Archived Black friday hours

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Our's are in. We open at 9. I'll be...working 30 hours between Wednesday morning and Friday evening. I can't really complain, because I /did/ volunteer, but I think I might've miscalculated my dose of kool-aid a bit.

I think I'm o/ding.
So that was awesome, one of the most corporate TLs I have just totally lost it when they heard the news about 9 pm. I dunno, it was surreal hearing about the 9pm opening and listening to this team lead froth about wasted man hours and tanking sales for that day.
I feel for some of the TM. Alot of the cashiers, sales floor do not not work til 4 am or 5 am so some of them are going to be up the creek without a paddle because there is no public transportation and some of them live on their own whatever the reason they do not have a ride so I feel for them. So now there will be alot of people wondering how they are getting home. I highly doubt any of the ETLs will be saying yes I will spring for a cab for all of you and I know at my store when it comes to being kind with rides ( I remember when it snowed) last year no one was offering anyone any rides they just made everyone waiting stay forever they didn't care the bus will come eventually.
9pm?? What, to get a one hour jump on Walmart and its second set of sales that start at 10pm? Of course, by 9pm Walmart will have already had a full hour of their first sales.

Although, with a 9pm opening there may not be much of a line waiting outside the store before opening...
Wow, you guys really have no fight in you? You're really gonna let Target tell you that $7.25 an hour (oh wait, part of that is time and 1/2 so it's more like ~$10.80) is worth more than time with your family? I could understand if you were missing time with family to do something significant like police, fire, medical work, etc. but this is retail. Its inconsequential and the only significance behind it is to increase profits for the lucky few at the top of our company.

Working retail does not automatically mean missing holidays and ridiculous hours. Target wants you to think that but companies like Costco, Trader Joe's, etc. do just fine while simultaneously paying their employees a decent wage, not treating them like children (VIBE! WOW!), and not forcing their employees to work ridiculous hours. Retail doesn't automatically have to equate to these things.

In 5 years with this company, never have I been as disappointed with them as I have been in the past 6 months. They've completely lost their way.

thanks for telling me what is important in my life.

I get to spend the afternoon with all of my family. Go into work and then get off early enough to then go watch football all day Friday with my dad. Works for me.
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thanks for telling me what is important in my life.

I get to spend the afternoon with all of my family. Go into work and then get off early enough to then go watch football all day Friday with my dad. Works for me.

While that's great for you, there's plenty of people who aren't in your same position of being able to do both. I, for example, have no family closer than a 4 hours drive so I will either be spending Thanksgiving alone or have to leave Thanksgiving morning at 7 am, get to family's place at 11 am, and leave by ~2-3 PM so I can be at work at 7. 8 hours of driving to maybe spend 3-4 hours with family. At least last year that was 6 hours or so I got to spend with family.

So no, I'm not telling you what's important in your life because you're not one of the ones being forced to choose. The ones who are forced to choose, like myself, are the ones who I am hoping make the right decision and choose their family over this **** corporation...
While that's great for you, there's plenty of people who aren't in your same position of being able to do both. I, for example, have no family closer than a 4 hours drive so I will either be spending Thanksgiving alone or have to leave Thanksgiving morning at 7 am, get to family's place at 11 am, and leave by ~2-3 PM so I can be at work at 7. 8 hours of driving to maybe spend 3-4 hours with family. At least last year that was 6 hours or so I got to spend with family.

So no, I'm not telling you what's important in your life because you're not one of the ones being forced to choose. The ones who are forced to choose, like myself, are the ones who I am hoping make the right decision and choose their family over this **** corporation...

Is the drive shorter than 8 hours if you don't have to work? What happened last year when we were open on Thanksgiving? I know you're upset but you still get to spend 3-4 hours with your family. There are lots of businesses open on holidays. Perhaps you should choose one that closes on all holidays.
let me guess! you will be there standing in line is the job going?

