Archived Black Friday Walkout

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As long as there are people willing to shop on Thanksgiving retailers ( including Spot) will open. The public has the power not the employees/tms. The way Spot see it we ( tms) are replaceable the guests...not so much.


You know all those stores taking a "moral stand" by being closed on Thanksgiving? They're doing it because IT IS NOT PROFITABLE FOR THEM! PERIOD! Don't fool yourself into thinking it's some altruistic move made by corporate. Target will stop staying open for Thanksgiving as soon as people stop shopping on Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is an idiotic Holiday to begin with. I don't understand how anyone's dinner or ability to spend time with family is "ruined" because they had to work for a few hours. Plan around your work schedule! If you work Thursday? Fine, have Thanksgiving lunch. Have Thanksgiving on Saturday. Look at your family. Ask yourself how many of your family members have retail jobs. Ask if they're likely to work. THEN PLAN AROUND THAT! Why is that such a big deal? Because it isn't exactly how you like it? What, does spending time with family not count, if it's not on the predetermined day? Will you explode or die if you don't stuff your face with food, with people you probably hate, on the day the calendar specifies? It's so fucking ridiculous to me. It's the perfect example how fucking easy our lives are in this country to actually complain about our employers wanting to give us work.

You know all those stores taking a "moral stand" by being closed on Thanksgiving? They're doing it because IT IS NOT PROFITABLE FOR THEM! PERIOD! Don't fool yourself into thinking it's some altruistic move made by corporate. Target will stop staying open for Thanksgiving as soon as people stop shopping on Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is an idiotic Holiday to begin with. I don't understand how anyone's dinner or ability to spend time with family is "ruined" because they had to work for a few hours. Plan around your work schedule! If you work Thursday? Fine, have Thanksgiving lunch. Have Thanksgiving on Saturday. Look at your family. Ask yourself how many of your family members have retail jobs. Ask if they're likely to work. THEN PLAN AROUND THAT! Why is that such a big deal? Because it isn't exactly how you like it? What, does spending time with family not count, if it's not on the predetermined day? Will you explode or die if you don't stuff your face with food, with people you probably hate, on the day the calendar specifies? It's so fucking ridiculous to me. It's the perfect example how fucking easy our lives are in this country to actually complain about our employers wanting to give us work.
I don't think that Thanksgiving is idiotic. Some peoples families are not able to have an early lunch some people will miss out on Thanksgiving due to work. . I also, think that retailers should be closed but like I posted before...the consumer holds all the power not the employee

You know all those stores taking a "moral stand" by being closed on Thanksgiving? They're doing it because IT IS NOT PROFITABLE FOR THEM! PERIOD! Don't fool yourself into thinking it's some altruistic move made by corporate. Target will stop staying open for Thanksgiving as soon as people stop shopping on Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is an idiotic Holiday to begin with. I don't understand how anyone's dinner or ability to spend time with family is "ruined" because they had to work for a few hours. Plan around your work schedule! If you work Thursday? Fine, have Thanksgiving lunch. Have Thanksgiving on Saturday. Look at your family. Ask yourself how many of your family members have retail jobs. Ask if they're likely to work. THEN PLAN AROUND THAT! Why is that such a big deal? Because it isn't exactly how you like it? What, does spending time with family not count, if it's not on the predetermined day? Will you explode or die if you don't stuff your face with food, with people you probably hate, on the day the calendar specifies? It's so fucking ridiculous to me. It's the perfect example how fucking easy our lives are in this country to actually complain about our employers wanting to give us work.

Sorry but my family is not going to take a friggen Tuesday off just so they can eat thanksgiving dinner around my schedule.
That being said, I'm not really mad at Target as much as I am at the self absorbed people that think they need to show up on thanksgiving day and buy cheap crap that we do not sell the rest of the year because its cheap crap.
Thank you Red for saying what i wanted to say but much nicer than I was.

Cause I don't know where NPC is from but a 12hr shift isn't what I call a few hours. I have been in and out of the ER from a major car accident with broken bones in less time than that.

You know all those stores taking a "moral stand" by being closed on Thanksgiving? They're doing it because IT IS NOT PROFITABLE FOR THEM! PERIOD! Don't fool yourself into thinking it's some altruistic move made by corporate. Target will stop staying open for Thanksgiving as soon as people stop shopping on Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is an idiotic Holiday to begin with. I don't understand how anyone's dinner or ability to spend time with family is "ruined" because they had to work for a few hours. Plan around your work schedule! If you work Thursday? Fine, have Thanksgiving lunch. Have Thanksgiving on Saturday. Look at your family. Ask yourself how many of your family members have retail jobs. Ask if they're likely to work. THEN PLAN AROUND THAT! Why is that such a big deal? Because it isn't exactly how you like it? What, does spending time with family not count, if it's not on the predetermined day? Will you explode or die if you don't stuff your face with food, with people you probably hate, on the day the calendar specifies? It's so fucking ridiculous to me. It's the perfect example how fucking easy our lives are in this country to actually complain about our employers wanting to give us work.

