Archived Black Friday Walkout

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Families shouldn't have to be flexible and adapt to the shopping trends of homicidal heartless greedy shoppers.

For example, how would lawyer, stock traders, and accountants feel if people bombarded them on Thanksgiving with their "wants"? I don't think they would be very happy campers.
Disgusting to see people defend working on holidays.

It's one thing for you to want to work on a holiday for whatever reason, but please don't try and justify it for everyone else. It's not as simple as scheduling it another time of the year. There should be no need to do that, as Thanksgiving IS that time of the year and it's being impeded.
Way to miss the point. The point is, how is working a holiday, going to prevent you from seeing your family? It's not. It's a job. You get paid for giving your time to them. Yes, I can understand how it's frustrating for someone who has been in retail ever since holidays were given off, but it's illogical to expect things to never deviate from that system. People want to shop on Holidays. Therefore, stores will stay open. Should we just start closing on Sundays as well, because that's how it "used" to be? No one is staying closed for the good of their employees. They're staying closed because it's not profitable for them.

How does working prevent me from seeing my family? I have no idea since they are 1000's of miles from my location and in one spot at my grandmothers instead of scattered around the county. And nope not allowed to have the same time off work to be there.

Dude shut your mouth before people get mean.
How does working prevent me from seeing my family? I have no idea since they are 1000's of miles from my location and in one spot at my grandmothers instead of scattered around the county. And nope not allowed to have the same time off work to be there.

Dude shut your mouth before people get mean.

That's too jumbled of a point for me to understand what you're trying to say. You mean, they're all in one location, 1000's of miles away from you? And working makes you unable to see them? So, you're telling me your one and only chance to see your family is Thanksgiving day? You'd have a flight that would arrive that day and then leave that same night? And you're somehow unable to plan a trip any other time around that? Do you not travel for Christmas? Is working Thanksgiving even "mandatory"? Doesn't your STL go around asking people's availability? I'm pretty sure if you tell them you're physically not going to be in the state that day, you don't get scheduled. Of course you're not guaranteed the day off, but this isn't black and white.

NOTHING is stopping you from seeing your family. You can see them whenever you want. It doesn't have to be Thanksgiving for that to happen. Oh, but hey, let's ask the entire company to stay closed nation wide at the cost of millions of dollars and prevent people from shopping (petty or not) so you can avoid a minor scheduling inconvenience. Because apparently if you don't see your family the day everyone decided is important, it doesn't "count."
Just because you don't mind or see a problem with working on Thanksgiving doesn't mean everyone shares those same views.

You are not to decide what day is important to someone. For some people that IS the only day they can see all their family in one place at the same time.
And that's all legitimate! Just do it when everyone's available. What's valuable about the tradition has little to do with where it lands on the calendar.
Except that many NON-retail employers close that day because they know that clients/patrons aren't going to be coming in that day or employees are going to request the time off.
I was the only retail worker in my family for 15 years. I come from a large family that saw Thanksgiving as a chance to see folks we won't be seeing at Christmas (seeing in-laws, non-custodial kids, etc). It was a chance to meet fiancees before the wedding you wouldn't get to go to, visit with elderly/infirm relatives that may or may not make it to next year. We also have a tradition of bringing folks who don't have anyone to share a meal with (so they are witness to the pandemonium that is my family).
ALL these people didn't have to work on Thanksgiving so who am I to tell them to schedule it 'another day'?
We moved the meal to lunchtime so I could see everyone before going in that night. That's the accommodation made in my family.
Granted, not everyone wants to spend the day off for whatever reason but accommodating self-indulgent consumers who have 362 OTHER days to shop is NOT a good enough reason to deny others an opportunity to gather with family & friends.
If it were TRULY voluntary, I know you'd be first in line but the fact is working Thanksgiving is a LOT of things.
Voluntary is NOT one of them.
I for one am looking forward to working that night. It means a nice big pay check for me. I don't know about other stores but at mine at least 99.9% of those working on Thanksgiving volunteered too. Not sure why more stores didn't do that. Would be a lot less need for this walkout to Happen. At my store there has been no mention of it. In fact everyone seems excited to be working it as our Store Management takes good care of us the whole weekend.
I for one am looking forward to working that night. It means a nice big pay check for me. I don't know about other stores but at mine at least 99.9% of those working on Thanksgiving volunteered too. Not sure why more stores didn't do that. Would be a lot less need for this walkout to Happen. At my store there has been no mention of it. In fact everyone seems excited to be working it as our Store Management takes good care of us the whole weekend.

