Archived AMA: EX ETL

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How accurate is it that the more beautiful and attractive you are, the higher up the ladder you promote? I've had ETL's/STL's that are not very bright... but brighten up the store with their good looks haha..

I can't say if that's just a coincidence or what, but I see your point. But I've met quite a few STLs/ETLs who aren't covergirls. At some point, you need some sense.
Why are you an EX ETL? Also, what factors play into your bonuses?

Stopped caring. Long story short the ETLs in my store never seemed to care too much and my STL never set an expectation nor held them to one. So I started to question where the motivation was for me to continuously put in 10+hrs a day just to keep the store running when the rest of the ETLs left by 3PM before I did (and I'm in store at 530AM).

Took an offer for a job in my major and I've got my weekends and holidays back. I learned a lot professionally and leadership wise from Target and I'm grateful, but I just couldn't continue to work in that environment.

As far as bonuses, it depends on our performance rating (rating 1-3) then also largely on company performance score. If Target under performs we expect bonuses to be low.
How was the amount decided when it comes to doling out raises at your store?

We didn't have a say on amounts, but we had a say on how we rated our TLs. And that played into how significant or not of a raise they'd receive. We'd have a meeting once a year and essentially rate/review each TL effectiveness that year.
How much does favoritism play in review scores? Promotions?

Haven't been in a store where favoritism came into play during reviews. But we all usually know who our tops and bottoms are, and most of the time our bottoms would stay on the bottom but more because they had too little/no improvement to be able to bump them up a performance level. Overall I've not run into favoritism much if at all. If you truly want to do more, you should be able to prove yourself. If your leaders aren't recognizing you for that, ask them what you're missing.
Maybe you haven't seen favoritism but I have. I was just wondering if it was as rampant as I thought. I have heard and been in conversations with ETLs that have kept promotions from people because of where they lived, who they were dating and their "look". I have also had the pleasure of sitting in on a discussion on who to give the 4 Outstandings in a store to, only one was based on performance. The rest were based on the same previous items. I have found that the level of maturity in many of the new ETLs is lacking. They are Facebook friends with team members and team leads. They go drinking with the same. They gossip worse than any team member and they do it with their "favorite" Team Leads. So while I do appreciate the insight that you are giving us in many areas, I don't believe this particular response. I have been in 5 different stores now and it is exactly the same in each one.
Did you have any TMs with disabilities on your crew and if you did what was your experience working with them?
Did the other ETLs have the same attitudes and experience as you?
Did you ever work with agencies like DVR when you were hiring or supporting TMs with disabilities?
Did you make an active effort to hire and work with people with disabilities?
I'm sure you can see where I'm going here and since we have a lot of people on this board with a wide assortment of disabilities the questions are important, if you can enlarge on this concept that would be great.
Everyone rags on leadership for the endless "statusing," groups of ETLs standing around chatting in the backroom or by the fitting room. But what percentage of these conversations tend to be necessary, work-related?

I tend to take a sympathetic view of these convos, since I think communication really does make a difference a lot of time. If ETLs don't even know what is going on, there is very little chance I, lowly Market TM, will get to know what I need to know.

But sometimes I overhear convos about people's weekends, random rambling personal stories, etc., and I wonder...

I used to get more annoyed by it when I started at Target a few years ago, but now I take it for granted that at any given moment I run into an ETL or Sr. TL they will probably be talking to another one.
Have you ever performanced anyone out? Or have you witnessed it? What were the steps taken and have you ever witnessed an employee being performanced out due to not being favored?
How hard did it hit you that you were making about the same as TLs or SrTLs when you factor in the 60 hour work weeks?
Maybe you haven't seen favoritism but I have. I was just wondering if it was as rampant as I thought. I have heard and been in conversations with ETLs that have kept promotions from people because of where they lived, who they were dating and their "look". I have also had the pleasure of sitting in on a discussion on who to give the 4 Outstandings in a store to, only one was based on performance. The rest were based on the same previous items. I have found that the level of maturity in many of the new ETLs is lacking. They are Facebook friends with team members and team leads. They go drinking with the same. They gossip worse than any team member and they do it with their "favorite" Team Leads. So while I do appreciate the insight that you are giving us in many areas, I don't believe this particular response. I have been in 5 different stores now and it is exactly the same in each one.

I don't doubt favoritism exists. During performance discussion sit-ins I've been a part of, that just wasn't the case.
If the ETL positions were ice cream flavors, which one would each be and why?

Logistics is chocolate because we get shit on, that's all I could really tell you.

Salesfloor would be birthday cake since they have to have a happy and excited attitude out of everyone to be a model for their salesfloor TMs.

HR is vanilla, just plain and nothing special.

AP is Neapolian, a ruthless warmongerer.

