Archived Bathrooms and payroll

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@invictustaylor why are you always so negative to all this? If you don't like it here and disagree with everything said... GO AWAY.
We just want to share about our experiences from area to area. Not argue and keep having threads shut down.
My store is down quite a bit. Sending flow home if done or not. Several small trucks. But last 2 almost normal. Sales seem to be coming back up a bit. I think if spot throws out a few really good sales... The flocks will come back in droves...😀
@invictustaylor why are you always so negative to all this? If you don't like it here and disagree with everything said... GO AWAY.

@invictustaylor why are you always so negative to all this? If you don't like it here and disagree with everything said... GO AWAY.
We just want to share about our experiences from area to area. Not argue and keep having threads shut down.
My store is down quite a bit. Sending flow home if done or not. Several small trucks. But last 2 almost normal. Sales seem to be coming back up a bit. I think if spot throws out a few really good sales... The flocks will come back in droves...😀

i like it here. but good idea if i don't like it i will leave. until then i will post my thoughts.
i'm talking about the boycott and public opinion of the issue as it's relevant to sales and the upcoming payroll cut you guys will be experiencing. you're talking about buying pallets of notebooks and reselling them. if you were really worried about the payroll you would have gotten your friends into the store before they went clearance to buy the notebooks.
You didn't notice the comment about bts. Oh well, you left spot & forgot about a bunch of stuff. I forgot to ask you, which spot did you protest the bathroom policy at?
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i know lot's of replies here are biased but here's a good look at some unbiased opinions

TARGET STOCK DOWN 5% TODAY!!! yippee burn muthfugga BURN!

lots of people discussing loading up carts and walking out, never going there again..

I will take a 5% dip today and displease a small portion of the market to secure stronger growth in the future with a potentially larger section of the market (in both brick and mortar and online retail). Analyzing single days or even small trends is rather pointless, because even IF you can show a consistent drop in sales company wide since the announcement, it wouldn't make a difference. We are taking action for our long-term success, not pleasing some people (who are statistically going to be older, poorer, less educated, and not Target shoppers in the first place) to maybe pick up a small increase in sales for a few months. Waste of time and money.
idk what i'm seeing is people with families and that have money and used to be target shoppers just aren't going to shop there anymore, because their familiy comes first and why risk it going to target and putting their kids in danger. i know a lot of people work there and want to stand behind the decision, and the stereotypes you are trying to conjure about people being retarded and poor because they don't celebrate mentally ill people using the wrong bathroom just aren't true.
i find that rude and i think the op who posted this discussion would too. they started it for a reason. if you don't like it hide the thread or just don't come in. there are other places in the world you can fight for social justice like the warrior you are.
Ok, what I meant was that if you see a post and it makes you think "wow this is so frustratingly stupid, I need to repond to this", resist and don't respond.
idk what i'm seeing is people with families and that have money and used to be target shoppers just aren't going to shop there anymore, because their familiy comes first and why risk it going to target and putting their kids in danger. i know a lot of people work there and want to stand behind the decision, and the stereotypes you are trying to conjure about people being retarded and poor because they don't celebrate mentally ill people using the wrong bathroom just aren't true.

[WARNING=NOPE! NOT HAPPENING!] You don't get to call transgendered people mentally ill under any circumstances. This is the kind of bull shit I was talking about that will get this thread shut down. You are toast.[/WARNING]
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Now let me say this. I am Trans and I am not a fan of very specific bathroom policy's like Targets. I don't think they are needed from my personal experiance. If people assume you are a woman (as they do of me) then use the Woman's room. If people assume your a guy, then use the mens room. if you don't feel comfortable with either of those chooses there is typically a family restroom and if not plan accordingly to go before you get there.
idk what i'm seeing is people with families and that have money and used to be target shoppers just aren't going to shop there anymore, because their familiy comes first and why risk it going to target and putting their kids in danger. i know a lot of people work there and want to stand behind the decision, and the stereotypes you are trying to conjure about people being retarded and poor because they don't celebrate mentally ill people using the wrong bathroom just aren't true.
As a post-op Transsexual I find your blanket statement that Trans people are mentally ill very offensive!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM NOT MENTALLY ILL.
There are many checks and balances one must go through including mental health check, and physical medical evaluations that one must go through before anything including hormones are approved.
Now before you go quoting some Dr from John Hopkins, I wish to point out that their opinion is a minority in the medical profession. As both the World health Organization and the American Medical association have set very strict standards for evaluating Trans individuals, as they have for other medical treatments. These include mental health evals to weed out those who are merely confused or are suffering from a true mental illness which is causing there issue. They do not recommend hormones, surgery, and any other type of body altering treatment for them until the mental issues, if applicable, are resolved first. any Dr prescribing meds for gender identity issues without a recommendation of a mental health practitioner, should have there licence pulled as it goes against the proper procedures.
Also lets not all forget that less then 10 years ago being gay was misunderstood as a mental illness and even most of christian right will even admit now that it is not!
idk what i'm seeing is people with families and that have money and used to be target shoppers just aren't going to shop there anymore, because their familiy comes first and why risk it going to target and putting their kids in danger. i know a lot of people work there and want to stand behind the decision, and the stereotypes you are trying to conjure about people being retarded and poor because they don't celebrate mentally ill people using the wrong bathroom just aren't true.
Dude seriously?
Guys just stop talking to & responding to it!!! Gas + fire = bigger fire!!!
Maybe it will go away then (the vicious thread spitter/hater)
If you worked at Target long enough you know it has been boycotted because it had same sex partner benefits long ago, some idiots thought it was a French company that did not support the military, it got rid of the salvation army bell ringers, it was part of the made up war on Christmas etc. It has always been the same group of people and it has never made any difference since those people never shopped at Target to begin with. And frankly those people belong over on the people of walmart page with other nutters.
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