Standing in line I will not. I refuse to be a part of the madness at Target or any other store. And my current, post Target job is awesome. I am as excited and enthusiastic about this job as I once was during my 10 year tenure with the bullseye
See if anyone can give you a ride there. Not sure if you live with anyone else, but when I opened two years ago (4AM), my dad dropped me off then picked me up when I was done.

That's where the problem is. I transferred stores to work while out at college 5 hours across state. I gave my new store first choice if they wanted me for BF and of course they did. That unfortunately means I have no one out here for transport. I might just talk to my TL or someone and see if there's any ideas as to how to prevent any problems with the parking etc for me because I am driving across state for them.
Woo! Working overnight wed 8pm till 4am into thanksgiving. Then thanksgiving 8:45pm to 5am friday. I want to say shoot me...but I volunteered for it due to needing that extra money more.
My store told us today that walmart changed its hours to opening at 8.
Yippee!!! I'm closing Wednesday night (3:30 to 11:30 and I'm sure we'll be out by 11:15, right?), then 8:00 pm til 4:30 am on Thursday/Friday. Off all the rest of Friday until 11:30 am on Saturday. All the kool kids are working Thursday night.
This is ****ing pointless, our sales are going to tank regardless. We'll be busy for 3 hours and then there will be a 12 hour period where essentially nothing is going to happen and they'll be slashing hours everywhere anyways. So even the promise of more hours is at best a joke offering.
I am thankful im not opening on blackfriday. Im doing ad overnight, starting the saturday before black friday, staying overnight into thanksgiving til 2:30 or whenever we get done, and then overnight ad again on saturday. If I had to do 4 overnight shifts in 7 days I dont know what id do. My sleep is allready going to be screwed.
I am working at 4 am ,( no shift differential ,no time and a half ) , it sucks to know that some of the slakers ,the lazy ,are working opening shift ! Stl told us that she spread evenly the hard working with the mediocre ones ,to have a strong black friday all around !
And we are not allowed to swap shifts

Same here, plus I close Saturday. Oh joy!

So glad I don't get to be around for open with my departments being where the majority of the sales will happen! <insert sarcasm and cynicism>
2:30p-12a! So thankful that most people actually wanted to open on Black Friday Thanksgiving night! I can still enjoy Thanksgiving dinner, and get a full night of sleep before coming into work. :victory:
Wow, you guys really have no fight in you? You're really gonna let Target tell you that $7.25 an hour (oh wait, part of that is time and 1/2 so it's more like ~$10.80) is worth more than time with your family? I could understand if you were missing time with family to do something significant like police, fire, medical work, etc. but this is retail. Its inconsequential and the only significance behind it is to increase profits for the lucky few at the top of our company.

Working retail does not automatically mean missing holidays and ridiculous hours. Target wants you to think that but companies like Costco, Trader Joe's, etc. do just fine while simultaneously paying their employees a decent wage, not treating them like children (VIBE! WOW!), and not forcing their employees to work ridiculous hours. Retail doesn't automatically have to equate to these things.

In 5 years with this company, never have I been as disappointed with them as I have been in the past 6 months. They've completely lost their way.

No. I have different values. Target never asked me to come in to work garbage hours for Black Friday. I volunteered to come in, because I'm close to my team, and to one or two of the ETLs who are coming in WAY early for crowd control. I do it out of personal loyalty. Never to the company, never for the money. For my friends.

That said, I do make almost $2.5/hour more than the number you quoted, and with time and a half it'll be decent money. And I do honestly need the money, as I'm paying for school out of pocket, and it's expensive.

I think the question you need to ask /you/ really have no fight in you? 'Cause if you're making that post, and you're still employed by Target, then you don't.

I'll stop soapboxing now, and I do apologize. Blanket statements like that bother me awful fierce.
No. I have different values. Target never asked me to come in to work garbage hours for Black Friday. I volunteered to come in, because I'm close to my team, and to one or two of the ETLs who are coming in WAY early for crowd control. I do it out of personal loyalty. Never to the company, never for the money. For my friends.

