Archived Angry "Extreme" couponers

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What does that have to do with the price of rice in China?

Your point is that TM's are crabby.

I agree with the overworked / underpaid sentiments!
Had a lady attempt to use a dependent's card one time & it came up as invalid; never saw that before.
I apologized & told her I couldn't accept it.
She said "Oh! It must've EXPIRED. I'll ask my husband to get me a new one." do that.
TTOG I still don't work at Target. How is it that I always see you when I decide to go there to see my people? Sketchy.
Had a lady attempt to use a dependent's card one time & it came up as invalid; never saw that before.
I apologized & told her I couldn't accept it.
She said "Oh! It must've EXPIRED. I'll ask my husband to get me a new one." do that.

I used to work at a grocery chain that is only here on the West Coast. When I took a trip to Minnesota, I visited one of the sister stores. Basically a different store, but owned by the same company. I asked the cashier, "Hey can I try my employee discount? I'm just curious if it works because I work at BlahBlah place." He laughed and scanned it. (I guess he was curious too) It didn't work.
I have people try the old "Two transactions for multiple coupons" bit. They already have a red card, a cartwheel and what have you. The only thing they DON'T have is a member discount. But I'm sure they'd find a way. I know some women will try to use their husband's member card. I have to tell them calmly but politely... that we don't accept more then four for the same coupon per day. It's our policy as a company. They get huffy sure... but Jesus.

did they forget the pharmacy 5% thing
Ive taken to giving our local couponers nicknames because I dont know their real ones. There's one that I call "Ring Leader" because she always comes to our store to teach classes on how to coupon to other ladies, usually bringing two other people with her. She's one who kept our store open almost an hour past close while everyone was waiting for her and her pupils to be done with her transaction. The kicker is that she throws our ETL-GE's name around because he gave her a subsitute ONCE to give her a hand, and now shes just taken advantage of that. We have a new ETLGE because our old one is training to be a Logistics ETL. I'm not sure how she's going to take that because when things don't go her way, she gets REALLY huffy.
We have two crazy coupon fraudsters that regularly frequent my store. We have nicknames for them- "Frizzy" and "Frumpy". Frizzy always buys a crapton of HPA (suspect she resells it or return frauds it) and will try to get you to use Sonicare coupons for EVERYTHING. Frumpy wears all designer stuff and will try to use expired coupons and coupons for items that are clearly not the item the coupon is for, and will throw a fit if she doesn't get every last discount she tries to scam out of us. They would try to target newbies and backup, but quickly learned to avoid me like the plague because I won't take their crap and will point out that coupons are expired, or that you can't use a Sonicare coupon on a kid's shirt that's worth less than the coupon is even for.
I love how flustered some of our couponers get sometimes.

Saw a newbie cashier with a scammer in her line. Walked up, sent her on break (was about 20 minutes early, but sent her just to get her off the lane), took over. Less than a minute ago the couponer proclaimed they'd forgotten their wallet and couldn't buy anything.

Responded with, "That's a real shame." Was very hard for me to not laugh or respond with, "I'm sure that's what the problem is.".
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I had one of these whackos call corporate on me recently because I made their fraud experience too uncomfortable for them. I was doing inventory counts in section A when I noticed a man and a women literally clear out an entire shelf of shampoo and load it into their cart. Being the stellar TPS that I am, this set off my alarm bells. Now I'm thinking these people are either going to (A) push out the cart full of shampoo or (B) do something sketchy with coupons, because nobody would buy that much damn shampoo. As such, I hung out in the area to keep an eye on what they were up to. When they went up front, I told the GSA to monitor the transaction because they went directly to a brand new cashier and were clearly up to something. Sure enough, they tried to do half a million separate transactions each with four of the same identical coupons. The GSA informed the woman that it was a limit of four identical coupons per customer per DAY not per TRANSACTION, and the lady absolutely lost her shit and started screaming that we were making stuff up because we wanted to rip her off. I came back over and told her to calm down, at which point she started screaming about how I was the one who was really scheming against her because I was "stalking" her around the store and "told this lady (the GSA) to lie so you could reject my coupons" I believe she implied that I was racist somewhere in there, but I didn't really listen and just ejected her from the store. She stormed out with her husband (?), leaving the cart behind, which contained somewhere around 200 bottles of shampoo. I couldn't believe we even had that much on the floor. Anyways, my ETL-HR, who was the LOD that night, came up to me later and told me that the lady had called corporate and complained, but that I had nothing to worry about because I was doing my job right, and everyone was glad that I had stopped the crazy. I'm sure I haven't seen the last of her though...
That 25% coupon REALLY brought out the couponers at my store.
I saw several carts loaded with Head&Shoulders & Pantene bottles; turns out there were giftcard promos on them AND some $3 off/2 coupons - a trifecta.
I was behind one of these women in a new cashier's line so I caught the GSTL's eye & he came over.
He told her she could only buy four each, at which point she demanded to know why & she 'didn't see a sign' about limits. He calmly stated Target's policy about limiting quantities to give every guest the opp to purchase. She left everything & walked out.
He told me he spotted her later in another newb's line & he shut her down there, too.
I'd be curious how she had enough coupons to buy that many. My bet says photocopied coupons and not all unique serials.
I'd be curious how she had enough coupons to buy that many. My bet says photocopied coupons and not all unique serials.
That doesn't always work to tell if they're photocopied though....I've printed out multiple coupons for things and they are EXACTLY the same. If you have multiple computers, it's easy to print out a lot! Between the computers we have in my house, I could easily print out 10 or more of the same coupon. If you're REALLY "devoted," you can do it with 1!!!
I had one of these whackos call corporate on me recently because I made their fraud experience too uncomfortable for them. I was doing inventory counts in section A when I noticed a man and a women literally clear out an entire shelf of shampoo and load it into their cart. Being the stellar TPS that I am, this set off my alarm bells. Now I'm thinking these people are either going to (A) push out the cart full of shampoo or (B) do something sketchy with coupons, because nobody would buy that much damn shampoo. As such, I hung out in the area to keep an eye on what they were up to. When they went up front, I told the GSA to monitor the transaction because they went directly to a brand new cashier and were clearly up to something. Sure enough, they tried to do half a million separate transactions each with four of the same identical coupons. The GSA informed the woman that it was a limit of four identical coupons per customer per DAY not per TRANSACTION, and the lady absolutely lost her shit and started screaming that we were making stuff up because we wanted to rip her off. I came back over and told her to calm down, at which point she started screaming about how I was the one who was really scheming against her because I was "stalking" her around the store and "told this lady (the GSA) to lie so you could reject my coupons" I believe she implied that I was racist somewhere in there, but I didn't really listen and just ejected her from the store. She stormed out with her husband (?), leaving the cart behind, which contained somewhere around 200 bottles of shampoo. I couldn't believe we even had that much on the floor. Anyways, my ETL-HR, who was the LOD that night, came up to me later and told me that the lady had called corporate and complained, but that I had nothing to worry about because I was doing my job right, and everyone was glad that I had stopped the crazy. I'm sure I haven't seen the last of her though...

If a coupon doesn't say limited transactions per day then you can't disallow them from mult transactions. However, target may set a limit on quantities - maybe you should use that as an example instead, when explaining why they can't buy more.
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