Archived apple watch concern

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Yes, it just mirrors notifications from your phone, which you can disable and it be just a $350 watch. That ETL is tripping... or jealous...
I'd say jealous because hell I'm jealous too! If the band is rubbery I can't wear it. I tend to have a lot of weird skin allergies and I'd either get a rash or my skin will peel. Oh I mean yes screw them wear it! Wear it and rub it in their faces!
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when we rolled out the mydevices a new best practice was made and handed out to all store teams, unless a leader sees you loafing on a device or texting they can't force you to not wear it. We are encouraged to wear technology to help guests, ourselves at work, and to demo and drive sales. Whoever told you that is just being ignorant and assuming you loaf.
If he comes up to you, tell him to ask Siri why he has no friends, and that'll put him right in his place (and possibly, more than likely, positively, you out of place, and by place I mean Target, but on the bright-side you'll have Siri by your wrist).
Better yet, tell him to ask Siri what zero divided by zero is and it'll tell him he has no friends (this is true, try it)
I have one since it was avail to pre order and of course months before we start selling it but in my store in encouraged by leadership to wear it and demo it to help educate and drive sales and it also has helped with our mobile people when they had to learn about it before we start selling it within it all I have became the unofficial digital adviser since our district has implemented that as of yet
I have one since it was avail to pre order and of course months before we start selling it but in my store in encouraged by leadership to wear it and demo it to help educate and drive sales and it also has helped with our mobile people when they had to learn about it before we start selling it within it all I have became the unofficial digital adviser since our district has implemented that as of yet
Periods, please. We have a digital folks in the store.
I have one since it was avail to pre order and of course months before we start selling it but in my store in encouraged by leadership to wear it and demo it to help educate and drive sales and it also has helped with our mobile people when they had to learn about it before we start selling it within it all I have became the unofficial digital adviser since our district has implemented that as of yet
Punctuation is your friend.
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