Archived Black Friday was a "bust" at my store so far...

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We did not make sales by 70K. We have now blown away the 350K+ p-fresh gave us because we have not been making sales since our new STL. We had TM that wanted to go home but was told no it will pick up but no it did not. It just seemed like a normal Saturday for the rest of the day.
In spite of our lull and my earlier prediction that we'd miss plan, we ended up blowing it out of the water and by a sizable amount. I'm honestly very surprised.
"C" Volume store here and WE KILLED our Sales Goal! Almost by 80K!!!!! We beat the "A" volume store and the two "B" volume stores in our district. The 12am opening only spaced out the craziness for us. We were packed from 12am-4am, we slowed down from 4-8am, then it was shear maddness again until about 7pm.. Our DTL said to expect midnight next year as an opening time but dont be surprised with 10pm, guess we were on the cusp of opening at Ten after Walmart announced. Should be interesting..
I have no idea how my store did for sure, I would guess great. We really needed maps of where the Sale items were at, seems like all I said yesterday was "I don't know". Sure glad that day happens once a year anymore then that and I would choose living on the streets I think.
We're in Group 195, and our store made goal by 40k and beat forecast by over 10k

We had third highest comp % in district and Group 195 was second best group in the company...overall, I'd think by our results it was worth opening at least in this neck of the woods.
We fell short by about 15%. Crazy busy the first 2 hrs, then dead. Later in the day there was a short surge (when we had the least amt of TMs scheduled).
We did $544,000 - $545,000 on a forecast of $646,000. We always miss it by that much I want to say. We never make it or beat it during black friday so I was not surprised. I was EXTREMELY happy with the crowd control. Everything went as smooth as can be. No crazy guests either. It think it helped that it was 12am instead of like 4 or 5 am because people were still relaxed from eating and visiting family. I felt it was amazing this year.
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We missed it by $150.000 on Friday and $100.000 on Saturday. Good thing is, we were (I'm not going to say exact rank) in top 5 in the company. No 1 was the store in Delaware. Hello, no sales tax, and we have the highest in the country.
I closed both Friday and Saturday, so I missed the midnight rush and I didn't hear about sales, but we were swamped at closing on Friday night. We still have tons of reshop left over from Friday night that hasn't been worked (despite the large # of TMs on the overnight reshop/zone team).
I don't remember the exact sales but needless to say we were waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay under. I bet good old spot is kicking himself for opening up at midnight. Some TM said maybe it was the opening up at midnight that turned people off I kinda doubt that one but quite honestly the ad wasn't exactly all that great so I am sure that might of slowed sales down a bit. After about 330 A.M. we were so slow it was almost pathetic. TM were walking around aimlessly staring into space and cashiers were told to go fold tables and do reshop. TM were begging to be sent home but they made everyone stay which I understand everyone needs money ( me included) but come on people were staring into space doing nothing it was kinda stupid to have TM doing nothing.
I guess things picked up after I left because we were about 15,000 over for the day.
Which is good cause we were 10,00 down on Sat., have no idea what happened there.
My store's forecast is around $500,000. We had $200,000 at 6am. The store was dead from about 3am to 8am, then it picked up again and it was busy when I left. Not sure if we'll make our goal, if it stays busy throughout the evening then maybe we will. I'll be interested in seeing the final numbers, but I'm betting we'd do about the same in sales if we had opened at 4am instead.

Found out today we missed sales on Friday by 15k, and missed by 10k on Saturday.
Our store was crazy. Somebody knocked over an entire electronics end cap (with the fancy "electronics" sign on the top) and ripped down one of the ceiling mounted seasonal hangings. It died at about 4ish and picked up at 9. I got pulled off cashier and had to help retrieve our carts from surrounding parking lots. Running across a busy street with a cart in a orange vest was fun.
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I don't know what the goal was for Black Friday, but as of the huddle Saturday evening, we were definitely on track to meet the goal for that day.

I came in at 4:30am Friday morning knowing I would be in SL and spent the next six hours zoning men's and being incredibly bored because there were so few guests in the store. Saturday evening was a zoo for the first few hours, but we all still managed to get out of there by 12:15.
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