Archived Best Team Survey

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If you are a TL and you are not happy with your ETL and this is how you are going to tell him/her, you are a coward. As a TL you should have enough courage to approach your ETL and tell them how you feel. If you have done that and nothing has changed then yes you should address it in the survey. But for that to be the only time you have let on that you are not happy that is pretty crappy.Same thing for ETL to STL, STL to DTL. If you are a team member, you should take the survey. It is anonymous. You don't log in with your number. You should also be able to use multiple computers in your store. The only reason they want 100% participation is so everyone has a chance to voice their opinion. Very much like the guest survey. People who are unhappy will for sure take the survey, but people who are okay with their job may not want to rock the boat or see any reason to take it. But there is. If you don't you are allowing someone else dictate what is important to you.
I'm so sick of them asking if I did it (even though they supposedly wrote it down somewhere) that I just say "I've done it five times already."
idk i find it kind of funny when they know you didn't take it, and question you about not taking it, hmmmmmm
My ETL-HR was staring at me the majority of the time. She has a computer in her office, yet she was using one in the TMSC. I was still honest though.
We have our team members take the survey in our TL office, has 6 computer stations in it. We get them started on the survey go over the directions and then we leave the room. No leaders are supposed to be in their when TM's are taking the survey at all. The TM survey is only by head count for the work center they put in for the store. Since they are not logging into EHR there really isn't a way to point out who answered what. The Leaders survey, where we get the email with the log in address, password and username, now that one I think if they wanted to track it they could. Particularly on the fact that each email is individualized per leader and your not supposed to let anyone use your log in.
Commie is right. Totally anonymous. No way of tracking, that's why you'll see HR with a TM list keeping track with an old fashion pen and paper of who has and has not taken it.
My etl-hr just set me up last night to take it in clerical then walked out and left me alone. So it's done until next year if I'm still there.
It is not mandatory that you take it. However ETLHRs are held accountable for how many people did or did not take it. It trickles down hill from there. They will be on the GSTL if not all of the cashiers took it, Flow TL would also be in trouble. This is where the strong arm tactics come in. Asking in a large group for anyone who hasn't taken it to raise their hand? Tracking at TMSC who has taken it so you can hound who didn't. I think they should simply have an option on the screen that says I choose not to participate in the survey. That way you could cross people off. They wouldn't feel pressured into taking a survey about their working conditions. Everyone would have gone to the computer but it is no ones business whether or not they actually took the survey.
I did it, no one was in the room looking over my shoulder or anything.

I started last year, shortly before last year's survey results came in and remember that their issues were communication and recognition, so I guess they do more of those cards (vibe? great teamwork? idk.) and they talked about walkying more and keeping us up-to-date on stuff via huddles. Sometimes, they have raffles where you put one of those cards in and the person who wrote it and the person they wrote about get a prize.

I wasn't really there prior to the survey, but I don't think they're doing a good job on the communication front. Most of the people I work with (in softlines) don't know about the designer collections until the day of, no one knows about the new apps and such (iOS passport coupons, Cartwheel, shopkick). I wouldn't know about any of that stuff if I didn't follow Target on twitter.
When I took it, nobody was hovering over me in the TSC; however, the HR TM kept offering me candy and talked loudly with the STL.
They have an outside company the manages the survey - so no one at Target can see individual responses, and that company would never share that information. It's all listed in the confidentiality statement at the start of the survey. No one should be watching you take the survey, it's supposed to be optional no matter what your leader might say. And the goal for participation has always been 80%, so they should stop pressuring people to get to 100%.
They're supposed to just track who has been invited to take it. It's an optional survey - no one should be forced to take it.
I was brutally honest and in my comments i wrote things that they can figure out who i am. I didn't put anything in my comments that I wouldn't say to my EXECs anyways and believe me none of it was positive. Basically, I vent get it off my chest they listen, nothing happens, rinse repeat.
I have a question about the BTS.

