I had one of these whackos call corporate on me recently because I made their fraud experience too uncomfortable for them. I was doing inventory counts in section A when I noticed a man and a women literally clear out an entire shelf of shampoo and load it into their cart. Being the stellar TPS that I am, this set off my alarm bells. Now I'm thinking these people are either going to (A) push out the cart full of shampoo or (B) do something sketchy with coupons, because nobody would buy that much damn shampoo. As such, I hung out in the area to keep an eye on what they were up to. When they went up front, I told the GSA to monitor the transaction because they went directly to a brand new cashier and were clearly up to something. Sure enough, they tried to do half a million separate transactions each with four of the same identical coupons. The GSA informed the woman that it was a limit of four identical coupons per customer per DAY not per TRANSACTION, and the lady absolutely lost her shit and started screaming that we were making stuff up because we wanted to rip her off. I came back over and told her to calm down, at which point she started screaming about how I was the one who was really scheming against her because I was "stalking" her around the store and "told this lady (the GSA) to lie so you could reject my coupons" I believe she implied that I was racist somewhere in there, but I didn't really listen and just ejected her from the store. She stormed out with her husband (?), leaving the cart behind, which contained somewhere around 200 bottles of shampoo. I couldn't believe we even had that much on the floor. Anyways, my ETL-HR, who was the LOD that night, came up to me later and told me that the lady had called corporate and complained, but that I had nothing to worry about because I was doing my job right, and everyone was glad that I had stopped the crazy. I'm sure I haven't seen the last of her though...