Except that the STL and ETL reviews are completed. Our STL had his review last week. Our ETL reviews are this week.But the BTS counts against the store score, ETL reviews, and the STL's review
Trust me, it counts towards next year's review for them. Plus, some are put on corrective action for bad surveys. The HR and STL especially get reamed in this area-they are supposedly responsible for morale overall.Except that the STL and ETL reviews are completed. Our STL had his review last week. Our ETL reviews are this week.
Not only that but IIRC it also asks gender and race
We were recently told in a huddle that the bts only is attributed to your first superior, or what not. The LOD that gave the huddle gave a very strong hint that basically said don't give a bad score trying to effect any etl's because it only effects your tl's. I think our executive team knows the whole store basically dislikes them and says this crap trying to tell us we can't do anything about it. -_-
Though, there's been a bunch of butt kissing latley. Asking how we can improve the store. Which happens every year around this time and is gone about 12 hours the bts is done. Bunch of bull.
So...I'm a TL. I was told that if my work center got a poor BTS, my job would be in jeopardy. Apparently (as we already knew) we're over headcount and well, uh, that could be "bad news for you." My metrics are green and have been since I became TL
Do they know the identity of the TMs taking the surveys? I have a great TL and STL, it's the ETLs that are useless in our store. My immediate ETL avoids us and provides no support whatsoever. I just want to answer honestly without it negatively affecting my TL and STL.
In my store, our HR will give us a chik-fil- a sandwich IF we complete the BTS, because is not mandatory, and she will SURVEY Tmsc to make sure we are taking the survey. Coincidences, she is just too nice for her own good.
Brand new store?Wow, I dont know if its because we're a new store, but most of our ETL's are good and our STL is fantastic. There's only two ETL's that annoy me, the ETL-Log, but that's because whoever it is he has stock the nail care/eyelashes cosmetics is a complete moron who routinely puts merch in the wrong area which screws up my variance counts, abd the other one has told me, as a TPS, that I can't receipt check people unless I check everyone, which is completely wrong!
Brand new store?
New stores usually get the best of the best when it comes to leadership. When a new store opened here they took the best ETLs at their positions around the district and placed them in the new store. They don't want a new store to fail.