Archived Black Thursday 2015

What time will Target stores open on Thursday?

  • Regular hours

    Votes: 13 6.3%
  • 3:00pm

    Votes: 32 15.5%
  • 6:00pm

    Votes: 113 54.9%
  • 9:00pm

    Votes: 6 2.9%
  • midnight

    Votes: 3 1.5%
  • not opening on Thursday

    Votes: 4 1.9%
  • Friday

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • Sure do wish we'd be closed!

    Votes: 58 28.2%

  • Total voters
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Normally someone here figures it out a few weeks before Thanksgiving.

Shit will going to hell if we open at 2pm
Lol everyone here here complaining about working on Thanksgiving while I'm plotting on how to my biggest check of the year lmao.

I'll be the first on the sign up list.

My store already had a sign up list out a week ago.
It was for set up for early on Thursday I believe
Well I called it last year two week early that we'd open st 6 and I was right. So saying it now it will be 4pm this year.
Black Friday so boring. The 9pm year wasn't bad, 8 wasn't even terrible, but last year was lame. I asked for one long overnight shift and they made me open then go home for 7 hours and come back. If Thursday is now Friday then don't wanna work twice on one "Friday."

Thanksgiving is my fave. Watching people run around for trash tvs, and thin towels is just not a good replacement for collards, baked mac, ham and sweet potato pie before playing HeadsUp with the fam. Or cranium. Cranium is fun. I passionately hummed A Whole New World last time I played. It was pretty dope.

Disclaimer: I still had all of those foods last year, but as we creep earlier the possibility for that lessens.
Black Friday so boring. The 9pm year wasn't bad, 8 wasn't even terrible, but last year was lame. I asked for one long overnight shift and they made me open then go home for 7 hours and come back. If Thursday is now Friday then don't wanna work twice on one "Friday."

I agree. The first 2 years I worked at Target we opened at 5am & then 4am. Those Black Fridays FLEW by we were busy from the start and stayed busy during the entire 8 hours I worked. I opened the year we opened at 9pm on Thanksgiving. I was one of the few who were scheduled to come in at 7pm to get the store ready for open. I was concerned when there were only TWO people in line when I arrived! The line did build and we were busy at open, but then it slowed down in the middle of the night. I was in charge of the softlines team and we zoned thru everything twice during our shift.

The last couple years I have told them (when asked what I would work) that I don't want to work on Thanksgiving nor do I want to work in the middle of the night (these shifts have been VERY boring, it is slow because the whole day is watered down by the early opening). They have given me the schedule that I requested every year, but I worry that as the Black "Friday" weekend lengthens this is going to become impossible for leadership to follow team members scheduling requests. Some stores are probably already at this point (or their leadership doesn't care enough to make any extra effort). But until this Thanksgiving creep keeps our guests from coming out in droves, I'm afraid this trend will continue.
this is going to become impossible for leadership to follow team members scheduling requests.

My store does not honor any requests for these days. All TMs are scheduled to work if they are needed. Period. Whenever and wherever you are needed.
We probably won't know what time we are opening till the 12 th when that schedule for thanksgiving week comes out. I can see it only leaking maybe 1 day earlier like on the 11 th.

If we have an HR TM on here, someone spill the T.
In a way I wish Spot would cut the pretense and just open with regular hours on Thanksgiving.
Stop pretending they give a shit about the holiday at all because they don't and are just out to grab every penny they can.
Just put a stake in the heart of Thanksgiving instead of cutting off one limb at a time.
I don't mind working earlier on Thanksgiving. It beats the hell out of working super duperty late/into Friday sunrise. Also, I'm easily persuaded when you tell me i get time and a half!
I find it laughable how Target is so sneaky and vague about the hours for Black Friday.

I mean come on, we know why you do it. You want to hold out as long as you can so people can't bullshit and get out of Black Friday.

Just have the stupid store open regular hours on Thanksgiving.
Out Starbucks TMs just got their hours. The mid shift is starting at 5:30, so figure the opener comes in at around 2:30 or 3 to prep, and it'll be open by 4.

But that's just the Starbucks. Won't know actual hours for the whole store yet, but it's a clue.
Except complain about a lack of REDCard sign-ups.

Fast, Fun, Friendly!

EDIT - On the topic of Black Friday and 4th Quarter in general, is it just me or is there a surprising lack of seasonal TM's this year? We've only had one so far.
I think at my store I've had at least 2 or 3 full orientations of Seasonals. It's weird lol.
We couldn't hire enough seasonals last year so leadership told us is was 'an opportunity to pick up extra hours for holiday $$'!
Yay, us....
I finally got to page 15 or so with the hours for each day lol. They are closing each night of their black... Weekend sale.

Edit: 4am for their website. I saw the am and was so disgusted I didn't continue reading. Omg.
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Who goes to Michaels for BF though?? All your Christmas crafts should be done by now. They've had Christmas shit since July. And this is coming from a die hard Joann and Michaels fan.
So whomever gets gifts for you might want to go!
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