Archived Bench eligible for SrTL?

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Apr 21, 2017
Does anyone know if you're able to apply for a SrTL position once you're on the bench? Or is that not what being on the bench is for? Thinking in terms for my development as well as pay.

I'm a GSA right now, and I'll be taking my interviews later in the week.

Unfortunately, I haven't had a lot of practice with prepping. I've mentioned it to my ETL but he said that he thinks I'll do great and the first ETL that will interview me will give feedback. Our store used to have team members interview with the DTL but has moved away from that and now you interview with one ETL and then the STL. Is this an ASANTS thing?

Does anyone know if I can look at old guides to brush up on Target lingo and all that anywhere on work bench? My GSTL just came off the bench and was going to get me old guides but sadly said that when she asked for them (who did she ask? HR?), they said they don't think I'll need them. I know I've just got to keep a holistic mind set, stay away from being task orientated, and need to be prepared for behavioral qs.

Thanks for your help! ☺️
It's possible to apply for SrTL, but unlikely. In the event of a senior TL leaving, there is a good chance that an existing team leader would become a senior and you would become a TL.

DTL interviews (for TLs) have been gone for about a year and a half.

Definitely ask if you can see the interview questions ahead of time. I've had ETLs give them to me in the past and I was able to come up with exactly what I wanted to say. As for lingo, don't worry about it. If you try too hard with the lingo, it'll sound too good, if that makes sense; maybe too robotic.
Yeah! I also believe that it IS possible, i've heard stories from hear online from TM - ETL. I believe at minimum you would get an interview, and hey you never know. It's worth a shot.

I don't think if you apply for SR TL you meet with the DTL, i'm not 100% sure on that.
DTL interviews (for TLs) have been gone for about a year and a half.

It's gone for TL, in my district at least seniors still have to interview with the DTL.

For TL first interview is with ETL, second interview is with STL

For Senior first interview is with STL, second interview is with DTL

Does anyone know if you're able to apply for a SrTL position once you're on the bench? Or is that not what being on the bench is for? Thinking in terms for my development as well as pay.

The bench is for TL positions. They generally only promote external hires and TL's to Senior.
Does anyone know if you're able to apply for a SrTL position once you're on the bench?

I have seen it happen but only for the Express stores. I have seen TM to SrTL and Bench to SrTL for these types of stores.
One of you guys was really nice and gave me guides but guys, I'm scared. I'm worried I'm going to think of the front end as too simplistic and it's going to sound like the only problem or challenge we face is staffing and being efficient with backup/the number of cashiers we have when we have long lines. I know there's much more than that going on. We're the first impression, as well as the last impression of the store. I'm just worried. I'm going to repeat the same examples and freeze up. I really thought I was going to have so many fellow leaders being willing to prep but unfortunately they all found a way of saying no. :( I've gotten recognition for excellent guest comments and etl's are the ones who have pushed for me to get on the bench sooner rather than later but now I'm scared I'm going to blow it.
Just remember to look at the big picture and include that in your answers. They want to see that you understand the full scope of things and how it affects the company.
You can apply for what ever position you want regardless of what you’re waiting for. Don’t let anyone in this post or in real life tell you that you can’t jump to a higher promotion because “they haven’t seen it”.

If guests have recognized you and ETL’s are acknowledging you and pushing for you to go further they see potential.

At my last company I did a lot of the interviewing and when I interviewed for Targé I saw their questions coming. PM me if you have specific questions
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