Archived Are you working Christmas Eve?

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Closing. I don't have my kids this year on Xmas eve though, so no worries, gives me something to do. :/
Yep, 4-12:30

As long as we are not behind in fulfilling orders, it should be a slow day of mostly cleaning up and helping backroom.
Wanted to but I'm off. Might see if I could swing a four hour shift just cause.
11pm Wednesday to 730am Thurs if that counts. After that I come back 11pm on Christmas
5pm-10pm. Luckily it's usually quiet by that time with the exception of a few drunks buying gifts last minute.
Yep! 6am to 2:30pm. I know it will be a madhouse of people buying cold cuts last minute! 🙂 but hey I am ready for it!
Yep! 6am to 2:30pm. I know it will be a madhouse of people buying cold cuts last minute! 🙂 but hey I am ready for it!
and we have a FDC truck on Chrismas eve and the Saturday and Sunday after Christmas ... we get 4 trucks a week... December 20th, 22nd, 24th, 26th, 27th .
I work 3:30p - close, My first Christmas working, I still think we should get time and a half instead of and extra buck an hour, but whatever 😛
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