Archived Black Thursday 2015

What time will Target stores open on Thursday?

  • Regular hours

    Votes: 13 6.3%
  • 3:00pm

    Votes: 32 15.5%
  • 6:00pm

    Votes: 113 54.9%
  • 9:00pm

    Votes: 6 2.9%
  • midnight

    Votes: 3 1.5%
  • not opening on Thursday

    Votes: 4 1.9%
  • Friday

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • Sure do wish we'd be closed!

    Votes: 58 28.2%

  • Total voters
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My ETL said that I would be working opening shift with my Sr.GSTL. Should be interesting. I'm just glad that they didn't go any earlier this year. With a 6PM opening, I'll be able to have a thanksgiving lunch with my family and still be able to be there an hour before we open. Still super shitty, but at least I'll be making bank.
All I want is to come in at midnight and go home at like 4-8am. Just do this for me, Spot. Don't give me opening on Thanksgiving
Very surprised we aren't opening earlier. Fully expected a 4pm start, and that was being optimistic. Especially after hearing Wal-Mart is opening at 2pm. Not sure what to expect this year since I just transferred stores so no clue where they may put me.
The target facebook is comedy. There are two people judy neighbors and mike something commenting to everyone who's mad. Judy goes "but how does this affect you? I WANT to work on thanksgiving! And why didn't you boycott all year because they opened last thanksgiving"

Then mike goes "will you also boycott Wal-Mart and ALL grocery stores?"

So many of the people who want to work feel the need to speak for everyone. I don't understand it. You can be completely happy with working thanksgiving and still show sympathy to those of us who have been/will be scheduled for it against our wishes. At the very least don't pretend we don't exist when you take to facebook to defend your beloved, target.

So how much you wanna bet that those two are corporate shills
Very surprised we aren't opening earlier. Fully expected a 4pm start, and that was being optimistic. Especially after hearing Wal-Mart is opening at 2pm. Not sure what to expect this year since I just transferred stores so no clue where they may put me.

back the frick frack up where does it say 2pm for walmart
I don't think this guide is something TMs are shown and if your store is bad with communication, you might not know about the extension. I didn't know about last year's extended hours until the week they happened lol. And this year appears to be slightly different than last year. I don't think we opened 7am.

I do remember being open quite late on Christmas eve, though. My stepdad tried to go to Wal-Mart after he picked me up but they closed hours before us

The guide is available to any team member in workbench
The guide is available to any team member in workbench

I have no clue what workbench is. I've seen it mentioned here and assumed it to be some sort of tl and above application. Is it something in ehr?
I have no clue what workbench is. I've seen it mentioned here and assumed it to be some sort of tl and above application. Is it something in ehr?

It's a separate program on the computers. You log in the same, but only so many reports and stuff are available to everyone. But there's a lot of info on there.
Ohhhhhhhh. Yea, I'll probably never look at that holiday guide lol. And I don't think I'm alone so I still stand by my lil post of the extended hour info.

I didn't extend my availability (bus schedule doesn't support that idea) so I won't even be working in the extended hours.
Well, it is 6pm. Heard the announcement today.....I think that the only reason we heard today is because Black Thursday ads are being being released.
I'd hoped that Spot would have waited until later in the day to open.
One of our LODs is scheduled to come in at 2pm on Thanksgiving......that really sucks.
One of our LODs is scheduled to come in at 2pm on Thanksgiving......that really sucks.
That's about the time AP should be coming in to get prepared and interact with the guests at the front of the line.
That's about the time AP should be coming in to get prepared and interact with the guests at the front of the line.
AP leader and STL must be at the store 3 hours before opening.

The rest of the crowd control team (interior and exterior) will be coming in 1-2 hours before opening, depending on their roles.
i probably work open to 4 am it what i want i get the good pay and dont have to get up and be there at 4 am. im a night owl so !
Sooo if we open at 6pm(let's pretend) what will be doing in the meantime? Prepping the store? Zoning? Since we usually open at 8.

Btw I'm electronics and this will be my first BF.
I like to plant the seed in my HRTL and HRTMs ears what I'd prefer my schedule to be and they actually do listen to me. So, if I can do the SD from open to midnight, that's fine by me. Then I'll let them know to schedule me from 8-4 at the SD on Friday and Saturday if I'm going to be confined up front. Hopefully, I'll be able to do my normal 4am-noon shift on Sunday throughout the holiday season.
Not going to lie I always get super excited about the spend $75 get 20% off coupon. I load up on so many household items for the year when I get that coupon.
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