Archived Black Thursday 2015

What time will Target stores open on Thursday?

  • Regular hours

    Votes: 13 6.3%
  • 3:00pm

    Votes: 32 15.5%
  • 6:00pm

    Votes: 113 54.9%
  • 9:00pm

    Votes: 6 2.9%
  • midnight

    Votes: 3 1.5%
  • not opening on Thursday

    Votes: 4 1.9%
  • Friday

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • Sure do wish we'd be closed!

    Votes: 58 28.2%

  • Total voters
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Learned today I gotta come in Thanksgiving Day at 6PM. First time in 8 years I've worked TG. I'm not happy about it...
Everyone who has a TL write their schedule seems to already know what they're working. Those whose schedules are left up to HR don't know theirs yet. Ours usually is posted Friday, but I doubt it will be.
Being open late on Chrtsmas Eve annoys me more than Thanksgiving. Why should we cater to the procrastinators?
For real! I will say that last year our STL was the closing LOD and she had gs make closing announcements starting at 30 minutes. She also told them to announce that if they were not IN LINE by closing time, they would not be able to purchase anything. And she meant it. We were out of the store within 10 minutes of closing, regardless of reshop, zone conditions, etc.
I thought my schedule was set. My store is very good asking everyone their preference for Thursday and Friday. I worked Thursday last year but decided to work Friday 6am. Now I find out we are taking a truck Friday morning, probably at 4am, at the latest. If that's not bad enough, we are taking a double on Saturday. Fucking shoot me now!
All the TLs in my building minus 2 are trying to work 12 hr shifts for the open and then not have to come back Friday...leaving the floor basically leader less other than ETLs on the busiest shopping day of the year.
The busiest shopping day of the year is no longer Friday. Friday is a normal days sales now.
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Being open late on Chrtsmas Eve annoys me more than Thanksgiving. Why should we cater to the procrastinators?

Exactly. It's not like the date of Christmas changes. I... already have all my gifts figured out. I'd buy them now, but I'm waiting for the post black Friday check... Or the one before it. I like to wrap the gifts on Christmas eve while watching Nightmare Before Christmas with a drink. That's not super important, so I don't really fight working it because other people go to church or do family things.
Some people were like I'm going to start a petition it's unfair we have to work on the holidays ( I'm guessing they would have someone else do it so they wouldn't get fired) I felt like saying ya good luck with that there have been so many petitions over the years it never worked. Spot doesn't care..
Our schedule online automatically posts at midnight PST on Friday, whether it's done or not. So far, I'm working 6 days that week (I'm normally scheduled 5) and only 4 hours on Thanksgiving under "inventory". Will wait to see if it changes once the hard copy is posted in TSC.
Yea, I looked last night at 3:30et. I just checked again, though. They gave me exactly what I asked for! #Blessed. I told them I preferred to work only once and I'd be cool with an overnight. 1:30am-10 on Friday. That gives me time to sleep after dinner and games.

Hopefully doesn't change lol, because I already celebrated.
I was hoping to be off on Thanksgiving but it looks like they threw me a 4-pm - 12 am shift in the backroom that day. Ugh.
I'm guessing that there will be some people lined up outside the store on Thanksgiving evening. If so how exactly do you get into the store without letting the horde in?
I'm guessing that there will be some people lined up outside the store on Thanksgiving evening. If so how exactly do you get into the store without letting the horde in?
My store is a two entrance store, so they line up at one entrance and we enter at the usual one.

My guess is that they will have the line set back a few feet from the entrance. So whoever the line monitors are will have it set up so the rest of you can walk by and get in. If you all normally enter through a normal entrance during closing hours, a manager will be standing there to unlock the door and lock it behind each TM who comes in.
How many of you have had guests in the past attempting to get in early with the "I need to use the bathroom!" ploy?
How many of you have had guests in the past attempting to get in early with the "I need to use the bathroom!" ploy?

Not us, our guests give no shits, and got balls.

They come up to the TSC door, knock on the window (wearing red and khaki, mind you) and say that they work there. Or they'll hop the fence and try and come in behind someone else coming in. And then you have the ones that curse at us through the window to let them in.

I'm guessing that there will be some people lined up outside the store on Thanksgiving evening. If so how exactly do you get into the store without letting the horde in?

Most stores have an "employee entrance" that requires a key carrier to open.
Yeh, we always had to show our TM discount card if the HRTM didn't recognize you.
Even then they'd grill you once you got in the door & if you weren't on the grid, they'd call an ETL or HR.
Consider yourselves lucky, we have to be buzzed in by the OP, who 9/10 blindly buzzes people in. That's how we've had someone hypothetically have their purse and car stolen, as well as a bunch of electronics out the door.
Saw my schedule. 5:45-9:45 on Thursday. Gonna be interesting. I'm a little glad I'm not Cashier though, don't want to have to deal with the guests or REDCards.
5PM-7:45PM TPS
7:45PM-12:00AM whenever I feel like leaving tbh Signing

10:00AM - 6:30PM Electronics

God has smiled upon me and given me this day off for some reason seriously how did this happen
Thursday: 5:45pm - 10 pm

Thought I would get more hours than that but my TL must like me lol.
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