At my store they only took volunteers, and more people volunteered than they had hours for (lol). Time and a half AND holiday pay? Overtime? I'm so looking forward to this paycheck.
I'm not sure about a walk-out, but I'd be much more interested in a massive snow fall that would happen on Thanksgiving.

Just imagine the chaos: over a foot of the white stuff on the ground and it's still coming down, blowing drifts, snow removal in parking lots as people fight for a parking space, temperatures in the 30's, and oh, maybe a nice layer of sleet or frozen rain to make everything just perfect.
I for one am looking forward to working that night. It means a nice big pay check for me. I don't know about other stores but at mine at least 99.9% of those working on Thanksgiving volunteered too. Not sure why more stores didn't do that. Would be a lot less need for this walkout to Happen. At my store there has been no mention of it. In fact everyone seems excited to be working it as our Store Management takes good care of us the whole weekend.

We are so short handed 10-12hr and splits are the norm for most.
Quite frankly I think it should be illegal for businesses to open before midnight Friday. I know that's a law in at least one state. I know some of you will disagree because freedoms and all that. But my position is strong on this one. There is absolutely no reason anyone should be working on Thanksgiving, beyond obvious exceptions like those in emergency services, and even they should be compensated at a legally mandated rate of time-and-a-half regular pay. Even if you don't have a family to see or a big turkey feast to attend, this holiday is far more important than the greediness of corporate retail executives and the consumption habits of the American public.
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I'm not sure about a walk-out, but I'd be much more interested in a massive snow fall that would happen on Thanksgiving.

Just imagine the chaos: over a foot of the white stuff on the ground and it's still coming down, blowing drifts, snow removal in parking lots as people fight for a parking space, temperatures in the 30's, and oh, maybe a nice layer of sleet or frozen rain to make everything just perfect.
My store had exactly that situation happen last year. In the 15 minutes between the time most team members clocked in and the doors opened, it snowed suddenly and heavily. We are near a great lake so lake-effect snow made it worse. In the first hour of business we were down $20,000 from our goal and it kept going falling from there. By 8 PM there were literally no guests in the building.
I think what makes it worse is how Spot always words its press releases ...they make it sound like each and every TM had a choice to work Thanksgiving or not...and if they CHOOSE to work they are well compensated ( I wont even touch that one ). Its kinda like adding insult to injury
Yeah, a majority of those working might be able to walk out without getting fired, but the next time you worked, looking your TL/ETL in the eyes would be difficult. They will lose a lot of respect for you....and is that really worth it?
Exactly and then all the sudden your hours start going down....Spot has a way of getting the last word one way or another .
Here is my post fom last year.

"Anyway its sad that family engagements mean nothing. My grandparents, who live a fair distance away used to come down this way for thanksgiving. They would stay in the mountains at my parents cabin for a few days then go home so the family would at lest be able to be together for dinner on Thanksgiving. When the open time for Black Friday became Black Thursday I was unable to make the trip up to the mountains and get home in time for work, it was a few hours worth of driving. I figured maybe I could just make it next year no big deal.

My Grandfather died a few months later."

This still haunts me.
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Not really a huge fan of Thanksgiving personally. Has nothing to do with not wanting to be around family or anything, I am just not a huge fan of the traditional foods to begin with. I don't mind working 4-5 hours towards the end of the day on this day anyways. Most of my families events are already rounding up and everyone's generally headed home by 4-5. My family lives all over the country and we generally just get everyone together for Christmas because there's more than 1 day we can spend with each other. I come from a very conservative family as well minus my brother and I who are completely different from the rest of the family. We both tend to really scrutinize things and use facts rather than values when it comes to making a decision.

