Anyone hit their guest limit?


Dec 9, 2018
Did anyone hit their guest limit yesterday or any other day? It was pretty busy. I felt like we kept our guests moving pretty well, but a friend of mine at another store said it was worse. She is at a mall store. She said there was no available parking at the mall. I don't know what we would have done if we hit the limit. We didn't have anyone in AP (weird for a Saturday)
We haven't metered in a few months. We did at some point this spring/summer, but then they stopped. No idea if they will again.
We're starting to enforce a limit of 500 people. Even when there's 150 people it feels insanely busy, so I don't think we'll ever even hit 500.
Our limit is over 1000 now that they raised it... never gonna actually hit it. Just ridiculous.

During the beginning of the pandemic craziness/ Easter, our limit was 550 and we hit that every weekend/ Friday night for a few weeks.
I did. A guest asked me where something was, and I gave a clear, succinct answer. She didn't believe me, so I went to double check that the product was still in that location (walked 15 aisles over, and the "guest" refused to follow me)... came back and told her the same thing.

I hit my limit for dumb-ass guests.
It appears we reduced the limit because there’s a lot less people in the store than yesterday and there was a line out the door when I came in today.

Edit: So it says 500 limit in the app, but it seems they’re enforcing 300.
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We actually do count guests and hit our max at around mid day. At peak hours we can have a line that wraps around the building.
We had an alert that we hit the limit this morning, at about 9 AM. We don't have anyone counting so I assume it was some automated system that got a very wrong number, because there was hardly anyone in the store at that time.

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