GE, why do they even exist.
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Did you have any TMs with disabilities on your crew and if you did what was your experience working with them?
Did the other ETLs have the same attitudes and experience as you?
Did you ever work with agencies like DVR when you were hiring or supporting TMs with disabilities?
Did you make an active effort to hire and work with people with disabilities?
I'm sure you can see where I'm going here and since we have a lot of people on this board with a wide assortment of disabilities the questions are important, if you can enlarge on this concept that would be great.

Yes, there's one in logistics, one on salesfloor, and one up front. Experience is nothing special really, they just work once a week for limited hours doing something in their scope.

As far as working with agencies, they work with the ADA. I was never a part of the hiring process, I transitioned to a store with special needs TM already there. Haven't been to a store with special needs before. But we treat them respectfully in regards to their disabilities, we work closely with their job aids too.
Everyone rags on leadership for the endless "statusing," groups of ETLs standing around chatting in the backroom or by the fitting room. But what percentage of these conversations tend to be necessary, work-related?

I tend to take a sympathetic view of these convos, since I think communication really does make a difference a lot of time. If ETLs don't even know what is going on, there is very little chance I, lowly Market TM, will get to know what I need to know.

But sometimes I overhear convos about people's weekends, random rambling personal stories, etc., and I wonder...

I used to get more annoyed by it when I started at Target a few years ago, but now I take it for granted that at any given moment I run into an ETL or Sr. TL they will probably be talking to another one.

Speaking for myself personally, if I'm on the salesfloor I chat/work professionally. Sometimes we'll have casual conversations but they're moving conversations toward some place we need to be. Speaking on the other ETLs in my building, what you describe takes place. It annoys me too and it was a big part as to why I left (still work here as I transition the new ETL). They complain about workloads yet have enough time too fool around in their office/TSC. And more often than not leave work before me, and I'm in at 5:30am/6am.
Have you ever performanced anyone out? Or have you witnessed it? What were the steps taken and have you ever witnessed an employee being performanced out due to not being favored?

When I term someone, I stay on top of them and nickel and dime them for every mistake. Because it takes far too long between serious issues to fire someone who clearly isn't a right fit and is eating up hours. For instance, I had a TM who was constantly late and moved at a slow pace. So I pulled (or had my TL) their attendance report and if they had attendance issues that was a coaching, then PDD, then another PDD, then termed. I have to move aggressively with terms or they just simply won't happen. As far as not being favored, that usually just means they're not a good fit in the position and need to go. So yeah, leaders will start getting on top of them about efficiency and attendance to get them out as fast as possible. These are usually people we've tried to give a fair chance to improve but just don't.
How hard did it hit you that you were making about the same as TLs or SrTLs when you factor in the 60 hour work weeks?

I can't say confidently I put in 60 hours, nor is that the norm. On average it's more like 50 hour work weeks. (40 one week, 60 the next, alternating). Depends on the STL, where I'm at now the ETLs work closer to ~45/50 hours a week. I don't really look at it in that perspective, I'm more annoyed with seemingly working harder than the rest of the ETLs due to no STL expectations/followup.
How did you decide to leave, what notice did you give, and how did your STL take it?

I have been with the company since Jan. and want to get out this year before 4th quarter. Can't decide to disclose this to my STL now or wait until closer to when I start looking for a new job (Sept) .
How did you decide to leave, what notice did you give, and how did your STL take it?

I have been with the company since Jan. and want to get out this year before 4th quarter. Can't decide to disclose this to my STL now or wait until closer to when I start looking for a new job (Sept) .

Are you an ETL? I responded to a question regarding why I left that you can find here. I sat down with my STL and simply told him/her that I received a new job opportunity that aligned with my long term career goals that I simply couldn't pass up. I told them that while it wasn't an easy decision to make, ultimately I have to do what's in my best interest for my future. Then I proceeded to say that I would be willing to help transition my backfill if needed as I had some flexibility with my start date.

Logistics is going down a dark path and I wanted out before it got worse. With new schedule standards and best practices they're making some tough changes. Less people to process a truck, more people to sell in end-to-end work centers. It's cool that we're trying to modernize and innovate on the sales floor, but if we aren't going to synergize that change with process enhancements from our logistics work center, we're just shooting ourselves in the foot.

As far as when to disclose, I would wait until you start looking, I waited until I had a job offer.
Also also - how much WAS your bonus? Or, just how much do they typically run?

Bonuses will depend on your pay due to it being a percentage. Usually around 1k-3k depending on your review and company performance + current pay. Of course the government likes to take almost half of that away from you (40% tax on bonuses) so you don't really see your entire bonus. STLs in high volume stores have been known to receive 30-40K bonuses.
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