The reason I bring up that last sentence is because I don't think that some people truly realize what really happened on Thanksgiving or where it even came from. Everything your taught from a young age in school is just a utopian fairy tale to try and get people to believe that everyone can live together and part of that is a basis to the reality of how everything played out. However when you really look at the facts when John Carver sat down with the indians of Massachusetts he basically told them that they could stay there and live in peace with them or they would be driven out. Which eventually took place anyways. We are remembering a peace treaty that was practically a threat to people who were innocent. If those indians wouldn't of accepted the treaty we as Americans would probably be remembering nothing, it would just be another day where we slaughtered a group of people to take resources from what we felt entitled to.
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Not really a huge fan of Thanksgiving personally. Has nothing to do with not wanting to be around family or anything, I am just not a huge fan of the traditional foods to begin with. I don't mind working 4-5 hours towards the end of the day on this day anyways. Most of my families events are already rounding up and everyone's generally headed home by 4-5. My family lives all over the country and we generally just get everyone together for Christmas because there's more than 1 day we can spend with each other. I come from a very conservative family as well minus my brother and I who are completely different from the rest of the family. We both tend to really scrutinize things and use facts rather than values when it comes to making a decision.

The reason I bring up that last sentence is because I don't think that some people truly realize what really happened on Thanksgiving or where it even came from. Everything your taught from a young age in school is just a utopian fairy tale to try and get people to believe that everyone can live together and part of that is a basis to the reality of how everything played out. However when you really look at the facts when John Carver sat down with the indians of Massachusetts he basically told them that they could stay there and live in peace with them or they would be driven out. Which eventually took place anyways. We are remembering a peace treaty that was practically a threat to people who were innocent. If those indians wouldn't of accepted the treaty we as Americans would probably be remembering nothing, it would just be another day where we slaughtered a group of people to take resources from what we felt entitled to.


I just don't agree with this demand that all businesses stay closed on Thanksgiving. There is NOTHING preventing you from seeing your families! Period! The problem is, you're prevented from seeing your family the exact day you want. When Thanksgiving happens is completely arbitrary! It doesn't matter! Celebrate a few days before or after! If all it's about is spending time with your family, why is that such a big deal?! Everyone seems to ignore what Thanksgiving is actually celebrating, and they decide to pretend it's about "being grateful and family." Fine! You can do that! But then why not take it a step further and pretend it's on a weekend, when it's more convenient for your whole family to congregate!

Times change, things change! Businesses have the right to stay open. They have the right to provide whatever service they provide for the legitimate demand that is there. And they have every right to ask people to work. They're asking for your time, in exchange for money. Working on Thanksgiving does not change your ability to see your family. Tradition has nothing to do with when you celebrate. If what you're upset about here is truly about not being able to be with family, then when you celebrate is of zero importance. Because you can see your family WHENEVER!

The logical thing to do is to make scheduling voluntary. You schedule volunteer workers first, seasonal help second, and then anyone else if need be. It's illogical to expect business to stay closed, however it's illogical to not allow people to request time off. But since that's how it is currently, I see this as nothing more as someone not getting what they wanted, so instead they try to drag everyone through the mud with them with a stupid walk out, so that they don't get fired for not showing up. And since the demand is, "close your doors for business" no progress get's made here, because that's not a reasonable request.
Exactly, I don't know how it is at other stores out there across the country. I know at our store though, we literally had a volunteer sheet up for everyone that WANTED to work. They had so many people sign up they had to make some people only have 4 hour shifts so they could squeeze in others to make it fair. Some of us are working 12 hours and then coming back Friday. I'm opening as GSA and then closing Hardlines the next day. I come from a ULV store and we have plenty of workers but I love my job and I love the people I work with. They're just as much my family as my actual family.

I just don't agree with this demand that all businesses stay closed on Thanksgiving. There is NOTHING preventing you from seeing your families! Period! The problem is, you're prevented from seeing your family the exact day you want. When Thanksgiving happens is completely arbitrary! It doesn't matter! Celebrate a few days before or after! If all it's about is spending time with your family, why is that such a big deal?! Everyone seems to ignore what Thanksgiving is actually celebrating, and they decide to pretend it's about "being grateful and family." Fine! You can do that! But then why not take it a step further and pretend it's on a weekend, when it's more convenient for your whole family to congregate!