That said, I do make almost $2.5/hour more than the number you quoted, and with time and a half it'll be decent money. And I do honestly need the money, as I'm paying for school out of pocket, and it's expensive.

I think the question you need to ask /you/ really have no fight in you? 'Cause if you're making that post, and you're still employed by Target, then you don't.

I'll stop soapboxing now, and I do apologize. Blanket statements like that bother me awful fierce.

People (for my team not my organization attitude) like you were the ones that made serving so damn awesome. CHEERS!:drinks:
If I didn't actually like my job, I wouldn't have volunteered. I don't like all of the people or the company at times, but I like my job.
Half hour before open to 4am at service desk (price matching nightmare, I assume), then back at 1pm to 8:30pm cashiering. I think the worst part will be on Saturday when I open at the service desk. I suspect the strays waiting for me to organize will bury me when I walk in the door! Oh, what a weekend it will be.
No. I have different values. Target never asked me to come in to work garbage hours for Black Friday. I volunteered to come in, because I'm close to my team, and to one or two of the ETLs who are coming in WAY early for crowd control. I do it out of personal loyalty. Never to the company, never for the money. For my friends.

That said, I do make almost $2.5/hour more than the number you quoted, and with time and a half it'll be decent money. And I do honestly need the money, as I'm paying for school out of pocket, and it's expensive.

I think the question you need to ask /you/ really have no fight in you? 'Cause if you're making that post, and you're still employed by Target, then you don't.

I'll stop soapboxing now, and I do apologize. Blanket statements like that bother mawful fierce.
You may have been given the opportunity to volunteer, others (myself included), were not given that chance.

As far as being employed with Target, not much longer for me. I am scheduled for black Friday but I will be calling in. My family is too important to me to miss seeing because of this dead-end job. If, god forbid, something were to happen to any of them I'll be happy that I missed work to spend one last Thanksgiving with them not that I got time and 1/2 for working Thanksgiving. It might sound melodramatic but I've already been in the situation where I had a family member pass away on the day after Thanksgiving.

To hell with Target for trying to take Thanksgiving away from me. It's money, the time and memories I make with my family are worth more than what Target is gonna pay me. I will be expediting my exit from this company regardless of how they feel about me calling in for the day after Thanksgiving...
You may have been given the opportunity to volunteer, others (myself included), were not given that chance.

As far as being employed with Target, not much longer for me. I am scheduled for black Friday but I will be calling in. My family is too important to me to miss seeing because of this dead-end job. If, god forbid, something were to happen to any of them I'll be happy that I missed work to spend one last Thanksgiving with them not that I got time and 1/2 for working Thanksgiving. It might sound melodramatic but I've already been in the situation where I had a family member pass away on the day after Thanksgiving.

To hell with Target for trying to take Thanksgiving away from me. It's money, the time and memories I make with my family are worth more than what Target is gonna pay me. I will be expediting my exit from this company regardless of how they feel about me calling in for the day after Thanksgiving...

Do what you gotta do man, no one takes better care of you than YOU. IMHO Family time is def. worth more than target time. Money comes and goes, when the people we love/care about go we don't them back like we do money. If you're not happy or fulfilled and you've got a solid follow up plan for your income than I say go for it!

I am thankful im not opening on blackfriday. Im doing ad overnight, starting the saturday before black friday, staying overnight into thanksgiving til 2:30 or whenever we get done, and then overnight ad again on saturday. If I had to do 4 overnight shifts in 7 days I dont know what id do. My sleep is allready going to be screwed.

I still don't know what I'm going to be doing for Black Friday. I start overnight sales floor that week, so who knows at this point.
I can't wait to hear all the "Night/morning/day after" post. Best of luck to everyone and best wishes to those who will be spending time with their family's! BTW, the $10 gc is for $50 spent in soft lines stuff, not any merchandise is how I was told.
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