Archived Best Team Survey

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we got chatted up before telling us that we cant put anything on there we havent talked to management about already. open door policy. all that junk.
the GTS just seems so pointless. i can only rate TLs - why by an large do what they can and do the brunt of work, regardless if the ETLs have done anything. my direct TL is not good at all, so I feel less bad about giving terrible feedback, but by an large the other TLs do okay. but with the BTS being the only recourse we have it's very short-sighted. there should be separate ratings so that those on the TM level can give feedback about ETL leadership. even if they weigh it less than the feedback they get from TLs, and just looked at in more of a broad scope it would be beneficial. and also a comment section.
we got chatted up before telling us that we cant put anything on there we havent talked to management about already. open door policy. all that junk.

That seems completely opposite from the point of the survey.
All that means is they don't want any surprises, which is just too bad.
the GTS just seems so pointless. i can only rate TLs - why by an large do what they can and do the brunt of work, regardless if the ETLs have done anything. my direct TL is not good at all, so I feel less bad about giving terrible feedback, but by an large the other TLs do okay. but with the BTS being the only recourse we have it's very short-sighted. there should be separate ratings so that those on the TM level can give feedback about ETL leadership. even if they weigh it less than the feedback they get from TLs, and just looked at in more of a broad scope it would be beneficial. and also a comment section.

If the scope is narrow enough, there's very little wiggle room for criticism which - in turn - makes it easier to deflect to those with the least amount of authority (or ability to affect change).
In other words, it's not meant to be effective; just a pretense that they 'care'.
we got chatted up before telling us that we cant put anything on there we havent talked to management about already. open door policy. all that junk.

Yeah - that's not OK. No one should be doing that to you prior to taking the survey. You can put whatever you want on the survey and it's confidential. They have a company that creates the survey and holds the data at the individual level.
I put strongly agree to everything... I am a leader in the building who is supposed to help improve team culture/morale... If I put anything less I am just lowering the overall results, and then it will come back to bite me in the ass later when the results come in and they aren't as high as they could possibly be 🙂
I put strongly agree to everything... I am a leader in the building who is supposed to help improve team culture/morale... If I put anything less I am just lowering the overall results, and then it will come back to bite me in the ass later when the results come in and they aren't as high as they could possibly be 🙂

While I can't fault you for that, it's certainly not the way to get things fixed... (Of course, my comments on the survey have been basically the same for several years running, so maybe there just IS no way to get things fixed.)
we got chatted up before telling us that we cant put anything on there we havent talked to management about already. open door policy. all that junk.

i think that's probably more common than you think for the executives to pad their scores any way possible, I've experienced it at my store.
couple years ago, they thought i answered poorly. i got pulled into the hr office with the stl and "chatted to". each question that was bad (like retention, morale, etc.) they would look at me with big puppy eyes and ask why i thought that we scored that way, and how it was such a shame that "someone" (emphasized) would mark that and make it detrimental to the overall team and if i could possibly speak to that person, blah blah. after they wasted 30 minutes of my time talking, i put on my super brand smiley face, told my stl to just be on the level and it wasnt me. they looked amused.
then i told her i marked strongly agree on everything and just wrote in the comments about how we were coached to do that for the survey (in reality, i answered everything fairly, good or bad). she literally stopped speaking to me until she left. it was a very peaceful three months.
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