Archived Black Friday 2017

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Last night was pretty chill for the most part. My store still has plenty of gaming consoles and flat screens left. It wasn't as busy as I thought it would be. Which is shocking because our location is one of the busiest in Chicago.

My location is also not price matching whatsoever.
I am rather upset I didn't get to work my first Thanksgiving/Black Friday. I was on track to, got last weekend off instead of this weekend so I could work, but this was around the same time I had submitted and unsubmitted my two weeks so there's a gap in my schedule. No shifts to be taken, I called in a few times asking to come into work but got turned down for payroll.

Oh well, I'm glad to hear everyone's survived. I checked in on my Target this morning and it was hell in the parking lots, no space to park, employees coming in couldn't park, either, because guests took the spots. I saw a post on Facebook of the parking lot Thanksgiving at 6:30pm and it was overflowing again.

It's almost as if everyone forgot there were two other SuperTs in the area and decided to bend over my Target lol.
The least busy Thanksgiving night open I've been a part of. Most years we would have had one or two people camping out the day before. One TL and GSA said there was no line at 5 p.m., and one didn't start until 5:15 p.m. Too bad we didn't have Fingerlings in the ad. If we did, I'm sure we would have had some campers.
I dunno if I'm just extremely lucky at my particular store but I'm continually impressed by how different the leadership is at Target compared to my previous jobs, especially during Black Friday. At my last job they were in the habit of setting lots of unrealistic expectations for me and then popping up 15 minutes later to bitch me out for not getting everything done perfectly despite the huge flow of customers. Last night our (new) STL was his usual energetic self but there was absolutely zero stressed-out impatient bitching or long lists of 3-hour tasks that needed a magic wand to get done. Same goes for last year and the year before under our old STL. This is really all I ask for in a job: a management team that doesn't add an extra layer of bullshit to the other layers that you already expect to be there. Final score: 9/10, all they need is to give me a cost-of-living raise for a perfect 10/10 (lmao)
Worked my first Black Friday, was pretty steady and we had our line queued all the way through the aisles to the back of the store at one point. Not sure if we made sales last night or not though, but we got Cracker Barrel.
Is there anyway, somehow to get the the Xbox One using the 20% off.. I know it specifies that the consoles are excluded, but I don't know if there some gift cards that can be purchased to purchase from somewhere else
Our guests were wonderfully polite and orderly, for the most part. We had one very nasty woman fighting with us over the airbed. We never received any of the doorbuster one, and the only queen size we had at all was over a hundred bucks more. Opening GSTL ignored us at SD for over 20 minutes before finally coming up (seriously, I chased her down twice in addition to calling on the walkie repeatedly!!) and giving her a raincheck. I'm kind of surprised the register allowed it.

We still had guests in the store at 12:45. IPhone activations were apparently taking for.EVER. I had a guest ask if we could hold her cart of stuff so she could sit in her car to charge her phone and smoke a cigarette, because she was #5 for activation and they were still on #1 at almost 8 pm..... I saw her much later in the evening telling LOD and another TL that she had been here for 5 hours and counting. I think she wanted corporate's number to complain about the mobile team, even thought it sounds like that was all the phone companies' faults, not ours.

I was scheduled 5:45 to 11 last night. But reshop was nuts (mostly from people misreading the board game signs or returning things that were now doorbusters), so I asked if they wanted me to stay. My kiddo was having a sleepover with the grandparents and hubby had already left for his overnight job, so there wasn't anyone waiting for me at home. Got an extra 2 hours work, which also triggered the 3 hour minimum for overnight shift differential on top of holiday differential and overtime. Booyah!
Worked in market this morning...wasn't too bad (although backroom was dying so they were pulling our team to help them backstock all day), although I want to punch the person who thought it was a good idea to stage all the TVs in the racetrack in front of's just a bad idea to block aisle access in general, not to mention when we're trying to push the truck while the store is open. I was dodging guests with vehicles all day and it got awful crowded at times. Ugh. Other than that, though, it was pretty chill; not too many people shopping in Market. I just made sure to avoid going through the backroom doors by electronics as much as possible, lol.
I walked into another store around 11 after working mine and the store manager made sure announcements were getting made that they were closing at midnight even to the point that the final 15 minutes she wanted it done every minute.
Yes it does. But be careful, the 20% coupon excludes tons of stuff that isn’t in the fine print online or in the flyer.

And also be prepared to deal with guests about that issue next week, lol

Also watch out for people trying to buy a 50 dollar gift card and then get the discount. Has to be merchandise
The least busy Thanksgiving night open I've been a part of.
Yep. Every year it gets slower. I pulled in expecting to have to park a mile away but the lot was only half full. The STL said we exceeded projections so something must have went right.

Today was just like a busy saturday, NBD.

Check out this madness... it's unbelievable!!!

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