Archived Bathrooms and payroll

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At my store we have been making sales and payroll has not dropped since the whole bathroom thing came out
My favorite was the lady two years ago who came into my line with 200 of those cheap notebooks that go for like .30 apiece during BTS. I think I hated BTS more than Black Friday.
Dammit, you made me stressed out just thinking about that. I agree worse than Black Friday.

On the bright side, hours are great.
keep it on topic guys. as impressive as hardlinemaster's buy low sell high is, it has nothing to do with the topic.
comniverus made it explicitly clear to stay on topic or this thread would go bye bye. it has made a difference since the inception of this message board because you have to follow the moderators rules. i realize i am going off topic but i am doing it in the spirit of reinforcing the rules and keeping order. I am sorry that you were called out and you were in the wrong, and i understand why you are trying to make this personal. however, i hope you don't further stray off topic and let this issue die with this reply, because i cannot stray off topic, even if it is something fun like reminicing about seasonal clearance. one time in 07 i got a christmas tree for 90 percent off target i am a mad capitalist too.
as long as your watching it. and i didnt' really think redeye58 was being snippy about your warning. tbh idk what the problem is.
Hours are crap at my store. I am doing ok on hours because I have open availability and one of the few people who know the service desk. Service desk shifts are 7-8 hours long. Lots of team members only work 12-16 hours right now.
He's being snippy because of my warning.

The nice thing is I get to decide what's off track.

This is fine, BTS is inline with sales issues at Target.

as long as your watching it. and i didnt' really think redeye58 was being snippy about your warning. tbh idk what the problem is.
I wasn't the one Commie was referring to.

@Hardlinesmaster: I remember my last BTS/BTC in the lanes & we had several groups from city employees to teachers who were buying tubs of supplies & backpacks to make up 'starter packs' for needy kids.
One of the teachers even brought one by to show me the finished product & it was pretty cool.
I wasn't the one Commie was referring to.

@Hardlinesmaster: I remember my last BTS/BTC in the lanes & we had several groups from city employees to teachers who were buying tubs of supplies & backpacks to make up 'starter packs' for needy kids.
One of the teachers even brought one by to show me the finished product & it was pretty cool.

oh my bad. hey did you happen to get a picture of those starter packs. it sounds really cool and i am having a hard time imaging what a backpack with supplies in it would look like. I've never seen such a sight!
There was a redwire about payroll being updated for the month of May to reflect a loss of sales after the announcement.
RedWire simply said hours are being reduced to reflect the lower comps across the company, however according to my DTL the south and mid west states are being hit the worst with a loss in sales.
There was a redwire about payroll being updated for the month of May to reflect a loss of sales after the announcement.
RedWire simply said hours are being reduced to reflect the lower comps across the company, however according to my DTL the south and mid west states are being hit the worst with a loss in sales.

just remember anyone can claim anything. just because sales are being effected in the south and midwest doesn't mean they actually are. or wait, does it? 1,211,503 signers
My district altogether wasn't making sales for a couple days only due to the super shitty rainy weather. The district is above forecast now that it's warm and sunny.
just remember anyone can claim anything. just because sales are being effected in the south and midwest doesn't mean they actually are. or wait, does it? 1,211,503 signers
But when you have an intranet database full of company sales info at your fingertips, you can make claims like that.
My guess is that Target bathrooms are much safer since crazy boycotters are not darkening Target's doors or their scary bathrooms.

I hope Walmart & all the other retailers are keeping a watchful eye out for the instigators who are getting their jollies out of fantasizing & gossiping about all the possible crimes that could possibly happen in a bathroom that doesn't have posted guards.
Sales are down at my store due to a new Neighborhood Walmart that opened near us. It has killed our grocery sales, but the rest of the store is doing well.

We had a family that very loudly declared that our bathroom policy was why they were transferring their scripts to Walmart. That was 2 weeks ago. They were back at our pharmacy a week later and back to shopping in the store. I guess they weren't so concerned about it after all.
i think they were following up with the pharmacy transferred and had some gift cards to spend off before they make it final. they won't be back most likely.
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