Okay, we get it.
You hate your family and find the concept of having to spend time with them about as appealing as sticking your hand in a jar of black widow spiders.
For those of us who don't come with such deeply seated psychological issues lets take a look at what has changed over the years.
There certainly have always been jobs where people had to work on the holidays.
Cops, fire fighters, emergency services, etc.. they knew what came with the job when they took it.
The folks working the average jobs though, they got to have the holidays off and be with their families.

You see as far back as the middle ages, the lords understood that the peasants worked harder if they could have their holidays.
Times to eat, drink and be merry.
Times to break bread with their families and friends, to sing songs, tell stories and for a brief moment let the misery that is their daily life slip away.
The idiots who run things now don't even have the common sense of a medieval duke.
They want to run people into the ground and force them to change their schedules to fit whatever makes the almighty store happy.
Sometimes, it is in the best interest of the store to let go and allow their people to have time to themselves.

Allow them to give thanks for their family, the roof over their head, and even their crappy job.
The companies who have decided to stay closed on Thanksgiving seem to realize that.
Closed on Thanksgiving: Costco, Nordstrom's, Lowes, Home Depot, Game Stop, TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Home Goods, Burlington, American Girl, Barnes and Noble, Crate and Barrel, Dillard's, DSW, Hobby Lobby, Publix, Pier 1

There are more.
Honestly I'm not as bummed as some people are. I do enjoy my time with my family but I can always enjoy time with them on other occasions. I'm not trying to sound insensitive but it's kinda a given to work most holidays for retail. Look at grocery stores, they're open on most holidays even Christmas, but it's part of the job.
Honestly I'm not as bummed as some people are. I do enjoy my time with my family but I can always enjoy time with them on other occasions. I'm not trying to sound insensitive but it's kinda a given to work most holidays for retail. Look at grocery stores, they're open on most holidays even Christmas, but it's part of the job.
I'm with you as well. On top of that though I personally like spending time with my "Target family". Spent a long time with my family, I know everything there is to know. No offense to my "real family", its just that feeling of wanting to have a little freedom and diversity. Can't kill me for being human.
Closed on Thanksgiving: Costco, Nordstrom's, Lowes, Home Depot, Game Stop, TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Home Goods, Burlington, American Girl, Barnes and Noble, Crate and Barrel, Dillard's, DSW, Hobby Lobby, Publix, Pier 1

There are more.
How many of these places were ever open on Thanksgiving in the first place?
How many of these places were ever open on Thanksgiving in the first place?

I believe most, if not all, were. However, to counteract the point of the person who posted the list: most of those are not major players. A major retail player is: Wal-Mart, Best Buy, and Target. Those are the core 3. the you have maybe 10 secondaries and then another 20 third tier. Most of the list are third tier or lower.
I don't mind working Thanksgiving since I'm more than 2000 miles from my family, but I never got into the Black Friday shopping, so I don't really understand the appeal. Yeah, stuff is cheaper, but it's never stuff I plan to send as a gift. I'm a cyber Monday girl. It's just easier and usually better deals, IMO.
Okay, we get it.
You hate your family and find the concept of having to spend time with them about as appealing as sticking your hand in a jar of black widow spiders.
For those of us who don't come with such deeply seated psychological issues lets take a look at what has changed over the years.
There certainly have always been jobs where people had to work on the holidays.
Cops, fire fighters, emergency services, etc.. they knew what came with the job when they took it.
The folks working the average jobs though, they got to have the holidays off and be with their families.

You see as far back as the middle ages, the lords understood that the peasants worked harder if they could have their holidays.
Times to eat, drink and be merry.
Times to break bread with their families and friends, to sing songs, tell stories and for a brief moment let the misery that is their daily life slip away.
The idiots who run things now don't even have the common sense of a medieval duke.
They want to run people into the ground and force them to change their schedules to fit whatever makes the almighty store happy.
Sometimes, it is in the best interest of the store to let go and allow their people to have time to themselves.

Allow them to give thanks for their family, the roof over their head, and even their crappy job.
The companies who have decided to stay closed on Thanksgiving seem to realize that.

Way to miss the point. The point is, how is working a holiday, going to prevent you from seeing your family? It's not. It's a job. You get paid for giving your time to them. Yes, I can understand how it's frustrating for someone who has been in retail ever since holidays were given off, but it's illogical to expect things to never deviate from that system. People want to shop on Holidays. Therefore, stores will stay open. Should we just start closing on Sundays as well, because that's how it "used" to be? No one is staying closed for the good of their employees. They're staying closed because it's not profitable for them.
Way to miss the point. The point is, how is working a holiday, going to prevent you from seeing your family? It's not. It's a job. You get paid for giving your time to them. Yes, I can understand how it's frustrating for someone who has been in retail ever since holidays were given off, but it's illogical to expect things to never deviate from that system. People want to shop on Holidays. Therefore, stores will stay open. Should we just start closing on Sundays as well, because that's how it "used" to be? No one is staying closed for the good of their employees. They're staying closed because it's not profitable for them.

