When they see you are crosstrained they can preapprove you and then have you on the start up sheet as a flex out. Or they can keep you in your home department and flex someone else out who is also cross trained in the other department. It's a win win for them. And if the other person doesn't want to go, you can swap with them if you like. I'm in warehousing now but I came from inbound. Some people don't like going to inbound, but I like doing different things and keeping everything fresh in my mind so I don't get rusty or bored. I just want to work and get the day over with.
We've been sending people to the cart line to throw carts, just giving them a crash course in throwing carts. I guess if the backlog gets high it makes sense to take the people pulling carts to throw them. It's like throwing a truck. Not much cross training involved in throwing freight. I always liked throwing trucks as a nice change of pace from the processing line because it's mindless fun standing in one place doing the same thing vs running around. Too much of any one thing is a bummer, I think.