Archived BTS Question

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The reason the leaders are so concerned about the survey is because this year it counts towards AE. If you don't make a certain score that's points right off the top for AE. That in turn means we all get shit raises when AE is bad.
As a HR I can honestly answer any questions you have about the survey.

ASANTS, but I can tell you how it is supposed to work in best practice.

In my store, we didn't do any bribing with food events. If it wasn't already on the fun calendar, we didn't do it. I did set my team up on the computer, but I had my HRTM do most of it so no one felt pressured. None of my TLs or ETLs were allowed near there if someone was taking the survey.

We did give a speech on only agreeing or disagreeing or leaving it blank. The neither answer in the middle is a negative count (idk why). Other then that, I told my team to be honest.

We do get the feedback on each question by workcenters. For those who question the anonymity of the survey, we do not see any of the optional demographic questions or anything. We just see "oh, logistics says there isn't enough equipment" or "cashiers want to volunteer more". I can't track who said what or rated what.

If you guys have any other questions on the survey, lmk!
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