Being Uncomfortable at first

Jan 23, 2020
Hi! I just got off work and it's been 3 months since I'm working at Target. Is it normal for me to be still uncomfortable using the walkie? Because my TL was just training me to run the front and i'm confused what to do but I'm getting there. It was getting backed up and I'm kinda nervous to call somebody for backup and I'm not used to it. It's kinda embarassing for me but I was just working there for 3 months. Is there any tips from you guys for me to improve myself? I would really appreciate it. Thank u!
I’ve been here 2 years and I still am. I always stumble on my words cause I get nervous everybody can hear me. I hear a couple people ask each other if they can say something on the walkie instead because they are nervous. It’s completely normal, unfortunately it has to get done
I stumble over my words too. Very common thing. It may get easier to deal with over time though. I try to shift my focus to my breathing for a moment so as to not ruminate on how badly I butcher my calls on the walkie.
You can practice by taking a walkie every shift.
Check in every day, "This is meowy checking in for the day.".
Use it going to and coming back from breaks, "This is meowy going on/back from break."
And again when leaving, "This is meowy headed out. Everyone have a great night."
You can get used to speaking on walkie by saying the same things every day. This should help you build some confidence. When you have to use it to say other things, say it in your head first, then on walkie. That can help too.
Just mock the Indyme lady and format all your requests in the same voice.

Need backup to the front lanes? Say over walkie: "Fast service needed to the front lanes. Who is responding?"
Kid vomited his guts out at SCO? "Fast service needed for puking child. Who is responding?"
Karen lost her child? "Fast service needed for Code yellow. Code yellow. Code yellow. Who is responding?" // "The request has been cleared. Cancel code yellow. Cancel code yellow. Cancel code yellow."

Works like a charm! 😉
Need backup to the front lanes? Say over walkie: "Fast service needed to the front lanes. Who is responding?"
Then, if no one responds, “Fast service needed to the front lanes. 15 seconds remaining, who is responding?”

some of my now former GSAs would (I don’t think purposefully, just from hearing it so often) would mimic the “additional cashiers to the front lanes”

also to OP— if you really need practice, switch to an empty channel, and practice there for a hot sec
Things I’ve heard said over the walkie at my store:

comm check comm check (yes, it’s working)

sorry accidental misfire (addl cashiers needed button was pressed while cleaning, no code was needed lol)

nice job ladies! (Said to someone who identifies as both an individual and a male)

ohmygodihatevendors. (FBTL of course)

TM: ithink someone is missing a kid? TL: I’m sorry what?? TM: yeah there’s one crying here and no adults around (ffs are you kidding?)

can someone get the alarm going off? (While holding the walkie by the alarm going off, just to irritate everyone.) (ok that was me but the alarm panel upstairs is 18” from my face)

TM: can I let someone in receiving? TL: is it UPS? TM: idk should I ask them? TL: do they have a big brown truck? TM: idk I’ll open the door and look TL: nooo I’ll be right there

TM: LOD where are you? LOD: in the compactor TM2: BY the compactor??

These are just some memorable ones. Then there are the evening conversations, which are a lot more fun due to a lot less Leadership running amok 😁

Bottom line is just jump in and start. The more you do it the more confident you’ll be. I realized I was comfortable as soon as I started recognizing who’s voice it was on the walkie. And please always press the button a second before you start to talk! I press, take a breath, then speak.
Things I’ve heard said over the walkie at my store:

comm check comm check (yes, it’s working)

sorry accidental misfire (addl cashiers needed button was pressed while cleaning, no code was needed lol)

nice job ladies! (Said to someone who identifies as both an individual and a male)

ohmygodihatevendors. (FBTL of course)

TM: ithink someone is missing a kid? TL: I’m sorry what?? TM: yeah there’s one crying here and no adults around (ffs are you kidding?)

can someone get the alarm going off? (While holding the walkie by the alarm going off, just to irritate everyone.) (ok that was me but the alarm panel upstairs is 18” from my face)

TM: can I let someone in receiving? TL: is it UPS? TM: idk should I ask them? TL: do they have a big brown truck? TM: idk I’ll open the door and look TL: nooo I’ll be right there

TM: LOD where are you? LOD: in the compactor TM2: BY the compactor??

These are just some memorable ones. Then there are the evening conversations, which are a lot more fun due to a lot less Leadership running amok 😁

Bottom line is just jump in and start. The more you do it the more confident you’ll be. I realized I was comfortable as soon as I started recognizing who’s voice it was on the walkie. And please always press the button a second before you start to talk! I press, take a breath, then speak.
The UPS one is hilarious 😂
And please always press the button a second before you start to talk! I press, take a breath, then speak.
I use the extended heyyyyy trick

“heyyyyyyyy style team for the 50th time, your reshop is full”

my entire store lost it when my brain glitched out and I instead of saying what I wanted to sayon the walkie I said “target (cityname) this is guest service” like I was answering the phone
When they took the phones out of the fitting room and put them up at GS, they were still paging Style to come up and make the announcements because every last one of the GS people were terrified to make them. When a couple of them finally made attempts, they botched them so badly that they would start laughing loudly so the whole store could hear. And that's with a script! Now they are much better and can get through them relatively smoothly.

Speaking on a walkie or paging system just takes a little practice. You'll sound like a pro in no time - you can do it!

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