Do you have to be on the clock to take it or does it matter?

Being in Food Ave, I don't have anyone that is willing to watch the counter for me so I can take it, and I legitimately want to take it (not just kill 15-20 minutes doing nothing). I also am only doing 5.5 hour shifts, so if I were to stay after on the clock, I'm afraid I would push my time too much and get coached for not taking a lunch break before 6 hours.

My TL (Food Ave/Starbucks) told me that I can't take it unless I'm on the clock, but I wasn't sure if that was 100% the case.

Anyone here know if that's what the deal is or not?
You're supposed to take it while on the clock.

At my store they have someone take your place so that you can take the survey.

If your TL isn't being helpful, talk to HR and ask the HR about taking the survey near the end of your shift and then you won't have to worry about compliance.
As a TM working in HR:

The survey is anonymous. LOD's track who they send to take the survey and we use the store headcount to get a participation percentage. The survey is provided by a 3rd party company, and results are not given to leaders if the number of TM's who took the survey can compromise the anonymity (workcenters with few team members like AP).
At no point during the survey are you asked to log in with identifying information, and the demographic questions are used to see if there is a trend in certain races/genders/age groups feeling discriminated against.

Chilax, guise. Big brother is sooooooo 30 years ago.
That's the beauty of BTS - as an ETL you are supposed to be the leader who makes EVERYONE feel comfortable when approaching with issues. If you aren't, then there's a problem. That's why hotline calls and BTS are taken so seriously...if a TM feels as though their issues cannot be resolved through their leaders, then their leaders aren't fulfilling their core roles.
Take it and be brutally honest.
It's the only way the good ones will get the credit they deserve and the bad ones might get a little flack.
If you have a store that is broken and every TM indicates that Spot will pay attention.
Cursory attention but attention all the same.

How are you supposed to answer these vague questions when a tm has more than one ETL & various TLs that rotate?

There is no way to indicate that one ETL is good but another is awful, for instance. Some TLs are great while some TMs can't wait for their shift to end when some TLs are working.

And I'm not about to go into details by being forced to add 'comments' at the end of the survey.

The BTS is seriously flawed & useless to me. The biggest priority in my store is to make sure everyone takes the survey so the score comes up green.

My understanding is that you are only supposed to evaluate the TL who is your direct supervisor for the majority of the year.
The same for the ETL.
If those people were competent and worked hard than you should grade them accordingly.
Otherwise nail them to the wall.

Some teams have rotating ETLs & TLs & there is no "majority of the year" involved.

Grading them in any meaningful way is 100% impossible. Choosing 'not applicable' means Target doesn't really get an answer to a question I should have an opportunity to answer. The only other option is to pick any answer just to get done with this meaningless survey.

Refusing to take the survey only makes them annoyed because you're not being a team player so you feel forced to take the survey that doesn't allow you to evaluate your ETLs & TLs fairly.

And I'm sure corporate really doesn't care one bit that TMs feel unpaid & unappreciated. If they cared they wouldn't need a survey to tell them how low morale is in their stores.
You're supposed to take it while on the clock.

At my store they have someone take your place so that you can take the survey.

If your TL isn't being helpful, talk to HR and ask the HR about taking the survey near the end of your shift and then you won't have to worry about compliance.

You do have to be on the clock.
Talk to your HR ETL, I'm willing to bet they will figure something out for you.
Maybe something right around one of your breaks.

Thank you both for your answers!
Has anyone ever had over 100% participation brought up in a huddle? For people taking it more than once?
Actually, I don't know if there's a counter, or if it's just the yes/no did you take it yet question.
I would think it's possible to have over 100% if people take it then quit, or new hires (I think it's based on April 1 headcount I read somewhere) they give a +/- 5% on your headcount so really they look at 95-105%
When you log in to take the BTS you have to enter your TM number. I'm guessing that this is to confirm that you do work at the store.
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