Times change, things change! Businesses have the right to stay open. They have the right to provide whatever service they provide for the legitimate demand that is there. And they have every right to ask people to work. They're asking for your time, in exchange for money. Working on Thanksgiving does not change your ability to see your family. Tradition has nothing to do with when you celebrate. If what you're upset about here is truly about not being able to be with family, then when you celebrate is of zero importance. Because you can see your family WHENEVER!

The logical thing to do is to make scheduling voluntary. You schedule volunteer workers first, seasonal help second, and then anyone else if need be. It's illogical to expect business to stay closed, however it's illogical to not allow people to request time off. But since that's how it is currently, I see this as nothing more as someone not getting what they wanted, so instead they try to drag everyone through the mud with them with a stupid walk out, so that they don't get fired for not showing up. And since the demand is, "close your doors for business" no progress get's made here, because that's not a reasonable request.

Actually tradition has everything to do with when you celebrate, that is why it is called tradition.
If you change it every year it is no longer tradition, it's just a dinner that you manage to put together between everyone's schedules.
But you know what, with the way companies are getting to be these days it's harder to fit a night into everyone's schedule.
Which is why there is supposed to be at least one common day off but no, we can't even have that anymore.

You say times change like somehow that is always a good thing.
There are times when we destroy things without realizing just how much we are damaging ourselves in the process.
Nobody said that businesses shouldn't have the right to stay open.
What they should do is think for a minute about what that means to the people they employ and the world they are creating by doing it.

Sometimes we need to slow the hell down and stop.
Sure we should be thankful anytime, spend time with our families anytime, have dinner anytime, and I understand people who just don't 'get' Thanksgiving but you know what there is value in a holiday that doesn't have gift giving attached, that only has caring, being together and giving thanks as its base.
The problem is companies can't make big bucks off of this so they have been working to kill off Thanksgiving for quite a while.
Eventually it will be gone and no one will care.
The times change and sometimes it sucks.
There was a volunteer sheet up above the time clock in my store for people who wanted to work a semi-overnight shift on Wed to prep for Thursday. Not a Black Friday sheet, but we were all told numerous times to speak with our leaders or HR TL to tell them what hours we preferred to work Thurs/Fri. I said I could come in on Thurs. I mean my dad is going to see his half sisters and step mom, that I haven't seen since last Thanksgiving... But I honestly would have been given the hours I have anyways. Thanksgiving as a holiday is bullshit. But I like seeing family that I haven't seen in a while.
Actually tradition has everything to do with when you celebrate, that is why it is called tradition.
If you change it every year it is no longer tradition, it's just a dinner that you manage to put together between everyone's schedules.
But you know what, with the way companies are getting to be these days it's harder to fit a night into everyone's schedule.
Which is why there is supposed to be at least one common day off but no, we can't even have that anymore.

You say times change like somehow that is always a good thing.
There are times when we destroy things without realizing just how much we are damaging ourselves in the process.
Nobody said that businesses shouldn't have the right to stay open.
What they should do is think for a minute about what that means to the people they employ and the world they are creating by doing it.

Sometimes we need to slow the hell down and stop.
Sure we should be thankful anytime, spend time with our families anytime, have dinner anytime, and I understand people who just don't 'get' Thanksgiving but you know what there is value in a holiday that doesn't have gift giving attached, that only has caring, being together and giving thanks as its base.
The problem is companies can't make big bucks off of this so they have been working to kill off Thanksgiving for quite a while.
Eventually it will be gone and no one will care.
The times change and sometimes it sucks.

And that's all fine. But do it on Wednesday. It doesn't matter. You say "then it's just a dinner you manage to put together between everyone's schedules." as if that somehow makes seeing your family less valuable. What, do you love them less if you don't see them on the designated day on the calendar? That's ridiculous.
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