At the store I work at, you could tell every one in the world that you want to move up but it won't matter until they actually have a position opened. And then, once everyone applies, and has their interviews it will depend on who is pushing for you.. Oh and don't try for the position if its nearing 4th qtr and you get a ton of redcards.. They would rather you be on the register getting those numbers up for them. They will promise it to you after 4th qtr, but they usually hire someone else for the immediate position and have you wait until the position comes up again, and then once again you will have to have numerous people pushing for you to get the position.
One of the things the GE says to the tm asking is - you don't have enough experience.. The TM's usually get frustrated saying, how do I get the experience if I don't have the position.. Which is true.. It's a vicious circle.
I have seen that happen to tm's over the past three years.. Oh and if management changes, you will have to prove to them you are worthy of the position..
Just continue to do your job to the best of your ability, eventually someone will give you a promotion.