Archived Black Thursday 2015

What time will Target stores open on Thursday?

  • Regular hours

    Votes: 13 6.3%
  • 3:00pm

    Votes: 32 15.5%
  • 6:00pm

    Votes: 113 54.9%
  • 9:00pm

    Votes: 6 2.9%
  • midnight

    Votes: 3 1.5%
  • not opening on Thursday

    Votes: 4 1.9%
  • Friday

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • Sure do wish we'd be closed!

    Votes: 58 28.2%

  • Total voters
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A couple of people in my store have begun setting wagers on opening time for Black Friday this year, and since November is right around the corner, like literally down the street, I thought I'd bring the "fun" to you guys here.

So I'll display my bet as, 8AM. I went back and forth between 8AM and 6PM but I've decided that spot has decided it's all or nothing this year.
I think that 8 AM would be too ambitious. I think it'll be earlier than last year, but probably nothing too crazy.
The word Black Friday should be banned. One of the most stupid things that exists. At this point we should open at like 2pm...see how much people REALLY want to get their stuff if they have family things planned.
REI has been closed every year on Thanksgiving, refusing to cave into the pressure. Now, they're taking it a step further and closing on Black Friday, too. What's more? They're paying their employees for a full day's wage too, so employees who need the money aren't hurt in the process.

This is an incredible move to respect not only the family but the things in life that are more important than consumerism.
It was 6 last year, 8 the year before, so i predict 4 pm at the latest. lets hope not, but who knows.
I am going with a 3pm opening on Turkey Day.

Target always makes the announcement on the as I call it now "Grey Thursday" hours after Walmart makes their announcement, we must never allow Wally World to win! The hours should be announced about two weeks out because it takes the printers of the ad to get it ready for distribution even though we get advanced copies of the ad, notice that the dates and times of the specials aren't listed.
The REI announcement led to #BlackFriday trending so I clicked it and I'm scrolling through the tweets. In the mix of people tweeting about going outside (that's what rei is advocating for instead of shopping) I saw a tweet from a tgt store exec with a pic of their meeting planning for Black Friday crowd control lol. The juxtaposition of that tweet in the mix of people cheering on that store not opening was funny to me.

I voted 4pm. And that's my most optimistic guess.
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