Archived Base Pay

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I don't recall being informed of anything of the sort.

That seems weird. Couldn't possibly be the case here as Target base pay is barely higher than state minimum wage. Min wage is $8.15, Target pays N03 $9.00.

I made $9.50, I went up to $10.30 when they raised our base pay to $9.00.

I think you and I are in similar scenarios though. I don't think we were lucky, so much as base pay for every paygrade went up. ie. If you had been a cashier making $9.75 you'd have been bumped to $10.50, not $11.25.

If base pay at my store went to $10.50 I'd similarly expect to make $11.50, but not $11.80. ie. Base GSA pay would be $11.50, I'd make less than that, so get bumped to that, I wouldn't retain the $0.30 over base pay that I currently make though.
Asants. I was making 9.03, I got a .40 raise. I now make.....9.43. Base was 8 when I started 4+yrs ago.
Asants. I was making 9.03, I got a .40 raise. I now make.....9.43. Base was 8 when I started 4+yrs ago.
That seems typical though. You got a fairly normal raise, not a raise and a paygrade bump. Seems to be the norm unless the paygrade bump comes at review time like it did last time. I imagine my 80 cent raise consisted of an actual 30 cent raise and a 50 cent payraise bump, but that if they raised my paygrade to $11.00 right now I'd make $11.00 from now until my next review as opposed to jumping to $11.30, whereas if they raised it to $11.00 at my next review I'd get $11.00 + a merit raise, but not my previous merit raises + $11.00 + a new merit raise.
Fuck. I make $12.69 an hour and I've been here for 9 years working logistics. I do get 36-40 hours per week though.
That seems typical though. You got a fairly normal raise, not a raise and a paygrade bump. Seems to be the norm unless the paygrade bump comes at review time like it did last time. I imagine my 80 cent raise consisted of an actual 30 cent raise and a 50 cent payraise bump, but that if they raised my paygrade to $11.00 right now I'd make $11.00 from now until my next review as opposed to jumping to $11.30, whereas if they raised it to $11.00 at my next review I'd get $11.00 + a merit raise, but not my previous merit raises + $11.00 + a new merit raise.
On my phone so not worth trying to re-quite the post, but you said every pay grade went up, but none at my store did last year. We got raise only if above the new 9hr pay, or pay grade bump plus raise. No matter how many years you were there if you made more than 9 for base pay you only got your raise.
On my phone so not worth trying to re-quite the post, but you said every pay grade went up, but none at my store did last year. We got raise only if above the new 9hr pay, or pay grade bump plus raise. No matter how many years you were there if you made more than 9 for base pay you only got your raise.

That's weird. That'd make the following hypothetical scenario possible.

Base cashier: $8.15
Base GSA: $9.15

Then the bump to $9.00

Base Cashier: $9.00

A GSA that was making $9.15 gets a $0.30 cent raise, and gets pushed up to $9.45, less than $0.50 over base cashier.
We are having a store wide TM raise to $10/h in 3 days. I make 50 cents above our $9 minimum but I won't be making $10.50 next week, just $10 like everyone else, oh well.🙄
Weird, heard nothing of pay going up here, but I wouldn't mind a bump to $11+ from current $10.30.
Interesting. We've had a Costco within 5 miles of our store since 2012 and our base pay never budged. After Walmart announced their basepay increase last year, our store's went up to $9.

We have Costco on the other side of the parking lot. Been there at least a decade, though and they're almost never hiring so I doubt tgt sees it as a threat
Targets philosophy here is this (just guessing)
1) Need a higher starting pay to compete with Walmart and McDonalds beginning to pay "more".
2) Not raising long time team members pay because they figure if you were with Target for 6 years already putting up with $9 an hour, chances are you are not going to leave, so Mr. Cornell says shove it.
3) Corporate and a vast amount of *Older* Americans still believe these are jobs held by students, not by people who rely on it as a living income, so nobody really gives a damn. It sucks, but unfortunately it's still common belief. I have a degree in IT Management and I still ended up with this job.
That's weird. That'd make the following hypothetical scenario possible.

Base cashier: $8.15
Base GSA: $9.15

Then the bump to $9.00

Base Cashier: $9.00

A GSA that was making $9.15 gets a $0.30 cent raise, and gets pushed up to $9.45, less than $0.50 over base cashier.
This is exactly what happened for my store.
I was making 9.03
Base pay was 8.50

Raise base pay to 9.00
I still was making 9.03 plus my .40 raise.
I make .43 above a newbie after 4 yrs with target. Base was 8.00 when I started. The 1.03 in raises I busted my ass to earn were eaten up in base pay bumps.

Should one of the newbies get a better raise next year than me they could potentially earn more than me as a 5 yr veteran.
We have two GSA's, both hired when the store opened ~11 years ago.

The cashier has been with Target for 23 years, and transferred to the store from another when it opened.

I'd hope the cashier makes much more than me, but I'm not sure if she does. Same goes for the two GSA's. I'm sure they do make more than me though, just likely not much more, whereas the cashier might even make less than me.
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