Archived Black Thursday 2015

What time will Target stores open on Thursday?

  • Regular hours

    Votes: 13 6.3%
  • 3:00pm

    Votes: 32 15.5%
  • 6:00pm

    Votes: 113 54.9%
  • 9:00pm

    Votes: 6 2.9%
  • midnight

    Votes: 3 1.5%
  • not opening on Thursday

    Votes: 4 1.9%
  • Friday

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • Sure do wish we'd be closed!

    Votes: 58 28.2%

  • Total voters
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As always if it is early, I feel bad for the "guests" that have to get there 2 hrs prior to opening to get the doorbusters. Whenever Target opens there will be a crowd waiting and the earlier it is, the more empty hours in the middle of the night that employees have to be paid for. Sort of silly and self defeating especially when you are paying team members time and a half for Thursday.

I called it a few weeks ago and I'm sticking by it.
I think 4pm! Target is going back every two hours each year it seems! but hey I don't care since I am gone! I will NOT be shopping on black Thursday I will be with my family! This is my daughter's first thanksgiving... I am not missing one second of it! 🙂
I don't have a clue. I hope it's not earlier than last year but dammit, I imagine it will be. So long, Thanksgiving!

Now, forgive me for crawling to the nearest corner where I'll cover my head with a blanket, curl into the fetal position and tell myself, for the umpteenth time "By this time next year I'll be out of the hellhole that is Target."
After my ETL-HR guilted convinced me to work Thanksgiving, I was told the earliest possible shift started at 5:45 pm, so I'm going to go with 6pm.
After my ETL-HR guilted convinced me to work Thanksgiving, I was told the earliest possible shift started at 5:45 pm, so I'm going to go with 6pm.
They don't know. No one knows anything for sure until spot releases the hours. We usually end up making a schedule and then frantically remaking it when they let us know the actual time we're opening the week before. And then that one year they changed hours again less than a week before.
those Corprates who I am sure WONT be working will just be telling us the week of I am sure they say to themselves "well lets make a ton of money and make our worker bees come in because they don't have friends of family to spend the holiday with" I know one lady who cant work black Thursday/Friday because of a court order that says she has to bring your daughter home to her ex husband to spend the weekend with him!
As always if it is early, I feel bad for the "guests" that have to get there 2 hrs prior to opening to get the doorbusters. Whenever Target opens there will be a crowd waiting and the earlier it is, the more empty hours in the middle of the night that employees have to be paid for. Sort of silly and self defeating especially when you are paying team members time and a half for Thursday.

I dont feel bad..its dont need to do it they choose to be there
My bet is 6PM. I do believe that they are aware of the negativity of being open on Thanksgiving and 6PM is the earliest they would open. The reports of those few companies that are staying closed are starting to gain traction in the media. People think they are angels for staying closed (rightfully so) and soon it will be frowned upon to be open on Turkey Day. I think this year will be a turning point for Black Friday.
I don't feel bad for the guests, either. They don't *have* to shop that day. There isn't a deal out there that's worth it to me to give up time with my family (or drag them all along), stand in line for hours, and endure the nightmare that is Black Friday. If I didn't have to work that day I certainly wouldn't be in any retail establishment.
Are you saying they would open for 24 hours on Thursday, even Target isn't stupid enough to do this.
Yep. I don't feel "bad" for the guests who chose to shop on Thanksgiving. We are not a hospital. We don't need to be open.
Agreed... they are there by their own freewill! no one from Target is twisting their arm and forcing them to shop!
I am going with 6, even though word at my store is 4 pm.

I caught on the news that retailers saw a 10% decrease in BF weekend sales over 2013. Yet most stores were open more hours due to the fact that they were open on Thursday/Thanksgiving. It doesn't make sense to throw more money at payroll if your sales can't support that expense. Couple this with the public backlash and the ever growing online shopping, I think BF starting on TGiving will be on its way out.
well its begun the lines at least for Best Buy ...

this is for a good cause thou ...

This Florida man is spending more than a month in Best Buy’s parking lot – but not simply because he wants deals on electronics.

Instead, Kevin Sutton is spending 33 days outside of an Orlando, Fla. Best Buy to raise awareness and funds to assist the homeless.

Why one man is already camping out at Best Buy for Black Friday

Im opening again this year. Whatever time that is.

And truth is, nobody at the store or district level knows what time we will open. It hasn't been decided yet. Expect something about two weeks out.
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