I didn't miss the point.
I got the point that we've been sold a bill of goods.
A bill that say things have to change for the worse.
You want to have time with your family, too bad the store needs you because some self involved consumer just has to shop right now.
Or at least that's what they want you to think.
The store could open whenever they fucking want to and wouldn't loose money, in fact they could play up how wonderful they are to their poor benighted employees and the customers would eat it up.
The fact is Spot would rather play chicken with Uncle Wally than actually come up with some kind of action plan that makes some kind of sense.

And I think you are wrong, a few of the stores on that list could play the game and make money but have chosen not to.
I know here in Alaska Costco gets hit hard for gift shopping and would be a major draw if it went Black Friday but it has never done it.
So you can't say it isn't profitable because Costco's CEO don't care to know if it would be, the employees are more important.
I didn't miss the point.
I got the point that we've been sold a bill of goods.
A bill that say things have to change for the worse.
You want to have time with your family, too bad the store needs you because some self involved consumer just has to shop right now.

Because apparently your family lives on a deserted island that you can only get to by a mythical creature that only comes around once a year on Thanksgiving during daytime hours? If all this comes down to is whether or not you get to see your family, that sounds like a more complex issue that can't be solved by simply having a holiday off.

Or at least that's what they want you to think.
The store could open whenever they fucking want to and wouldn't loose money, in fact they could play up how wonderful they are to their poor benighted employees and the customers would eat it up.
The fact is Spot would rather play chicken with Uncle Wally than actually come up with some kind of action plan that makes some kind of sense.

And I think you are wrong, a few of the stores on that list could play the game and make money but have chosen not to.
I know here in Alaska Costco gets hit hard for gift shopping and would be a major draw if it went Black Friday but it has never done it.
So you can't say it isn't profitable because Costco's CEO don't care to know if it would be, the employees are more important.

What, like RadioShack? And Staples? I know people loose their shit for stupid sales, but I don't think anyone is lining up for discounted staples and replacement remote controls for the TV that the dog keeps chewing up. As for Costco, they make money off of membership fees. It's way more safe for them to stay closed, because they're guaranteed to get those people in the store anyway, since they sell mostly consumable goods. I think it's extremely foolish to think a company is doing it out of the goodness of their hearts. It's all about profit and the bottom line.
I understand that tradition is considered to be for old farts and people who don't get the joke but there will come a time when you will understand how much it matters.

Being flexible is important, being able to change with the times, to adapt, to flex with the timey wimey ways of the world.
But you know what there are times when it's nice to say it stops here.
Every year we will gather together, we will cook this big damned bird stuffed full of wet bread and serve it with berries shaped like a can.
We will all be at the table at the same time every year, we will look each other in the eye and be damned glad that we are together and survived another year.
We will drink, eat twisty rolls, and tell stories about our year.
Most of all, we will share a time together that will be ours every year.

That is what tradition is.
You can look back on those times knowing that when someone is missing from the room and you won't ever see them again, you will always have the tradition.
It's why when people start a new family the first thing they do is start new traditions.
Human beings need them to survive.
I understand that tradition is considered to be for old farts and people who don't get the joke but there will come a time when you will understand how much it matters.

Being flexible is important, being able to change with the times, to adapt, to flex with timey wimey ways of the world.
But you know what there are times when it's nice to say it stops here.
Every year we will gather together, we will cook this big damned bird stuffed full of wet bread and serve it with berries shaped like a can.
We will all be at the table at the same time every year, we will look each other in the eye and be damned glad that we are together and survived another year.
We will drink, eat twisty rolls, and tell stories about our year.
Most of all, we will share a time together that will be ours every year.

That is what tradition is.
You can look back on those times knowing that there when someone is missing from the room and you won't ever see them again, you will always have the tradition.
It's why when people start a new family the first thing they do is start new traditions.
Human beings need them to survive.

And that's all legitimate! Just do it when everyone's available. What's valuable about the tradition has little to do with where it lands on the calendar. I will say, I think at the very least, companies should allow Employees to request days off. Even though I think it's absurd for employees to expect the entire store to close for the sake of their personal traditions, I think it's equally absurd for a company to expect ALL their staff to ignore that holidays exist. There are plenty of people, like ME, that are more than willing to work the holidays. And 30+ bodies of seasonal help that never seem to get scheduled for these holidays. There's no reason people can't request time off.
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