically runs it in the morning, I come in for mid/evening when I'm in Men's.)

So my question to you all is, what exactly does that mean, if there's already an actual Style lead on at that time? What leeway do I have to give orders during the few hours here and there on shifts when no lead is around? My ETL is often at the store but she is not a micro managing type and prefers to be fairly hands off unless it's just to help with break out/price change in a pinch.

I'll be discussing this with my ETL and the other leads to get their input too, I just haven't really had the chance to meet with them because I've been so busy keeping up with Men's. Greatly appreciate any responses, thank you!
How many Style Leads does your store have? If there is no Lead position open, you will be basically doing managerial work for regular TM pay. I was talked to about being one of those TMs who is "in charge" when my Lead isn't around - I was receptive to the idea but would have definitely discussed a pay bump if things got that far. Instead what happened was my Lead was taken out of Style and we got a new one, then the pandemic hit and that changed everything, as we all know.

For me personally, I would not want to be given leadership tasks without a pay increase. It is not worth the stress and extra work and responsibility. I do not mean to be a downer, but it sounds like they want you to do all of the hard work of whipping Style into shape.
We have two leads, one who was hired the same time I was. I’m aware it involves unpaid work for a while, I’m not new to working. Didn’t ask for personal advice, just what my SD is looking for.
Honestly if your SD is ready for you to start running the department then you need to start applying for leadership positions in the store or district.

Best thing is to partner with your ETL about development and see where things go, they might start putting you in charge of some projects or sets around your area to see if you have what it takes.
Thank you for your response. I've done some resetting of POGs in my department already, one was just in really bad shape and missing half its labels so for my own sanity I had to learn how to fix it. I worked with my VM to do the reset in Men's, I just have to move two more things and get the last couple signs up. My SD didn't seem too concerned with my ability to do that stuff, she specifically said the "learning to run your team" thing was her best advice for me and repeated this about 3 times over a 20 minute conversation.
We have two leads, one who was hired the same time I was. I’m aware it involves unpaid work for a while, I’m not new to working. Didn’t ask for personal advice, just what my SD is looking for.
Sorry if my advice was too personal. Your SD is looking for you to do a lot of work for no extra pay. "Learning to run your team" when you are not in a Lead position can be a powder keg. No one likes someone that is on their level trying to tell them what to do, especially a newbie. Expect pushback.
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To add to the "TL at TM pay" sentiment, which may be the case (at least to some extent) in your situation -

It can be really tough to be in that zone where you have the responsibility of leadership but do not have the authority. I had a hell of a time with other TMs undermining me and trying to boss me around, while at the same time I was trying to take ownership of my area and show that I was ready to take the job when it came up. Corporate power struggles are brutal at every level. Even now I have a clique of my TMs trying to get me fired. Truth and Results are the shield and armor you need! LOL.

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