Back to target

Sep 13, 2011
Hey guys,

I forgot about this board. But I just want to say that i am back at target, and a lot has changes. I used to work at target about 9 years ago. I use to be a backroom team member, but now a Front of the Store Attendant.
I occasionally enjoyed being the electro-hydraulic cardboard compression expert. My receiver would score our bales from 1----->10. Mine were always a 10. Best Ever Darwin Event was when one fine young man built a huge bale using TWO wires and ONE chain. Turned the button counter clockwise and up went the ram then KABOOM! 700 lbs of cardboard all over the place. It was a beautiful event.
I occasionally enjoyed being the electro-hydraulic cardboard compression expert. My receiver would score our bales from 1----->10. Mine were always a 10. Best Ever Darwin Event was when one fine young man built a huge bale using TWO wires and ONE chain. Turned the button counter clockwise and up went the ram then KABOOM! 700 lbs of cardboard all over the place. It was a beautiful event.
No offense, but , wtf?
And that my friends was after a very thorough lesson and demonstration and Q & A session. There were dozens of bale wires and plenty of other back room guys around who were more than willing to help and show this bozo how to do it. He picked everything up himself. Moron.
It's so odd - I keep having dreams about going back to Target.
I occasionally enjoyed being the electro-hydraulic cardboard compression expert. My receiver would score our bales from 1----->10. Mine were always a 10. Best Ever Darwin Event was when one fine young man built a huge bale using TWO wires and ONE chain. Turned the button counter clockwise and up went the ram then KABOOM! 700 lbs of cardboard all over the place. It was a beautiful event.
I would have paid money to see that, and the chewing out that must have come after it...
I came back because I want to pay off my debt. I been working at a hospital for the past 5 years working in an emergency room, and no i never lost the pharmacy keys, and i never worked in psychiatric hospital.
I have been informed that my status at target is permanent. So glad that I am not seasonal.
While it is nice to be told that initially so thee's no doubts, seasonal positions are usually permanent anyway unless you do a terrible job.

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