Asking for more than starting pay?


Jul 27, 2016
I'm thinking of coming back to take advantage of the college benefit. I am obviously over qualified to be a team member but I don't want to be a leader. Has anyone asked for a higher pay and got it? I searched the threads and couldn't find anything. I remember laughing at people that asked for more money in interviews. However I have to know if it's actually happened.
I'm thinking of coming back to take advantage of the college benefit. I am obviously over qualified to be a team member but I don't want to be a leader. Has anyone asked for a higher pay and got it? I searched the threads and couldn't find anything. I remember laughing at people that asked for more money in interviews. However I have to know if it's actually happened.
I asked when I was hired because I had a lot of experience. The HR person said they would check into it, but the answer was no. This was over four years ago.
If you know someone that is currently at Target I would have them look into the college benefit for you.

I would also search this forum.

There might be restrictions as to how soon you can get that benefit.

Target cares nothing about work experience but you have nothing to loose about asking for a higher starting pay.

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