Archived Backroom Stocking Question

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No shopping carts allowed in my backroom.

You'd hate me. I don't leave it there, but when I have an entire shopping cart full of men's basics that didn't fit, I'm not looking for a three tier to put it all in. I just pile it in one of the carts that the men's basics push was in and take that back.
You'd hate me. I don't leave it there, but when I have an entire shopping cart full of men's basics that didn't fit, I'm not looking for a three tier to put it all in. I just pile it in one of the carts that the men's basics push was in and take that back.
Please grab a few repack boxes with a pink clip & you are good to go. I have done men’s basic to Plano. I know where you are coming from.
You'd hate me. I don't leave it there, but when I have an entire shopping cart full of men's basics that didn't fit, I'm not looking for a three tier to put it all in. I just pile it in one of the carts that the men's basics push was in and take that back.

I do the same. I do I'd say 85-90% of SL's backstocking and I gather everything from the truck into a shopping cart. When the truck is pushed, I backstock the cart and then remove it from the backroom. STL is OK with this as long as the cart is tucked inside the backroom aisle.
Please grab a few repack boxes with a pink clip & you are good to go. I have done men’s basic to Plano. I know where you are coming from.

Twitch, twitch. I don't have it to plano, but I have managed to get most of it organized enough to where no one fusses. Nothing like missing the morning shift for a couple of pushes and finding the L size v-neck undershirts peg is full and they are also filling the L size crew neck, the XL v-neck, and the XXL for good measure.
Last year I noticed that the feel of the fabric kept changing whenever I folded RTW Mossimo v-neck t-shirts that were either black or white. Turns out there were two different shirts. Every time I managed to separate the stack, that lasted only as long as the end of my shift.

I've also seen items that have a different dpci because while they are identical in every way, fibers used, tactile, visual, they were manufactured at separate times.

Don't risk a screwup by either having two different manufacturing dates or two different but visually identical items. That is why I was trained to scan every tag while backstocking. Yeah it can take a bit longer, but honestly I don't think it makes that much of a difference. You either take the time to count the shirts and verify the size and dpci and re-stack them and then backstock them as a group -or- you pull out the box and place it next to your stack and scan each item as you move it from the stack outside the box onto the stack you're making inside the box, and then replace the box.

So you're saying it's okay to backstock that way even if they say it isn't necessary. See I wasn't even sure what was right/wrong, etc.
So you're saying it's okay to backstock that way even if they say it isn't necessary. See I wasn't even sure what was right/wrong, etc.

Actually I'm saying the opposite. It's not okay to assume the whole stack is the same. It's best to not assume and to do each one at a time. It's just easy to pull out the storage box and put each item in after individually scanning and then put the whole box back on the shelf.
I do the same. I do I'd say 85-90% of SL's backstocking and I gather everything from the truck into a shopping cart. When the truck is pushed, I backstock the cart and then remove it from the backroom. STL is OK with this as long as the cart is tucked inside the backroom aisle.

I do EVERYTHING..... let me repeat... EVERYTHING. Because I do EVERYTHING.... I have very little time to get many things more than passibly done. I'm supposed to do workload and RFID but because we're understaffed there is only one other person who does backstock and she only does that WHEN she isn't needed on the salesfloor midshift. And when she does backstock she goes for the carts first. YES, Harlinesmaster, we have carts in the backroom. *sigh* We had six down an aisle for half a week before someone took care of it. The only reason I didn't get to it was because of the flatbed of boxes I have to figure out how to squeeze in that are stacked higher than my head out on the salesfloor about every other truck.... or the three tubs of boxes of varying sizes that really have to be done so they're not blocking up aisles where the backroom isn't able to get into the non-softlines stuff. I really wish they'd hire a man or some super buff woman to do all our backstock. It is super rare that anyone helps me and some of these boxes are almost more than I can lift and occasionally are more than I can lift.

Sry for the attitude... just super frustrated these days and it doesn't help that corporate is being an ass about how early we can come in. To be fair, anyone who has ever tried to set an area swamped with 8 or 9 people because you're setting at the worst possible time would be ready to string them up too. I srsly wish the guests would complain LOUD and LONG about how our tasks are getting in the way of their shopping. 😛
Actually I'm saying the opposite. It's not okay to assume the whole stack is the same. It's best to not assume and to do each one at a time. It's just easy to pull out the storage box and put each item in after individually scanning and then put the whole box back on the shelf.

Um, I think you the only difference between what we said is that you are saying we SHOULD backstock that way regardless. I was confused if that was messing up the system in some way is all.
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Day two and can't pull SL autofills without moving shopping carts full of new clothes.. UGH.. On the plus side, I only have about 8 more carts of electronics to back stock. And here is the best part, our area is without water so our store had to truck in porta potties for us to use outside. Sometimes you just have to shake your head and laugh..
Um, I think you the only difference between what we said is that you are saying we SHOULD backstock that way regardless. I was confused if that was messing up the system in some way is all.

I'll try to clarify my thoughts. Yes, backstocking as a group can mess up the system if you make a mistake and one dpci differs. You ask if you should backstock as a group, no you shouldn't. You asked in the previous post if it's okay to backstock as a group, no it's not okay. You asked in your previous post if whoever in the backroom taught you how to backstock said it isn't necessary to backstock as a group, but is it okay if you do backstock as a group, no, it isn't okay to backstock as a group. It takes only one little mistake to mess up the storage identification. This all was drummed into my head by the backroom TMs and TLs, and they've been running the backroom for a lot, lot longer than softlines has been doing their own backstocking. I'm certain they know fully well the havoc one wrong dpci causes.
You have an RFID scanner and many people in softlines that can help you locate items. There's no reason to spend 'hours' searching for unlocated product when there's literally a gun that will direct you to where the product is. Softlines TMs should become experts heading into Q4 in order to supplement SFS picking as well.

Except for the part where it is a crap app to use. And when your store is a dead zone with bits of live areas its a waste of time.
More than once I've been helping to find items, only for both of us to end up frustrated and clueless. When the RFID scanner is brought out, we find the tag...and only the tag. Stuffed in pockets, stuck behind folded shirts, stuff like that.
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