We have been threatened with it. I am fairly certain they will call it. We simply arent prepared to handle this volume right now. A1 has no less than 6 orange vests in OB that are below or just starting their first week at 100%. The flex ins from WH they are scraping up I dont think have loaded a trailer in a decade. The OM is on her first month solo.
They scheduled 3 people on the Mezz whilst trying to pass over 100k through the sorter. Running central. I think recirc rate was something stupid like 40%. Total failure of a day. Not even mentioning the ~6 people that have dropped the last two days, leaving during work home sick.
We asked them if it gets bad enough if they will temporarily authorize more than 60 hours for those that volunteer. They said no way. But when each shift has a grand total of 10 people per department, I can't see how they wont.
The thought of doing 7, 12 hour shifts with Trumps reduced income tax proposal is making some of us salivate. I feel bad that I actually hope it gets that bad. I will want to kill myself doing it. But ~$2,000 paychecks 🤤 what a dream.
Anyway the gist is this could get ugly quick. If this does one thing I hope it makes them realise how severely undertrained everyone is. If a few select TMs get sick or stay home to take care of kids, we might litteraly not have enough people trained in certain specialties to function.