The huge problem with electronics, is you can't return and resell. It gets ticketed as crc.
You can't return something and turn around and sell it. All items but electronics need to go back on the floor before you can resell it. When guest service doesn't follow that, they can get in trouble. The only way to return a game is if it's unopened. If it is opened, they are suppose to get a new one, open it in front of you to inspect it and give it to you.
This promotion has a clause basically. It's not on sale if you just buy the game. The return policy has changed dramatically but it hasn't changed the way electronics work.
I know there are other games that qualify for the 30% off with a reservation card, because I took advantage of it. So I recommend, letting it go, pick out another game and get that deal. You've obviously enjoyed the game, so look at it as money well spent.