Scheduled 10a-7pm in photo, but my lab is located behind mmb, so I usually bounce between elec and photo. Ended up staying until midnight, so did a 14 hour electronics shift. We had 5 openers in electronics, 1 pulling from the stockroom, 1 doing video games, 1 in mmb, 1 in photo selling ipods/ipads, and a cashier. Two of the openers left at 6, and 2 more came on. The other 3 left around 11/12ish, leaving myself and the other two until 2pm. Then, it was just one person and a cashier. Stupidest thing I've ever seen. LOD had to come over at one point, because the other two people were on break. Between getting video games, pulling from stockroom, calling BR for TVs, and answering questions about whether or not the GPS can speak russian, I was swamped. Ended up doing a wave zone through stationary and mmb in the last 45 mins and knocked out just about all of our reshop.
Phew. I'm opening photo in the morning, so I'm going to bed!