Archived Apple Pay & Chip and PIN coming

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I just used CurrentC for the first time. It's cool. The process definitely takes a lot longer than Apple Pay, but I like to loyalty and rewards aspect of it. If Apple Pay gets a rewards program (which they're rumored to), I'm sold.
So the card readers are grabbing cards again... haha, that was like the card readers from three generations ago. We currently have those black ones, before that it was obviously the red ones that you just slid your card through and before that it was the silver & black ones that you put your card into that would inevitably end up holding onto some guest's card as if it were a vital food source.

Who was around for these bad boys?

I was. I knew how to get the card out after it got sucked in.
So is this why guests keep shoving their cards into our (nonworking) chip readers and being absolutely shocked when I tell them to swipe? Either that or my 5-hours-from-the-border store has had a huge influx of Canadians.
So the card readers are grabbing cards again... haha, that was like the card readers from three generations ago. We currently have those black ones, before that it was obviously the red ones that you just slid your card through and before that it was the silver & black ones that you put your card into that would inevitably end up holding onto some guest's card as if it were a vital food source.

Who was around for these bad boys?

Ohhhhhh yeh......I could open those puppies up like cracking an oyster in order to pull out stuck cards.
Good times....
So the card readers are grabbing cards again... haha, that was like the card readers from three generations ago. We currently have those black ones, before that it was obviously the red ones that you just slid your card through and before that it was the silver & black ones that you put your card into that would inevitably end up holding onto some guest's card as if it were a vital food source.

Who was around for these bad boys?


Those were long gone when I was hired, but I remember seeing them in the store years ago.
Funny thing is that those were rolled out when Target was pushing for smart cards that required chip and pin. Then Gregg pushed to abandon them since guests didn't see the benefit. The breach probably could've been avoided. Target was one of the early adopters of chip and pin lol.
With those old card readers the pens usually didn't work and you couldn't just use your finger like the ones we have now.

Same with the red ones we had. When I was a cashier, I got into the habit of pressing K8 every time to print out a slip because the damn pens didn't work the majority of the time.
Who was around for these bad boys?

Me, Me, Me 🙂

Honestly. I was kinda happy when they upgraded to the new, slim line... custom red ones 🙂

Now... it was a misstep, because not too long later, they'd all be thrown out, and replaced with terminals, that did the exact same thing the old ones did.

However... they stood us apart, in our Target way. We stopped looking like, we we're still in the 90's... that and the New NCR Flat Screen Upgrades, those made us look so... much better.

Trust me. Guests *did* notice the improvements. And I think... it made them feel more comfortable shopping with us. Well... until the data breach.

The new ones are capacitive touch screens which is literally like a screen of an iPhone or iPad, finger signatures should be the norm now! Lol.
Those red readers didn't look too bad either. The new ones are too "generic" if you will. They are the same ones as every other store.
For target, that's a good thing. Those red card readers had a tainted image after the breach. Now that we have the same sleek verifone readers as everyone else, it is just one less reminder about the past.
For target, that's a good thing. Those red card readers had a tainted image after the breach. Now that we have the same sleek verifone readers as everyone else, it is just one less reminder about the past.
This is true in a regard. At least they still "Target-ified" compared to the totally generic Verifones found at other stores, like the custom GUI that actually looks very nice.
Question: I still have an ordinary old redcard. Is there a way I can request a new one with chip and pin built in?
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