Archived Are you looking for a new job?

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Nov 25, 2011
I see posts about people let go, people being unhappy, and talk of unions. I am curious are any of you actively looking for work, or do you keep putting up with it because it's a job? What I mean is I was stuck with Target because I needed health insurance, Obomacare as bad as it is frees me from that. Now I am afraid of doing something different after so many years here. But why do you put up with it?
I am actively looking for a job in my field. In fact, I just had two more rejections today. 😛
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I give myself little 'checkpoints'. "Just make it to ____, and see how I feel" type of thing. I don't want to make any sudden decisions. For now, I need to finish school. After that I'll see how I feel.
I am still in school and found a job at another place that I think I'll like a lot more than target. It's still retail, but it isn't as bad. I was actively looking since January, and looked for a bit around 2014 September.
I am actively searching for my "career" job. Target was basically the first place that hired me after I graduated college and I plan to work there till I find something better. My degree hasn't done me much good lately since all jobs seem to want experience these days. Just waiting for that one place to give me a chance and hire me
I am actively searching for my "career" job. Target was basically the first place that hired me after I graduated college and I plan to work there till I find something better. My degree hasn't done me much good lately since all jobs seem to want experience these days. Just waiting for that one place to give me a chance and hire me
There lies the problem, due to unemployment (and underemployment), jobs require so much to get hired. They can ask you have a degree, experience, and that you are willing to make a blood sacrifice to the HR gods of <company>. No one will give anyone else a chance, and the jobs you can still get easily pay shit and treat you like shit.
I have been for a few weeks. So luck. I don't like the direction the company is moving in. With the recent Canada failure and other mismanagement decisions, I've lost confidence in this company. I've been with the company for nearly a decade and its time to move on. My co-workers are the reason I stayed for so long.
I am. I'm trying to move to another retailer with higher wages which for me would mean fewer hours. They have a better reputation for treating their employees well. I'd leave target after more than a year in good standing, so the move wouldn't look too job-hoppy on my resume. I have no chance of promotion at Target unless I wait a few years and.... no.
Sadly.. yes. I've been with spot for 3 years and it just seems to be getting worse as time goes on. I love my co-workers and the job that I actually do, but there's a lot of negatives that go into my decision as well. Crossing my fingers.
I, too, am looking for a new job. I like what I do, flow-electronics stocking, just not who I do it for. I really want to get back into the hospital service industry. Handling biohazardous waste (anything that could come out of or off of a human) was awesome! (Seriously, no sarcasm, I liked doing that.)


Sometimes I have to deal with that in the restrooms...
I've been looking on and off. Right now, I'm not looking because I have some dental work to finish up and I sorta love my dentist lol. Also working on the whole driving thing. Getting a job in my field (or any job that doesn't get me labeled as "underemployed") where I live without a car is impossible. If target treated people better, I think I'd stick around.. Put in the work for that promotion. I hate strongly dislike the company, though.
Yes. If I nail one for the county I could afford bills and go to school, along with having a normal life schedule.
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