Archived Black Friday Benefits?

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Nov 10, 2018
I’m in the process of getting a seasonal job at Target, and I’m wondering if there are any benefits/incentives of working on Thanksgiving/Black Friday.
If you are hired as seasonal there really aren't any benefits working TGiving and BF other than you get like a buck incentive pay (nothing officially announced in my store abou pay incentives for this year) and the breakroom has food usually all weekend. Being seasonal you're expected to work those days.
In my store, they seem to give the Thanksgiving hours to permanent TMs so they get the holiday pay and BF hours to the seasonals.
Basically just holiday pay and free food in the breakroom. Just know that you may not have time to go shopping before/after your shift. I had many TMs upset with me last year because they worked the closing shift and were not allowed to purchase anything once the store was closed. If you do have time to shop before/after your shift, you will be treated just like any other guest. You will be expected to wait in line and go by the purchasing guidelines (i.e. you can't ask one of your coworkers to put an item on hold for you to purchase later; you can't walk into the stockroom to grab an item, you have to shop from the floor, etc.)
If you are hired as seasonal there really aren't any benefits working TGiving and BF other than you get like a buck incentive pay (nothing officially announced in my store abou pay incentives for this year) and the breakroom has food usually all weekend. Being seasonal you're expected to work those days.
Even being permanent, there really are no extra perks...Holiday pay on Thanksgiving and an extra dollar on BF.
Even being permanent, there really are no extra perks...Holiday pay on Thanksgiving and an extra dollar on BF.
I haven't seen a Black Friday incentive yet. Do you have something posted at your store?
Not since 2016, at least. That's when I started working for Spot, and I've never gotten a differential on Black Friday, only on Thanksgiving Day itself. That's why I'm wondering if you saw something different.
Not since 2016, at least. That's when I started working for Spot, and I've never gotten a differential on Black Friday, only on Thanksgiving Day itself. That's why I'm wondering if you saw something different.
I honestly don't even remember. My store went shitshow a lot earlier than the others, my STL was an ETL here before that and already fucking up. And we lost a great flow TL, went through multiple STLs and ETLs, and we used to be a test store so we got every change, good or bad to iron out the kinks. I stopped noticing little shit like an extra dollar an hour my first year.
Basically just holiday pay and free food in the breakroom. Just know that you may not have time to go shopping before/after your shift. I had many TMs upset with me last year because they worked the closing shift and were not allowed to purchase anything once the store was closed. If you do have time to shop before/after your shift, you will be treated just like any other guest. You will be expected to wait in line and go by the purchasing guidelines (i.e. you can't ask one of your coworkers to put an item on hold for you to purchase later; you can't walk into the stockroom to grab an item, you have to shop from the floor, etc.)

I had a wonderful shopping MEAL BREAK last year lol. The lines were great, I got stuff I wanted and then I got right back to work.
I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but I have a question about my payslip for the week of November 18th to November 24th. Under the "Regular" pay row, the next line says "Shift Rate ($1.00)" and obviously the rate is $1 for the 3 hours that I worked under that category. I'm not understanding what that category refers to. Is that the extra pay for working Thanksgiving or Black Friday (I worked both of those days)? I'm assuming that the Holiday Premium Pay is for Thanksgiving, because I worked 5:00 PM to 1:00 AM that night and the number of hours matches how much I worked on that night (excluding the 12:00 AM to 1:00 AM portion).
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You worked from 10 pm Thanksgiving to 1 am Black Friday which is 3 hours and gives you the extra $1 in overnight differential.
Thank you so much, that definitely makes sense. I will keep that in mind when working on holidays in the future.
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